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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    FAO Food Price Index | World Food Situation | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

    XCHAOS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: pokud by se počítal i beton, tak Čína rozhodně nebude za EU zaostávat :-)
    DZODZO --- ---
    XCHAOS: za mna osobne najtragickejsi dosledok tohoto zaplavovania bude, ze az bude pod vodou Florida, tak uz nebudu vznikat nove "Florida man..." clanky a meme

    SHEFIK: k tomu plytvaniu som v nejakej diskusii cital (mozno aj tu, ale alzheimer...), ze vieme vyprodukovat 2,4-krat viac potravin nez ludstvo potrebuje a problemom je logistika, to by ale znamenalo, ze by sme mozno nemuseli tak tlacit na pilu s tym mechanizovanym polnohospodarstvom, keby sa to spoji s tym, ze sa bude menej plytvat jedlom, tak budu stacit mensie plochy na pestovanie, ktore mozu byt rozdelene pasmi zelene co poskytnu utocisko zvieratam a hmyzu a budu mat pozitivny vplyv na biodiverzitu
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Tak ja taky setrim jak drak a podobne jak DZODZO neletam na dovolene, akorat jsem za poslednich patnact let byl parkrat po Cesku a Slovensku (v prumeru ani ne jednou rocne). A usetrene penize dam na usporny dum s TC a FVE. Ale nedelam si iluze ze to nekoho zachrani, to tak mozna za 30 let odmaze moji predeslou stopu. Ale nevadi mi v uhlikovych povolenkach dotovat zelene zdroje a zateplovaci kampane ostatnim
    XCHAOS --- ---
    JIMIQ: hele, ke mě se dostal tip na 50W ohebné panely za 999 Kč, takže jich jdu vykoupit 6... a pak si povíme, kolik % populace jsem tím zachránil před vymřením :-) největší úspora vznikne v důsledku "kdo si hraje, nezlobí" (moje solární kolo asi nenajede zas tolik km, ale taky bych si za ty peníze mohl koupit letenku, že jo...)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    JIMIQ: nikdo příčtený populaci nesnižuje. Ale růst hladin moří v horizontu 100 let skutečně může vést k tomu, že ta populace jednak nebude mít kde bydlet (přímořská města prostě budou zaplavena), jednak zaniknou obrovské plochy zemedělské půdy (leda by více přímořských oblastí šlo cestou Holandska a hrází). Diskutabilně ale nově vzniklá šelfová moře budou vhodná pro rybolov, hmm....
    JIMIQ --- ---
    XCHAOS: podle mne nema smysl cilene snizovat populaci na 10% abychom tim zabranili neolanovanemu poklesu na 10% :)

    A zaroven si myslim ze zvysene usili na energetickou transformaci, plus rozjete procesy (elektromobilita, tepelna cerpadla, uspory, instalace OZE) a prirozeny pokles populace v druhe polovine stoleti nas dostanou pod +2C a nas ukol bude to pak stahnout co nejvic pod ty dva stupne (sekvestraci z atm, stromama, nebo dobytkem udusavajicim pudu pod nohama :) )
    XCHAOS --- ---
    JIMIQ: Mezi poklesem o 10% a na 10% je ovšem drobný rozdíl...
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: budoucnost neni vepsana v kameni, asi tak ve strucnosti.

    Ze ty scenare nechces videt, neznamena, ze nemohou probehnout. A i kdyby takove modelace neexistovaly, neznamena to, ze soucasne modelace jsou naprosto spravne. Kazdy model je zalozeny na predpokladech a predpoklady si muzeme kdykoliv vycucat z prstu, misinterpretovat ve studiich, nebo se muzou zmenit novymi poznatky, ci technologiemi. Modelovat budoucnost lidstva ve fazich 'chaosu', kdy se meni velke mnozstvi dosud predpokladu, ktere se v casovych radach pro existujici modely pouzivaji, je prakticky nemozne.

    Kdyz mi vyjmenujes kazdou jednotlivou vec, kazdy jednotlivy predpoklad, muzu ti na to rict 1...n mitigacnich akci.

    Cimz nerozporuju, ze lidstvo nebude v nejake kriticke klimaticke fazi redukovane (pravdepodobne jen docasne, nic mimoradneho v historii lidstva), jen rozporuju tvuj statement, ktery prijimas jako nevyvratitelny fakt, ne jako hypotezu s urcitou pravdepodobnosti.

