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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    New Grazing Methods May Preserve Grasslands, Keep Carbon in Soil - The New York Times
    INK_FLO --- ---
    23% of people would prefer if the comet didn't hit at all, which is way up since the last week.
    KEB --- ---
    SHEFIK: Mam pocit, že se dají koupit i dluhopisy
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: velky energeticko materialovy a financni vstupy, jako hlavni materialovej vstup do toho biologickyho systemu se pouziva krmivo pro ryby, coz jsou typicky peletky z hlubokomorskyho vylovu. tohle je pro me osobne velkej road block pokud bych mel sam do stavby a provozu takovyho systemu investovat, spolu s plynem, kterej se obvykle pouziva pri vyhrivani skleniku k preklenuti zimniho obdobi.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    #sustainability #futureFarming

    Ročně má farma o velikosti jednoho hektaru produkovat 1220 tun potravin

    V Letonicích vznikne další aquaponická farma na zeleninu a chov ryb - Ekolist.cz
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Uhlikova stopa baterii (chile->sanghai->eu) a "eko" plany Northvoltu

    Čistší baterie přicházejí. Northvolt zahájil výrobu lithiových článků ve Švédsku - Aktuálně.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Early humans gained energy budget by increasing rate of energy acquisition, not energy-saving adaptation
    TADEAS --- ---
    The West’s Unprecedented Water Crisis Is Worsening - The Atlantic

    It is no secret that one of the worst droughts in 1,000 years is intensifying heat waves and megafires; that historic drops in surface-water levels coincide with historic spikes in demand as the region grows hotter, drier, and more populated; or that conflicts are escalating over who gets to use how much of what remains. Acute scarcity drives the search for water underground. But the West’s major aquifers are in trouble, too.

    Aquifers are essential resources for human survival. Groundwater provides the only source of drinking water for one-third of the world’s people and supports nearly half of the planet’s irrigated agriculture. Yet far more groundwater is being pumped out than can be naturally replenished. Most dry-area aquifers are vanishing. These include the two primary groundwater systems in the western United States: California’s Central Valley aquifer and the Ogallala Aquifer, which underlies America’s heartlands from South Dakota to Texas. If we lose these aquifers, we lose nearly 20 percent of the world’s grain crop, more than 40 percent of our nation’s beef production, and about 40 percent of the vegetables, nuts, and fruits consumed in the United States.


    Some consequences of aquifer loss are already visible in western Kansas, where I grew up and where my family has farmed for generations. Eight decades of intensive pumping caused the water table to plummet. Nearly all springs and streams have gone dry. Most wells have dwindled, and many have been emptied altogether. Now the same place that nurtured generations of my family has one of the world’s highest rates of aquifer decline.

    Today, the same deep-well irrigation that gave farmers like my great-grandfather a second chance after the Dust Bowl, in the 1930s, is exhausting the portion of the aquifer that remains. This poses a threat to the existence of many Plains communities, which have already been hit hard by the corporate takeover of farmland, declining populations, rising deaths from suicide and substance abuse, and racial and economic inequities. The profits of industrial agriculture flow from groundwater; so do our communities’ tax bases, land values, and budgets for hospitals, schools, and social services.


    As Earth warms and droughts intensify, these pressures will only increase.

    When groundwater runs out, myths of growth and profit collapse into dust. Drying aquifers can result in starvation, migration, and violence. Or they can prompt us to rethink our relationship to one another and to the irreplaceable natural resources that we share. Aquifers belong to everyone, and especially to future generations.
    PER2 --- ---
    Boulder, Colorado and surrounding towns

    A series of grass fires have evolved into a major situation in Colorado. The fire, called the Marshall Fire, is located just south of Boulder city limits. Fires started between 1100 and 1300 local time after wind gusts of over 105 miles per hour were recorded, bringing down power lines in the area. Wind gusts continue to fuel the fire, which has caused aerial tankers not to be able to assist ground units in firefighting operations. The towns of Superior (12,000 people) and Louisville (18,000 people) are under mandatory evacuation orders as fires threaten the two towns.
    PER2 --- ---
    meanwhile in usa kousek nad denverem

    z windy

    TADEAS --- ---
    A Powerful Winter Heat Dome with Record-Breaking Temperatures is Forecast as Europe Heads into New Year 2022
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    adela o dotacich

    m m vám daruje následující článek Spor o nastavení zemědělských dotací. Mohou ovlivnit, jak bude česká krajina vypadat a jak ustojí změnu klimatu
    TADEAS --- ---
    Biosphere and Climate Emergency AGU 2021
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: podle bydleni to vypada, ze ma pan Varoufakis velmi malou uhlikovou stopu
    TADEAS --- ---
    End of year (2021) message from Yanis Varoufakis | DiEM25
    TADEAS --- ---
    KEB: jakoze jestli je to efektivni forma prechodu na regenerativni management ekosyatemi coz je v principu to jedine co nam umozni dal pokracovat v exiatenci na sousi? ... urcite ,)
    KEB --- ---
    Na poslední chvíli: stát překope dotace vstřícné k velkoagrárníkům | Týdeník pro ekonomiku, politiku a byznys

    Co myslíte bude to k něčemu?
    TADEAS --- ---
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