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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    SHEFIK --- ---
    YMLADRIS: ne, nevytvorila. Obcas tu ale padaji takove nazory, ze degrowth, nebo zit tak jak sme zili v minulosti je to co civilizaci zachrani a jine modely civilizace nejsou existenceschopny, tak se mi do toho primichaly emoce. Co sem chtel rict je, ze Musk kouka dopredu a snazi se nektery z tech aktualnich painpointu/zmenit mitigovat

    V te myslence jsme se asi nepochopili, co rikam je, ze pokud chceme soucasnou civilizaci zachovat s co nejmensimi ztratami na zivotech, neni cestou vypnout fosil, ale nastavit max prioritu na transformaci energetiky, popripade stavebnictvi a chemickyho prumyslu.

    Neni to o tom, ze od zejtra nebudem jezdit na naftu. Ty solary, vetrniky atd. musime vybudovat co nejrychleji a mezitim musime zajistovat logistiku a bezpeci pro populaci zeme, tzn od stavby silnic, po prevoz potravin a materialu, prevozu nemocnych, vyroby leku, v tuhle chvili diky Rusku bohuzel i na military atd. Tohle neni ze dne na den, ani z roku na rok, nejde to proste jen tak 'vypnout' aniz by bylo cim to nahradit


    Carbin tax se samozrejme hodi a emsini povolenky pomahaj dorovnavat ty 'realne' naklady na energie, ale samotne CC zarizeni jednak nejsou technologicky tak daleko, aby byly nakladove efektivni (dokud nebudou prebytky levne clean energie) a jednak tu carbon dan nikdy nezavede celej svet. Muze to byt nejaky doplnek v budoucnu/pro (energeticky) bohate zeme, ale tou optimalni cestou by melo byt snizit naklady na clean energii, protoze pak cely svet tyhle technologie prevezme bez nutnosti 'efektivni' diplomacie OSN, protestu ExtinctionRebellion, sebevrazd zemedelcu...

    (Plus zustane samozrejme otazka co se soucasny carbon debt, tam muze CC hrat vetsi roli pri dostatecny skale a globalni vuli)
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    SHEFIK: asi jsem nejakym zpusobem vytvorila zdani, ze toto navrhuji?


    jinak CC tuny co2 ted stoji 600$. nedovedu si to prevest na zvyseni ceny, tj o kolik vic by stalo vytapeni domu nebo doprava nebo prumysl nebo steak, pokud by automaticky muselo se montovat CC zarizeni. to jako rozvadim tvou myslenku o umreni hladem, jen tak
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    A není někde český (či sk .)) překlad toho IPCC reportu 22?
    PER2 --- ---
    XCHAOS: a to "jde do prodeje" znamena, ze si to muzes zarezervovat, ah tak urcite :) porad je to ve vyvoji a na elektrovozitka je tu jiny klub, nemluve o cene :D
    XCHAOS --- ---
    světle zelená budoucnost dle mých představ :-)
    Aptera: solární elektromobil s dojezdem 1600 km, který nemusíte nabíjet, jde do prodeje
    SHEFIK --- ---
    YMLADRIS: vratit o 1000 let zpet bylo mysleno, ze na transformaci potrebujeme fosil. Nejde najednou vystoupit zejtra rano z aut, shodit je ze skaly a tvarit se, ze je vsecko ruzovy a eko. Kdyby od zejtra jezdily jen elektromobily, 99% populace do mesice umre, z mnoha ruznych pricin, nejen hladem.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    YMLADRIS: tak ono uridit Teslu a SpaceX, k tomu 5 deti a jeste resit dalsi topic (i kdyz souhlasim ze nemene dulezitej) muze bejt uz nad lidsky sily :)

    Kazdopadne ne vsecko musi clovek delat sam. Nektery veci se daj outsourcovat. A myslim, ze Musk dela co muze, aby k vykonum dostatecne motivoval i ostatni