    Ad vnitrni dynamika - asi se nemusime bavit o lidech, ale obecne o zivych organismech. Dokud jsou zdroje, organismus se mnozi, dokud nedosahne vycerpani zdroju. Lide se lisi v tom, ze jednak jsou co se tyka zdroju a jejich substitutu velmi flexibilni a jednak dosahli nejakeho globalni kolektivni vedomi, kde jednotlivec nutne nemusi delat ani si uvedomovat vse nutne pro preziti a presto ho kolektiv udrzi a udrzuje pri zivote.

    Uz napr. z diskuze, ze plytvame 30% globalne potravin to znamena, ze mame 30% rezervu pro uspory.

    Btw jsi mi jeste neodpovedel na predchozi prispevek, zajmal by me tvuj nazor TADEAS:
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Prednaska o demografii
    Declining Global Population and Its Consequences with Dr. Darrell Bricker
    JIMIQ --- ---
    TADEAS: myslim ze minusy jsou za to ze to prohlaseni je na urovni “nebe je modre a kdo tvrdi ze je zelene tak se plete”

    Populace bude behem jedne generace uz klesat aniz bychom cokoliv nuseli delat. Jde o tzv neproblem :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    One Last Climate Warning in New IPCC Report: ‘Now or Never’ - Inside Climate News


    TADEAS --- ---
    Methane in Earth’s atmosphere rose by record amount last year, US government data shows | Climate crisis | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: ad "na stole nejsou scenare bez redukce populace. jednak k tomu vede vnitrni dynamika civilizace a jednak to omezi zdestruovana planetarni imfrastruktura (klima, ekosystemy)"

    muzete mi rict, co je na tom k minusovani?

    muzete mi ukazat, ktery modely, ktery jste si nevycucali z prstu, predpokladaj dalsi rust populace v 21. stoleti, tj. ktere nezahrnuji celkove snizovani populace? muzete mi ukazat modely, kde civilizace neni omezovana klimatickou destabilizaci?

    lol, snete dal
    TADEAS --- ---
    Scientist Rebellion

    Over 1,000 scientists in over 25 countries worldwide took disruptive, non-violent actions and engaged in civil disobedience targeting governmental, scientific and corporate institutions to highlight the urgency and injustice of the climate and ecological crisis.

    In Madrid, Spain, 53 of the roughly 100 scientists were arrested after throwing fake blood on the facade of the National Congress in Spain.

    In Copenhagen, Denmark, the street in front of the Climate Ministry was blocked by 40 people, half of them scientists, holding posters of scientific papers and reading the IPCC report.

    In The Hague, Netherlands, over 50 scientists took part in a march giving speeches, calling for emergency action. Scientists blocked an entrance to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and read from the IPCC report; 7 were arrested.

    In Berlin, 14 Scientists chained and glued themselves to the street blocking the Kronprinzenbrücke bridge for 4 hours in the centre of Berlin.

    In Bern, Switzerland, 18 Scientists marched to the capital Bern to paste parts of the IPCC report and other climate science on the walls of the Federal Palace, and were stopped immediately by the police. The scientific community cannot let science be ignored anymore!

    In Italy, the premises of @eni were occupied for 10 hours, with over 10 scientists locked-on. The activists demanded a public meeting with ENI CEO on ENI decarbonisation strategy. At the end of the day, the meeting was denied. They left, but the campaign will carry on.

    In Quito, Ecuador, a group of young scientists demanded that the Ministry of Environment stop expanding oil exploitation.

    in Sierra Leone, an teach-in event with several stakeholders generated engagement and calls for climate action to policy makers.

    In Washington DC, USA, scientists chained themselves to the White House to demand action on the climate crisis from @POTUS and politicians.

    In Los Angeles, USA, scientists occupied the entrance of a Chase Bank. Cops shut down access to the building, with dozens deployed to arrest the scientists who locked themselves to the bank, including @climatehuman.

    This disproportionate show of force is a disgusting response to scientists fighting for a livable future. But from LA to Madrid, governments and the cops that serve them continue to arrest protestors instead of making the changes we need to survive.
    TADEAS --- ---
    “We would never consider this level of risk in any other walk of life, yet we seem prepared to take this risk with our planet.”

    Johann Rockström,
    Potsdam Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK)
    TADEAS --- ---
    Scientist Rebellion

    Scientists from across Germany blocked a bridge near the German Parliament, glueing and locking on in an act of civil resistance, calling out political mismanagement, lies and a business-as-usual mindset from Government figures which is leading us into a climate hell. @euronews
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    This morning I submitted to President Biden a letter from >275 U.S. scientists in conjunction with @foodandwater calling on @POTUS to follow the science and STOP #fossilfuels. Lead signatories: @climatehuman @mzjacobson @howarth_cornell @MichaelEMann


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