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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    PER2 --- ---
    “The World’s Food System Is Too Dependent on Wheat…
    “Because of climate change, extreme weather has already reduced harvests enough to push food prices up to their highest levels in 40 years. Climate change also increases the risk that such extreme weather events might occur at various locations in the same season. This phenomenon of “multiple breadbasket failures” stands to compromise billions of people’s access to food.”

    "A water shortage emergency was declared by Southern California water officials for the first time ever, restricting outdoor watering to one day a week in parts of Los Angeles, Ventura and San Bernardino counties"

    SHEFIK --- ---

    ČEZ se spojil s ropnými giganty. Přidal se do klubu „špinavců“, které nechce nikdo pojistit
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Elektromobily sem sice unbooknul kvuli kvalite diskuze, ale tyhle cisla stoji nekde za sdileni

    15 European Countries Have 15%+ Electric Car Sales (New Car Sales)

    There are now 15 European countries that have 15% or more of new-car buyers buying plugin electric cars (full electric cars or plugin hybrids). There are 12 European countries that have 10% or more of new-car buyers buying full electric vehicles (BEVs). China also passed those milestones in 2021 (15% plugin vehicle share and 12% BEV share).


    Norway shows one path to 65% BEV sales and 86% plugin vehicle (PEV) sales.
    PER2 --- ---
    SHEFIK: ebola je hoax a rimycka, prestante strasyt lydi

    humans, the biggest shit on this planet saga goes on...
    But Tom Cullen of the Iowa newspaper the Storm Lake Times revealed that birds at Rembrandt were culled using a system known as ventilation shutdown plus (VSD+) in which air is closed off to the barns and heat pumped in until the temperature rises above 104F (40C).
    “They cooked those birds alive,” said one of the Rembrandt workers involved in the culling.
    US egg factory roasts alive 5.3m chickens in avian flu cull – then fires almost every worker | Iowa | The Guardian

    dont fuck with oil companies
    Free After 993 Days: Environmental Lawyer Steven Donziger on Leaving House Arrest & His Fight with Chevron | Democracy Now!
    SHEFIK --- ---

    The future of food from the warming sea

    But cultivating finfish and shellfish may just be the answer to this looming food security challenge. Our study suggests that by reforming fisheries and expanding sustainable mariculture, current per capita seafood production can be maintained or increased up to the end of the century, except under the most severe climate change scenario," said Dr. Cabral
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Trocha straseni

    Climate change could spark the next pandemic, new study finds -- ScienceDaily

    As Earth's climate continues to warm, researchers predict wild animals will be forced to relocate their habitats -- likely to regions with large human populations -- dramatically increasing the risk of a viral jump to humans that could lead to the next pandemic.


    As they encounter other mammals for the first time, the study projects they will share thousands of viruses.

    They say these shifts bring greater opportunities for viruses like Ebola or coronaviruses to emerge in new areas, making them harder to track, and into new types of animals, making it easier for viruses to jump across a "stepping stone" species into humans.
    TADEAS --- ---
    DZODZO: poucka z knihy "the secrets of collapse" :)
    DZODZO --- ---
    PER2: tym palenim sa vlastne ta skladka zmensi, takze bude miesto na dalsi bordel
    PER2 --- ---
    TUHO: kdyz uz mas ve meste ty teploty pres 40, tak je dobry se k tomu nadychat i cerstveho vzduchu
    Landfill fire engulfs New Delhi in thick smoke

    pudu nikdo nepotrebuje
    UN says up to 40% of world’s land now degraded | Environment | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    (PDF) Klimatické vězení - článek o specifickém envirokonspiračním metanarativu
    TUHO --- ---
    Jinak katastroficky vlny veder v Indii right now.

    India heat wave to worsen, near all-time records

    V Kalifornii dale radi sucho

    California slips into its worst mega-drought in 1,200 years — it’s partly our fault
    TUHO --- ---
    GLOBETROTTER: No, jak tvoji frustraci sdilim na druhou stranu v otazce klimatu je videt, ze OSN i pres svoji slabost dost dulezitou roli ma. Ale neni to cetnik, neumi vynucovat, nema na to mechanismy. Dokazal bych si tu roli tak predstavit silnejsi. Do buduoucna imho se bez silnejsiho hrace zamerenyho na planetary governance neobejdeme, tak jak se nase nejpajcivejsi problemy stavaj problemama planetarnima. Ale v kratky budoucnosti teda vidim tuhle cestu zablokovanou / nerealnou. Mozna po treti svetovy? .]
    DZODZO --- ---
    GLOBETROTTER: Ruska federace vacsinu bojovej techniky daruje Ukrajine :D
    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    TUHO: Promiň, ale pokud má OSN mírové sbory, které nejsou schopny zasáhnout a jsou na místě jen pro okrasu, tak si z ní bude každý dělat akorát tak srandu. Právo veta je taky na palici, protože pak se nemůže nic rozhodnout proti tomu, kdo má právo veta.
    TUHO --- ---
    GLOBETROTTER: No, to ze nema zadny paky neznamena, ze je to zbytecna organizace. Pochybuju, ze bez OSN by vubec neco jako Parizska dohoda bylo mozny. Jenom proste to neni to, co by si nekdo predstavoval. OSN proste nemuze nikomu nic naridit, ale je to institucionalni platforma pro setkavani jednotlivejch subjektu a vytvoreni prostoru pro utvareni dohod, mezinarodnich smluv, ale i sankci podobne. Neni to ale ani republika, ani monarchie.

    Kde si vycucal 36 tydnu nevim, protoze podle me uz davno zadny tydny nemame. Ted se nehraje o to, jestli prijde nebo neprijde katastroficky otepleni, ale jak moc katastroficky bude. Jinak tipl bych si, ze to vychazi z nejakyho mitigacniho scenare IPCC...
    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    TUHO: OSN němá žádné páky. Podívej se třeba na Srebrenici. Naprosto zbytečná organizace a vyhozené peníze za ni.
    Proto mi přijde výrok "UN Secretary-General says the world's biggest carbon emitters must start drastically cutting emissions within the next 36 weeks to avert climate catastrophe" naprosto směšný. Hlavně kde si vycucal těch zrovna 36 týdnů?
    TUHO --- ---
    GLOBETROTTER: Tak tyhle zoufaly roky trvajici vykriky Gueterrese jsou smutny. Nevidim do mezinarodni politiky prilis, ale mel jsem za to, ze OSN nema prilis valny paky na narodni staty. Co podle tebe by melo delat? Strkat hlavu do pisku a delat, ze problem neexistuje?
    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    DRSH: Výborně. Komunistická strana Číny srazí podpatky a omezí výrobu (i když, to vlastně už dva roky dělají díky masívním lockdownům) a pálení uhlí. Čtvrtý největší producent CO2, Ruská federace, taky do půl roku omezí produkci, hlavně vrátí tanky a letadla do kasáren. OSN je fakt banda šašků.
    TADEAS --- ---
    JIMIQ: viz planetary boundaries, kazda boundary jedna divize ,)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam