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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TUHO --- ---
    Paradni prehled aktualnich energetickych toku

    electricityMap | Live CO₂ emissions of electricity consumption
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    BUBBLE --- ---
    Green New Deal for Europe – DiEM25's solution for ecological transition
    BUBBLE --- ---
    David Adler a Paweł Wargan podrobili zdrcující kritice klimatické plány EU, které spojuje jediný cíl: zachovat zisky kapitálu.

    Nespravedlivý přechod: Evropský Zelený úděl a zrada generace – !Argument
    GOJATLA --- ---
    Zelení aktivisté chtějí narušit valnou hromadu banky. Vadí jim uhlobaron - Seznam Zprávy

    Banka Moneta dnes požádala ekologické organizace sdružené v iniciativě Zastavme špinavé prachy, aby upustily od plánů narušit jednání valné hromady banky, která se koná v pondělí 20. prosince. Akcionáři tam mají rozhodovat o plánovaném spojení se společnostmi ze skupiny PPF a navýšení kapitálu banky.
    KEB --- ---
    PETER_PAN: někde u nás by mělo být něco podobného, skleníky, ryby atd
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    Tohle mi prijde dost on topic: https://youtu.be/vnaTOML0ymo houby/ryby/sklenik
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: Vypada dobre, dikec
    TADEAS --- ---
    Ugo Bardi: The concept of "EROEI" (energy returned for energy invested) revisited from a biophysical viewpoint. Surprisingly, it turns out to be a widespread concept that involves many different kinds of complex systems, not just energy producing technology. It appears in economics, in epidemiology, in nuclear physics, and in the widespread concept of "trophic chain." A fascinating series of discoveries.

    2021 The Role of Energy Return on Energy Invested (EROEI) in Complex Adaptive Systems

    for the first time, we report that the Lotka–Volterra model, usually confined to the study of the biology of populations, can represent a powerful tool to estimate the EROEI of dissipative systems and, in particular, those systems subjected to depletion. This assessment is important to evaluate the ongoing energy transition since it provides us with a model for the decline of the EROEI in the exploitation of fossil fuels
    TUHO --- ---
    interesting times

    "Scientists have discovered a series of worrying weaknesses in the ice shelf holding back one of Antarctica’s most dangerous glaciers, suggesting that this important buttress against sea level rise could shatter within the next three to five years.
    Until recently, the ice shelf was seen as the most stable part of Thwaites Glacier, a Florida-sized frozen expanse that already contributes about 4 percent of annual global sea level rise. Because of this brace, the eastern portion of Thwaites flowed more slowly than the rest of the notorious “doomsday glacier.”
    But new data show that the warming ocean is eroding the eastern ice shelf from below. Satellite images taken as recently as last month and presented Monday at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union show several large, diagonal cracks extending across the floating ice wedge."

    TADEAS --- ---

    Will the owners of the blue planet between Venus and Mars please attend to your vehicle.

    It is overheating.
    SEJDA --- ---
    DZODZO: jde o pomer spali se 90 % pri startu? 60 % do 40 km?
    DZODZO --- ---
    SEJDA: a co palivo co budu starshipy dotankovavat na orbite? tam ma prebehnut nejaky refuel pred cestou na mars, to palivo sa nasledne nebude spalovat v atmosfere
    SEJDA --- ---
    Musk nenavrhuje zadne perpetum mobile.
    On navrhuje stroj, ktery premeni atmosfericke CO2 na CH4 (asi), ktere potom v atmosfere zase spali.
    Protoze na svete neexistuje zadny stroj, ktery by primo nebo neprimo neprodukoval sklenikove emise, da se snadno dovodit, ze pokud bude vetsina paliva spalena v nizsich vrstach atmosfery, pujde o proces, ktery nebude ani neutralni natoz nejaky negativni.
    Muzeme jenom srovnat to, kolik fosilnich paliv se spotrebuje nyni, resp. usetri potom (jestli vubec nejake).

    Z textu, ktery musk nasdilel je jasne, ze ani neplanuje, ze by dany stroj mel slouzit, pro stahovani CO2 z atmosfery, nebot zjevne existuji metody, ktere jsou mnohem efektivnejsi.
    DZODZO --- ---
    TUHO: to je skor taka pozemska priprava na ziskavanie paliva z atmosfery marsu, ale ak tym offsetuju nejake emisie, tak tym lepsie, myslim ze u starshipu je to palivo tak nejako fifty fifty lox s metanom
    TUHO --- ---
    PER2: Creating carbon neutral emergency exit? :D
    PER2 --- ---
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