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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    TUHO: ano, většina dnešních korálů možná, nikde není psaný, že se nedaj založit nový na místech, kde se po týhle změně vyskytnou optimální podmínky.
    TUHO --- ---
    OMNIHASH: No, tak bys to mohl rict nejakejm oceanologum, protoze teda co jsem pochopil, tak ty tvrdej neco jinyho. Vetsina koralu ma tohle stoleti vymrit. Protoze moc rychly otepleni, snizovani zasaditosti oceanu, znecisteni a dalsi stresy.

    Last refuges for the world’s ailing coral reefs could vanish completely if global warming exceeds 1.5C above pre-industrial levels, a study finds.
    Across the world, coral reefs and the wildlife that depends on them face a severe threat from marine heatwaves, which have become 34% more likely over the past century.
    At present, 84% of coral reefs are located in regions where conditions allow them to withstand the impact of marine heatwaves, the research says.
    However, at 1.5C of global warming, this figure is projected to drop to just 0.2%. And at 2C of global warming, the study projects that all last refuges for coral reefs will cease to exist.

    Last refuges for coral reefs to disappear above 1.5C of global warming, study finds - Carbon Brief
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: "novel entities"

    ‘Complete crisis’ as PFAS discovery upends life and livelihood of young Maine farming family | Maine Public
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    GOJATLA: uplně stejně, jako to děláme dneska, jenom dál od rovníku.

    Proč by byly korálový útesy odepsaný? Oceány jsou dost velký na to, abys pro ně našel ideální prostředí při takřka libovolný teplotě.
    GOJATLA --- ---
    PER2: Modlej se za Turow, no.
    GOJATLA --- ---
    OMNIHASH: Mně to moc pozitivní nepřijde. Zádrhel je v tom "když na to přijde". Kdo vykoupí pozemky zabrané místo pralesa? Jak obnovíme prales ve světě +2 nebo +3 C? Zbytky shoří samy od sebe, už ani nebude potřeba kácet. A obnovovat korálový útesy? No to je marnost největší, proč? Ty jsou odepsaný.
    TADEAS --- ---

    A Dangerous Combo of Winter Storm Dudley and Eunice heads for the UK, Benelux, and Germany this week, after the wild North Atlantic response to an Active Polar Vortex aloft
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    GOJATLA: pozitivní zpráva je, že když na to příjde, jsme schopný tyhle komplikovaný ekosystémy obnovovat proti přírodě skoro stejně extrémním tempem, jako je ničíme. Teď jsem koukal na pokrok na jednom atolu na Maledivách, kde jsem byl cca pět let zpátky, a jde jim to hrozně pěkně. Ono taky čekat na to, až se les/korálovej útes sám obnoví a aktivně sázet komonenty, žejo...

    Coral Rehabilitation Maldives | Reviving Maldives' Coral Reefs Ecosystem
    TADEAS --- ---
    akce k regenerativnimu zemedelstvi 2. brezna v praze

    Konference ŽIVÁ KRAJINA , Mar 2

    Pojďte s námi hledat odpovědi a řešení na společné problémy a inspirovat se od kolegů, kteří dokáží vypěstovat 10 tun kukuřice/ha regenerativním způsobem bez použití hnojiv. Mají půdu plnou života a dosahují skvělých výnosů. Přijměte pozvání na konferenci Živá krajina, která bude už 2. března. Půda má obrovskou sílu regenerace. A kdo jiný, než vy ji dokážete správně naslouchat a obnovit.

    Kromě řady odborníků a expertů se na konferenci můžete těšit na předsedu družstva Roberta Dohála ze slovenského ZD Krakovany, který má několikaleté zkušenosti s regenerativní způsobem hospodaření. Pozvání přijal i Petr Vlasák z moravskoslezské zemědělské skupiny RenoFarmy, Erich Vodňanský z rodinné farmy Statek Vodňanský a další hosté.
    KEB --- ---
    Břidlicový plyn zřejmě dostal ve Spojeném království definitivní stopku, úřad nařídil trvalé uzavření vrtů
    PER2 --- ---
    polaci se malo modlej
    TADEAS --- ---
    U.S. sea levels to rise by a foot through 2050, causing "profound" flooding - Axios

    NOAA's new sea level rise report finds about a foot of additional sea level rise is locked in through 2050, with the number of flood days in coastal communities increasing by a factor of 10.

    Sea Level Rise Technical Report: Download and FAQs
    TADEAS --- ---
    'A line of fire': Argentina blaze burns 500,000 hectares amid drought | Reuters

    'A devastating wildfire in the northern Argentine province of Corrientes has spread to cover more than 500,000 hectares... Corrientes produces farm products including citrus fruits, rice, tobacco, yerba mate, cotton, livestock & forestry.'
    TADEAS --- ---
    Eradicating ‘extreme poverty’ would raise global emissions by less than 1% - Carbon Brief

    The study, published in Nature Sustainability, highlights the global inequality in emissions between people in rich and poor countries. For example, it finds that the average carbon footprint of a person living in sub-Saharan Africa is 0.6 tonnes of carbon dioxide (tCO2). Meanwhile, the average US citizen produces 14.5tCO2 per year.

    The authors find that the average carbon footprint in the top 1% of emitters was more than 75-times higher than that in the bottom 50%.

    Impacts of poverty alleviation on national and global carbon emissions | Nature Sustainability
    TADEAS --- ---
    Cammy Lockwood: Farming in a climate crisis — The Discourse.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Karen Braun

    Why the concern about #Ukraine? It is a key grain exporter and it's unknown if a conflict with Russia would disrupt shipments, pressuring global food security

    #Ukraine was #China's top #corn supplier until last year, when the U.S. took over (Ukraine had a short crop in 2020 and China's corn needs rose drastically). Is China confident Ukr can supply? Can Ukr ship China's purchases? Will U.S. supplies have to sub in? All valid questions.

    This is the focus of the U.S. corn market, but beyond that, countries where food security is a top concern - in the Middle East and North Africa - rely heavily on Ukraine's exports. Disruptions in that trade, if severe enough, could have dire consequences for those citizens.



    Ukraine crisis sends grain prices soaring, threatens food security - Nikkei Asia

    Food prices could soar even higher if conflict were to break out between Russia & Ukraine, top producers of corn & wheat that are a staple to billions around the world, and raise the specter of runaway inflation & political instability in the Middle East.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Joe Rogan v Andrew Dressler

    Andrew Dessler is a climate scientist and professor of Atmospheric Sciences at Texas A&M University. He served as a Senior Policy Analyst in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy under President Bill Clinton, and is a Google Science Communication Fellow. Dessler is also the author of several books, among them the award-winning "Introduction to Modern Climate Change."
    TADEAS --- ---
    Prepare for mass migration to cities in climate crisis, UK mayors warn | Climate crisis | The Guardian

    Mass migration to some of the world’s cities due to the climate emergency is already under way and the World Bank has estimated that unless significant action is taken, 216 million people could be on the move by 2050. In 2020, 30 million people were displaced due to the climate crisis, and 70% of people internally displaced due to the climate crisis are living in urban areas. The World Bank predicts that more than 1 billion people are at risk of being driven from their homes for climate-related reasons.
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