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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---

    'Dangerous territory': Western Canada sees extreme cold reaching -56 C
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    Nemonte Nenquimo: The forest is our teacher. It's time to respect it | TED Talk

    For thousands of years, the Amazon rainforest has provided food, water and spiritual connection for its Indigenous inhabitants and the world. But the endless extraction of its natural resources by oil companies and others is destroying the lives of those who live there, says Waorani leader Nemonte Nenquimo, and threatening the overall stability of Earth's biosphere. In this powerful talk, she reminds us of the destruction that continues to happen to the world's largest tropical rainforest -- and demands respect for Mother Nature. "The forest is our teacher," she says. (Filmed in Ecuador by director Tom Laffay and associate producer Emily Wright, in collaboration with Amazon Frontlines. In Spanish with subtitles.)
    TADEAS --- ---
    Brazil’s Amazon hit by worst deforestation since 2006

    The Amazon in Brazil lost more than 5,000 square miles of rainforest from August 2020 to July 2021, the government research center said in a report that was dated Oct. 27 and shared on Thursday. It was the fourth year in a row that the rate of deforestation rose, it said.

    Climate activists have warned of the risks of letting the global pledge fall short: The devastation of forests drives up greenhouse gas emissions, and Global Forest Watch found the world lost 411 million hectares of forest between 2001 and 2020 — roughly half the size of the United States.
    TADEAS --- ---
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    TADEAS: a co kdo čekal? Že se během pandemie magicky sama vybudovala zelená infrastrutura? Tohleto divení se, jaktože to zase stoupá na původní úroveň, přichází po každý recesi.
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    Alaska sets record high December temperature of 19.4C | US news | The Guardian
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    Greta Thunberg on the State of the Climate Movement and the roots of her power as an activist


    “Right now, what’s holding us back is that we lack that political will. We don’t prioritize the climate today. Our goal is not to lower emissions. Our goal is to find solutions that allow us to continue life [as it is] today. And, of course, you can ask, “Can’t we have both?” But the uncomfortable truth is that we have left it too late for that. Or the world leaders have left it too late for that. We need to fundamentally change our societies now. If we would have started 30 years ago, it would have been much smoother. But now it’s a different situation.”
    TADEAS --- ---
    A Ač

    Post-covidová obnova ekonomiky mala byť "zelená". Teda taká, ktorá sa menej spolieha na fosílne palivá, a (ideálne) naštartuje rýchlejší pokles globálnej spotreby fosílnych palív. Nič také sa však nestalo.

    V roku 2021 narástla globálna emisia CO2 najviac v histórii hneď po roku 2010. Celková spotreba fosílnych palív sa tak priblížila k pred-pandemickému rekordu z roku 2019.

    Šancu održať oteplenie "výrazne pod 2° C" sme už premrhali, udržať oteplenie pod 2 °C je extrémne nepravdepodobné.

    Samozrejme, vždy sa môžeme spoliehať na to, že "budúci rok to bude lepšie".

    TADEAS --- ---
    komu se nelibi don't look up muze zvolit puvodni verzi ,)

    Mumínci ve filmu - Kometa se blíží cz.avi | Ulož.to
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    K zemi hleď! jako léčba smíchem. Od Dr. Divnolásky nebyla apokalypsa tak vtipná
    TUHO --- ---
    Scientists build new atlas of ocean's oxygen-starved waters
    DZODZO --- ---
    budu padat teplotne rekordy, who would've guessed?!

    Konec roku v kraťasech. Přichází razantní oteplení - Novinky.cz
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Gates optimistický

    . In the next five years, Breakthrough Energy and the European Commission will mobilize up to $1 billion (£722 million) to build large-scale commercial demonstration projects for climate-smart technologies, generating the learning-by-doing that is essential to lowering the costs of new solutions. Even more partnerships like this one will emerge in 2022.

    A Clean Industrial Revolution Is the Only Way to Hit Net Zero | WIRED
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    Critics of “Don’t Look Up” Are Missing the Entire Point ❧ Current Affairs
    TADEAS --- ---
    Mustard, fries in short supply due to Canada climate woes

    Japan, for example, McDonald's has been forced to ration fries as the British Columbia floods squeezed potato imports, while mustard producers in France are forecasting steep price increases because the drought in another part of Canada—the world's biggest producer of mustard grains—cut supplies.

    "When we look back at the state of the agriculture sector in 2021, we can say this year has been marked by extreme climate change weather events," Agriculture Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau said in a recent speech.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: ctu si ten Termination Shock. je tam hezka ilustrace

    “You’re saying that removing the carbon from the atmosphere would bea bigger project than putting sulfur into it,” Saskia said.
    “We would have to make a pile of carbon the size of Mount Rainier.
    About thirty cubic miles. Imagine a cube a mile on a side, full of this stuff.”
    He rested his hand a little more gently on the carbon jar. “And now imaginethirty of those. To get that done in any reasonable amount of time—let’s say fifty years—you have to imagine a 747 cargo freighter loaded with pure
    elemental carbon dumping it onto the pile every nine seconds for fifty years, 24/7/365,” T.R. said. “Now, maybe someone will make that happen. But they gotta be a whole lot richer and more powerful than everyone sitting
    around this table put together.”
    PETRAELECTRA --- ---
    Kniha je výzkumnou zprávou o lidech, kteří mají vysoké environmentální hodnoty a snaží se žít v souladu s nimi. Vychází z kvalitativního sociologického výzkumu

    V souladu s přírodou: politika životního stylu, udržitelnost a soběstačnost | Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i.
    MARSHUS --- ---
    INK_FLO: děsnej return idiocracy.
    INK_FLO --- ---
    Leonardo DiCaprio zjistil, že climatic change aktivismus skrze dokumenty a přednášky nefunguje, tak to zkouší "zábavnou" formou angažované variace na "Melancholii". Satira/alegorie je zcela očividná, přesná a mrazivá, v první půlce je to humorné, pak vám úsměv začne pomalu tuhnout. Je tam všechno včetně arogance, stupidity, populismu, chamtivosti, povrchnosti, slepoty, osudových promluv alá "Network" a Elona Muska zdrhajícího do vesmíru, opravdu síla a smutný je, že nás to čeká všechny (jestli ne nás, tak naše děti).

    DON'T LOOK UP | Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence | Official Trailer | Netflix
    XCHAOS --- ---
    PER2: to, že se se jih Grónska postupně přesouvá do mírného pásma, je takový úlet sám o sobě :-) Arboretum tam mají už nějaký čas a evidentně se tam stromům bude dařit víc a víc... faktem je, že emigrace do Grónska mě nezní až ta špatně. Jižní špička Grónska je asi na úrovni Helsinek :-) Jen je to hodně kopcovatý/fjordovatý, takže spíš jako Norsko.
    Qinngua Valley - Wikipedia
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