    $100M Prize For Carbon Removal | XPRIZE Foundation
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    SHEFIK: predstav si, ze by napsal "ceny emisnich povolenek jsou insane. poustime se do projektu totalni dekarbonizace a nase vysledky (metody jak usetrit...) dame k dispozici komukoliv aby to zkopiroval"

    abys rozumel, ja ho nekritizuju. jenom poukazuju na to, ze v tom "war like dekarbonizacnim usili", ktery je nutne potreba, maji vsichni stale znacny mezery. protoze proste neni duvod

    nerozumim tomu, proc kdyby se z toho udelala priorita, vrati to spolecnost o 1000 let. sleduj jak je najednou priorita odstrihnout rusko a co je najednou, aspon jako aspirace, mozny, co vcera nebylo
    SHEFIK --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Musk se ale snazi 'setrit emise' jenze vi, ze to nedava smysl ted a tady, ze spolecnost nejde rozbit, zredukovat a vratit kulturne 1000 let zpatky. Tesla je jeho nejvetsim ekologickym projektem. (Teda az na ten jeho fanouskovskej bitcoin platby vystrelek)

    S CATLem uzavrel smlouvu na bezkobaltovy baterie jako prvni. Pevne verim, ze bude Tesla bude jednou z prvnich co nahradi lithium jinym, hojnejsim, eco friendly prvkem do baterek, pokud budou konkurenceschopny tem lithiovejm.

    Mj.soucasti Tesly, pod taktovkou jeho bratru je kontejnerovy/modulovatelny pestovani microgreens, napajeny solarem a druhou silnou vetvi jsou solarni strechy (solarni tasky+powerwall).

    Powerwally se pak skalujou az na uroven zaloh elektraren, napr. v australii.

    Plus 'decentralizace/stabilizace site' skrze virtualni energeticky uloziste (propojeny Tesla auta v siti).

    Tenhle clovek dela pro transformaci nasich fosilnich energetickejch toku do nejakyho sustainable modelu jako malokdo jinej
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Kolem toho roku 2018 byla atmosfera/nazor je problem je v tom, ze verejnost nevi co je IPCC, ze je to na lidi moc slozity, a ze kdyz se problem zpopularizuje, tak ze to uz bude stacit, aby verejnost zatlacila na vlady. Ale nepotvrdilo se to. Nyni kazdy obcan jiz teda vi co je to tipping point, ale nevede to magicky na to, ze by UN vedle IPCC vytvorily armadu inzenyru a manazeru, jejichz ukolem je skutecny boj proti emisim a neliji se do toho triliony. Dal si to resi stat proti statu, Liberec proti Turowu, firma proti firme, nikdo nemuze jit do dekarbonizace naplno, protoze by zkrachoval proti konkurenci. Pripada mi, ze zadnej dalsi IPCC report uz nemuze nic zmenit. Ted by to chtelo neco jako celosvetovy projekt "ockovani", coz uz neni vedeckej problem, ale logisticko-financni
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS: napada me k tomu takova ta hlaska, ze silenstvi je definovany tak, ze porad dokola opakujes nejaky chovani a doufas, ze tentokrat bude jinej vystup. (formulujes reporty, ktery uz 30 let nemaji odezvu)

    kdyz jsem se snazila to klima resit, mirne jsem slysela ruzne drby o czech globe institutu, jako ze ti klimatologove tam nepovazuji za svuj ukol nebo svou zodpovednost snazit se o nastoleni nejakych politik ve spolecnosti. oni jsou vedci. jejich vystupem jsou grafy.

    asi napisu trivialitu, ale to je proste slabe misto oddelenosti vedy od byznysu. pripomina mi to jednak povahu socialismu (nikdo se nijak zvlast nesnazil o prosazeni nejakych inovaci, protoze nebyl duvod), jednak atmosferu na univerzite (akademicka sfera neni byznys, a neni uplne snadny snazit se prosadit inovace, protoze neni duvod)

    co je to ten duvod. korporace dokazou silne optimalizovat, protoze vsechno se da prepocitat na zisk nebo ztratu. nejlepsi inzenyri vymysli, jak usetrit to ci ono. podobne by se daly nasadit armady inzenyru a projektovych manageru na usili usetrit emise. to uz ale neni vedecky ukol. vedci v tomto nepomuzou, vyzkum je uplne neco jineho nez vyvoj, exekuce, skalovani.

