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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    PER2 --- ---
    SEJDA: ano, na vrcholu, snih tam ted nekdy meli snad poprve po x letech a byl to velky svatek, jestli se nepletu
    SEJDA --- ---
    WOODMAKER: na vrcholech?

    DZODZO: myslim, ze to spise cili na znudence z egyptskych resortu.

    PER2: dinosauri meli vice jenom pokud veris vedcum ..
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: myslel jsem to tak pul na pul, nepopirateolny fakt je ten, ze se zivotu skvele darilo ;) a polarni cepicky jsou na polech zbytecna vec, na antarktide bude dobre treba, zmena je zivot

    lidi se nezmeni a vetsina ani nechce(k tomu potrebujes celosvetove vzdelanou spolecnost), az zdrazi energie a vsechno, radi jeste zvoli populistu, co hrabne poradne do zeme a spali vic uhli ... myslim si, ze tech par uvedomelych/mladych, nas nespasi vcas, at delaji co delaji(ted uz je pozde?) ... dont look up je tak nejak to co ocekavam :) krasny happyending
    TADEAS --- ---
    PER2: stara dobra ironie, ted jestli patri na stranu Lasky, jak se pta pan Hallam, a tedy jestli dava smysl...
    PER2 --- ---
    vy z toho nadelate, dinosauri meli mnohonasobne vic a jak se jim darilo :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    IOM_NUKSO: asi tak, viz TADEAS
    TADEAS --- ---
    Atmospheric CO2 was at 420.87ppm on 17 April

    >420+ppm is highest level in 4 million years
    >270 to 280ppm took 5,000 years
    >280 to 290ppm took 100 years
    >290 to 300ppm took 40 years
    >400 to 410ppm took 4 years
    >410 to 420ppm took 2 years
    TADEAS --- ---
    R Hallam

    #Easter Monday.
    "God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son"
    Don't get hung up on the God bit, we have to decide do we love humanity as much as God does or do we hate ourselves and each other so much we want to destroy creation?

    This is the core question of our time. If we choose the former our love can only mean #civilresistance - a love that will sacrifice anything and everything - as God sacrificed for us.
    TADEAS --- ---
    IPCC LIFESTYLE For the 1st time IPCC has a chapter on life-style for mitigation (WG3 Ch.5) https://t.co/eG1GJ3A5UT

    TUHO --- ---
    seznam hacku ruskejch firem. jeste jsem neprojizdel, nekouk´ by nekdo, jestli tam neni neco zajimavyho z fosil prumyslu?

    TADEAS --- ---
    Lidé po přechodu k zemědělství dorůstali menších výšek. Po příčině antropologové pátrají — ČT24 — Česká televize
    DZODZO --- ---
    SEJDA: do rijadu autom iba 1500 km to sa oplati :)
    WOODMAKER --- ---
    SEJDA: ted je tam asi 25 stupnu celsia.
    DZODZO --- ---
    ah yes... greatness complex, sneh v pusti

    Saúdové chtějí vybudovat obří venkovní skiareál. Sklízí i výsměch - Novinky.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    Noam Chomsky: “We’re approaching the most dangerous point in human history” - New Statesman

    "A lot of young people; Extinction Rebellion in England, young people dedicated to trying to put an end to the catastrophe. Civil disobedience – it’s not a joke, I’ve been involved with it for much of my life. I’m too old for it now [Chomsky was first arrested in 1967 for protesting against the Vietnam War and shared a cell with Norman Mailer]… It’s not pleasant to be thrown in jail and beaten, but they’re willing to undertake it.

    “There are plenty of young people who are appalled by the behaviour of the older generation, rightly, and are dedicated to trying to stop this madness before it consumes us all. Well, that’s the hope for the future.”
    DZODZO --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    Creating a Sustainable Civilization - 1995 lecture by Allan Savory
    TADEAS --- ---
    ze zivota producentu + komentar k sirsim souvislostem

    Filip Partyka [polak]

    Difficult financial decisions in difficult times

    Last weeks most input costs and fuel skyrocketed in eastern Europe. In last two weeks we had to totally rebuild our financial planning. We went from 100% organic feed (for broilers and layers) to nonGMO + 60% organic last week to 100% conventional this morning. Our care and management will have to make the difference.

    Through Holistic Financial Planning, we are aware of importance of built-in feedback loops and constant replanning. Thanks to Allan Savory framework hard decisions are somewhat easier to make. It feels like you can see potential setbacks from safe distance and act accordingly. Of course that all my change in no time if someone decide to put whole Europe on fire.

    Darren Doherty

    Sorry to hear that this is happening for you and all other omnivore producers out there.

    It is something that I have been discussing with many folks over the journey as a part of my 'the problem of the omnivore' narrative. The 'chickens are coming home to roost' as it were.

    I don't believe that this is the last time that we are going be confronted with the broader problems associated with the various resource limits that are made more obvious by the escalation of geopolitical realignments and their machinations.

    In any case the challenge remains around whether chicken and pork will remain as affordable as they have been as meats over the last 50-60 years. Large scale producers who are working on knife-edge margins will find the ensuing period very difficult indeed and I anticipate that the average consumer will find the inflationary pressure to continue purchasing these products difficult (along with everything else).

    Those of you who are omnivore producers here are largely not supplying the average consumer through the usual supply chains and so there is a bit an edge there—however as interest and inflation rates rise globally, I wonder just how much they will bear when it comes to price rises that you will have to pass on?
    That leads me to the management of your narrative and the direct conversations you are having with your customer base. Most people will have heard by now that the war in Ukraine is already having on global grain prices. My suggestion would be to open up the books in the spirit of transparency and bringing people along with you.

    Nobody would deny the importance of supporting producers to continue to produce. If people want to self-produce then they can do so and realise what that requires and why for most its not practical or feasible to do this unless they make radical changes in their whole life—something most folks are still not ready or able to do.

    And so in that spirit I would suggest having a conversation with your customer base which does the break down of how much it costs to produce an egg or a bird. Take them through the whole supply chain—make a flow chart or better still make an infographic. In that add the cost of each part of that supply chain and demonstrate what any profit serves.

    At the same time we need to take a critical look at how we produce omnivores into the future. Producers like Francisco Alves are possibly at the pinnacle of that art when it comes to pig production and there are others around the world who are having a crack at agroforestry-based chicken models—models which only go part of the way towards solving the base issues of maintaining a cost of production that the public will pay for. Jamon Iberica de Bellota can retail for €500/kg however that depends on having a middle class who is able to spend that much and they are going to be squeezed as a result of their high household debt, wage stagnation, rising interest and inflation rates.

    Again, any time which has uncertainty is best addressed, in my opinion, by starting and continuing the conversation sooner rather than later. This builds trust in your brand, support for your purpose and in the importance of your relationships.
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