    vlady maji k dispozici vedce, protoze z historickych duvodu se veda plati z verejnych rozpoctu. ale nemaji k dispozici inzenyry a projektove managery. zaroven nemuzou dat takove pobidky (uhlikova dan, ..), aby se firmy na to vrhly samy ze vsech sil.
    aby mnozstvi usetrenych emisi bylo to nejdulezitejsi cislo ve ctvrtletni uzaverce.

    je to jako kdyby zdravotnictvi bylo cele soukrome, vlady by na doktory mely jen minimalni vliv a pro lecebne firmy by nebylo rentabilni lecit kovid. epidemiolog muze tak akorat stale znovu vydavat svoje grafy. ale pak tam musi byt nekdo jinej, pro koho pocet usetrenych smrti je to nejdulezitejsi cislo ve ctvrtletni uzaverce

    cina ma armadu statnich inzenyru a manageru, takze muze urcity veci udelat asi snadneji.

    zaroven ty zapadni firmy maji fakt velkej inovacni potencial, protoze jsou zvykly konat bez toho, co jim k tomu stat rika ... akorat proste nemaji duvod. musk ted psal ze asi zacne tezit lithium, protoze to potrebuje. jako WTF? co vsechno jeste hodla delat?

    ... skoda ze nepotrebuje setrit emise

    PER2 --- ---

    Honest Government Ad | Carbon Credits & Offsets
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    James Dyke

    If anyone wants my "take" on the latest IPCC report then here goes (will be writing something about this later, but to be honest, this thread will probably allow me to say what I want to say more effectively).

    1.5°C is over. We now have to imagine the most fabulous scenarios to truly honour the Paris Agreement. That includes increasingly including large-scale removal of CO2 from the atmosphere to drag down temps after "overshooting".

    We are still firmly on course for around 3°C by end of century. But really these end of century and even mid-century projections & targets are meaningless. What we need is the reduction of fossil fuel use NOW (sorry for shouting).

    The reason we're not cutting fossil fuel use is not because it's really hard (it is) or represents huge challenges for finance (it does). It's because a tiny fraction of humanity is resisting with all of its considerable power. Power it has accrued with fossil fuels.

    I appreciate "Fossil fuel fucks are stealing my children's future" isn't the sort of title IPCC will use in press releases or SPMs but that's the brutal reality. And I'm very frustrated about why we academics find it so hard to say that (or family friendly version).

    We are still playing the game of producing increasingly absurb scenarios and then watching as civilisation carries on regardless. Now this doesn't mean we haven't made some huge progress in decarbonising. We are seeing energy transformations in many places.

    But it's nowhere near enough and I guess that most academics either know that or suspect it. We have to turn off fossil fuels. Not overnight - that will kill billions. But VERY SOON. And that is a direct challenge to the most powerful organisations the world has ever seen.

    Did you ever think they would wake up one day and decide to implode their industry? I'm not painting them as the victim here, but they will require support from governments to fundamentally repurpose their missions. This cannot be left to the market.

    That's what this latest IPCC report says to me. I am profoundly grateful to all (lead)authors & reviewers. We would be in a far worse place without them. But now we need a new stage of academic engagement with the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced.

    That's why I'm working with facultyforafuture.org Perhaps you would like to join us.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Gloom Reality: Even the Most Daring Technologies Can No Longer Reverse Impacts of Climate Change | Nature World News

    "SRM carries a severe danger of changing regional and seasonal rainfall patterns and ozone depletion, ocean acidification, and other known and undiscovered negative consequences."


    Outside of the IPCC, opposition to SRM is growing: over 240 eminent worldwide scientists have asked for a solar geoengineering non-use agreement that would essentially stop SRM from progressing.

    A recent SRM equipment test over indigenous land in Kiruna, Sweden, was canceled amid vociferous objections from the Saami Council and environmental groups. They believe that climate modification is fundamentally incompatible with indigenous cosmology.

    The only logical conclusion is that we must, by all means necessary, begin on pathways that prevent a 1.5°C overshoot and climatic collapse.

    Paul Maidowski komentuje https://t.co/jbwB7AkWrx

    :Many professors signed, but I don’t get it.

    (1) We oppose SRM as ungovernable & worry about a termination shock;

    (2) BUT want 1.5°C, which requires SRM;

    (3) BUT don’t focus on the ongoing termination shock from sulfate aerosol cuts?

    Genuinely puzzled! Maybe someone can help?
    TADEAS --- ---
    Why Do We Cling to Art in Apocalyptic Times? – ARTnews.com

    We face a choice, amid the slow collapse of a derelict civilization. It is not a choice of whether to stop global warming, whether to head off its inevitable consequences, or whether to save the world. The choice we face, like the choice Ernst faced on his escape from Camp des Milles, is simply whether to accept the reality we find ourselves in. Such an acceptance demands letting go of the burdens we have dragged so far, letting go of any hope for salvation, letting go of every piece of hoarded flotsam we think we might yet need, and facing the fact that the new world we are doomed to inhabit is as alien to our lives today as are the moons of Jupiter, the ziggurats of the Aztecs, or the blood cults of the ancient Greeks. There is only a narrow passage to this new world, the eye of the fiery needle, and to linger on the threshold is to die. On the doorway’s lintel are inscribed these words: “Abandon hope all ye who enter here.
    TADEAS --- ---
    1990 climate game

    TADEAS --- ---
    We're Not Facing a Global Food Crisis | Aaron Smith

    In summary, the Russian invasion is a large shock for agricultural commodity markets, but not historically large. Markets and trade patterns will adjust to absorb it. Farmers around the world will produce more and consumers will cut back or substitute. The transition may be difficult in some places, especially countries such as Egypt that typically rely on wheat from Russia and Ukraine

    Russia, Ukraine, and Food Supply: Look at the Prices | Aaron Smith

    Numerous countries, notably those in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), import a high percentage of their calories from Russia and Ukraine. For example, wheat contributes more than a third of calories consumed in Egypt, and half of this wheat comes from Russia and Ukraine. Lebanon imports about 90% of its wheat and gets most of its imports from Russia and Ukraine. These countries will need to find new suppliers this year.

    The war will also disrupt food supplies to people in Ukraine and to refugees who have fled to neighboring countries.

    These are serious issues and I don't intend to diminish their importance. Low-income consumers in these and other countries can be severely affected by relatively small increases in food commodity prices, especially given that wheat prices were already relatively high before the invasion. Wealthy governments and donors can help bridge the gap.


    between the summer of 2020 and the end of 2021. They have not increased much since Russia invaded Ukraine.

    A couple of weeks ago, I wrote: "If sanctions cut Russia and Belarus off from world markets, then it will leave a hole that other producers will need to fill. China produces almost all of the nitrogen and phosphate it uses, so it will not absorb Russia's exports. However, the apparent lack of a post-invasion price spike suggests traders are not yet worrying about a global shortage of fertilizer." This still holds true.

    Moreover, wheat and corn traders know about fertilizer prices, and they factor that information into their trading decisions. If they were worried that the invasion would create fertilizer shortages and thereby seriously curtail food production, then they would bid wheat and corn prices up. But, they aren't doing that.
    TADEAS --- ---
    FAO Food Price Index | World Food Situation | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

    XCHAOS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: pokud by se počítal i beton, tak Čína rozhodně nebude za EU zaostávat :-)
    DZODZO --- ---
    XCHAOS: za mna osobne najtragickejsi dosledok tohoto zaplavovania bude, ze az bude pod vodou Florida, tak uz nebudu vznikat nove "Florida man..." clanky a meme

    SHEFIK: k tomu plytvaniu som v nejakej diskusii cital (mozno aj tu, ale alzheimer...), ze vieme vyprodukovat 2,4-krat viac potravin nez ludstvo potrebuje a problemom je logistika, to by ale znamenalo, ze by sme mozno nemuseli tak tlacit na pilu s tym mechanizovanym polnohospodarstvom, keby sa to spoji s tym, ze sa bude menej plytvat jedlom, tak budu stacit mensie plochy na pestovanie, ktore mozu byt rozdelene pasmi zelene co poskytnu utocisko zvieratam a hmyzu a budu mat pozitivny vplyv na biodiverzitu
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam