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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Venkovské obchody chtějí solární elektrárny. Narážejí ale na odpor úřadů | Týdeník pro ekonomiku, politiku a byznys

    tohle mě nebetyčně sere. To samé jakože budovy v památkově chráněné oblasti si nemůžou izolovat fasádu. Tak ty vole... k čemu nám ty "pěkné" fasády budou když chcípneme hlady nebo se v nich usmažíme?
    DZODZO --- ---
    TADEAS: not in my backyard!
    PER2 --- ---
    chop chop folks

    Brazil sets another Amazon deforestation record, prompting alarm | Environment News | Al Jazeera
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: move over you filthy yard

    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: klima mysli je spolecne
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: myslim, ze v tomhle pripade hrajou roli sois ty agropostuoy na gigaplanich prumyslovyho zemdelstvi nez nejaky predzahradky
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: civilization slows down at 420 [ppm] .)
    TADEAS --- ---
    your yard mind

    PER2 --- ---
    Heatwave triggered Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) in Gilgit Baltistan destroying agricultural land, the Hassan Abad bridge & sweeping houses along. Pakistan meteorological department forecasts more GLOF events in the norther areas particularly in Chitral.

    videa v odkazu:
    GLOBETROTTER --- ---
    V Paříži preventivně vyřadili z provozu kvůli dvěma požárům třetinu elektrobusů - Zdopravy.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO, TUHO: super, ruzne cesty sociopolitickych regionu k planete
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: 'jak ozelenit poust' - mohli bychom si rict, ze prvne nebudeme tu poust delat tam, kde neni .] chapu to jako takrka duchovne-existencialni vyzvu pro nas druh, nebo minimalne pro evropska schemata managementu ekosystemu

    jinak v tomhle ohledu letos se chystam na johnson su bioreactor, po roce je z toho koncentrovanej extrakt plnej mikrobialnich a houbnich spor, coz se pak pouzije bud na semena pred setim nebo se to rozprasi

    Johnson Su Bioreactor

    I'll give you a summery of the compost method. He creates a hot compost with extra passive aeration to encourage aerobic bacteria and fungi. Once the compost pile cools to ambient temperature he adds earth worms. The earth worms Thrive because they eat bacteria and fungi. The earth worms keep reproducing,pooping, and recycling nutrients until all the nutrients have been reduced to there basic forms. At this point the earth worms leave the pile and the fungi release spores because there's nothing left for them to break down. The extract is a powerful bio-stimulant not because it is high in nutrients but because it has an extraordinarily high amount of fungi spores and hibernating bacteria that are primed and waiting for a new food source.
    TUHO --- ---
    A kdyz uz jsme u tech nezapadnich kultur, tak jeste historie klimatickych politik Ciny


    Analysis: Nine key moments that changed China’s mind about climate change - Carbon Brief
    TUHO --- ---
    Pro ty, ktere zajima vyvoj klimaticke vedy v Rusku (obecne tohle byva zanedbavany tema)

    Russia and the Soviet Union bear great significance for global climate history, but scholarship on this region is still only beginning to develop as a field. While the historiographies of other geographical locations have matured over the past decade, works concerning Russia thus far have appeared in a piecemeal and somewhat disconnected fashion, not yet cohering in a systematic way. Instead, there exist several insightful threads in the environmental history literature on climate. Scholars have examined the history of climate science in Russia, extending from the research of the Academy of Sciences in the eighteenth century to the global thinking about climate change in the late twentieth century. Social scientists have explored the historical roots of Russia's contemporary climate policy. Disasters related to climate have long attracted the attention of historians, though newer works are more in tune with contemporary scholarship on vulnerability and risk. There has also been movement to analyze the varied experiences of the cold in Russia over the long haul. Making an asset out of its apparent lower stage of development, the field of Russian climate history has an opportunity to directly enter advanced scholarly conversations by focusing on the ubiquitous human experiences with climate. Doing so could allow Russian climate history to acquire a position as an innovator among global climate histories.

    Library Genesis • scientific articles
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Jihočeská firma ukázala na Expu, jak díky žížalám pěstovat v poušti rostliny - Ekolist.cz

    Firma Florium z Prachaticka, která vyrábí žížalí hnojivo, představila v českém pavilonu výstavy Expo v arabské Dubaji návrh, jak i pomocí žížal pěstovat na poušti v písku rostliny. Jde o společný projekt s Botanickým ústavem Akademie věd ČR. Firma spolupracuje také s Univerzitou Karlovou. Testuje také, jak díky žížalám odbourávat škodliviny z kalů odpadních vod. Ročně vyrobí až 10 000 litrů organického hnojiva.


    Žížaly umí přetvářet nejen biologický odpad, ale i kaly z odpadních vod. "V kalech se jim dobře daří. Zkoumáme, jak dokážou odbourávat těžké kovy a chemikálie z kalů. Máme pokusný velký kompostér, má dvanáct kubíků," řekl Kuchta. Po třech letech výzkumu klesly díky žížalám hodnoty škodlivin v kalech z čističek o 80 procent.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Ekologické farmy mají zabírat čtvrtinu půdy. Potraviny zdraží, varují velcí zemědělci - Aktuálně.cz

    V současnosti zabírá ekologická půda zhruba devět procent zemědělské plochy EU. Strategické dokumenty EU počítají s tím, že by se tento podíl měl navýšit na čtvrtinu, a to již do roku 2030. Česká vláda s rozšířením bioprodukce také počítá. Do roku 2027 by měli čeští zemědělci hospodařit ekologicky na 22 procentech zemědělské půdy.
    TUHO --- ---
    Biochar is a charcoal that is used to improve land rather than as a fuel. Biochar is produced from biomass, usually through the process of pyrolysis. Due to the molecular structure and strength of the chemical bonds, the carbon in biochar is in a stable form and not readily mineralized to CO2 (as is the fate of most of the carbon in biomass). Because the carbon in biochar derives (via photosynthesis) from atmospheric CO2, biochar has the potential to be a net negative carbon technology/carbon dioxide removal option. Biochar is not a single homogeneous material. Its composition and properties (including longevity) differ according to feedstock (source biomass), pyrolysis (production) conditions, and its intended application. This variety and heterogeneity have so far eluded an agreed methodology for calculating biochar’s carbon abatement.

    Meta-analyses increasingly summarize the effects of biochar in pot and field trials. These results illuminate that biochar may have important agronomic benefits in poorer acidic tropical and subtropical soils, with one study indicating an average 25% yield increase across all trials. In temperate soils the impact is modest to trivial and the same study found no significant impact on crop yield arising from biochar amendment. There is much complexity in matching biochar to suitable soil-crop applications and this challenge has defied development of simple heuristics to enable implementation. Biochar has great potential as a carbon management technology and as a soil amendment. The lack of technically rigorous methodologies for measuring recalcitrant carbon limits development of the technology according to this specific purpo

    Biochar: An Emerging Carbon Abatement and Soil Management Strategy | Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science
    TUHO --- ---
    Estimates of global vulnerability to sea-level rise and coastal flooding just tripled. What happened? A calculation error on the part of the satellite technology most commonly relied upon to measure land surface levels. In areas where actual high-quality elevation data are too expensive to obtain or not available, satellites estimate average land elevations by averaging detected land surfaces. However, scientists just discovered that this also has measured and included rooftops in its averages, resulting in overestimation of land elevations.1

    The finding begs reflection on our rising dependence on automated technology for safety and risk estimates. Anticipatory planning is difficult when technologies lead us to misrecognize our vulnerabilities. Artificial intelligence (AI) is now being used to correct the errors in land surface estimates. We can hope—but not be overly trusting—that the corrected estimates prove more reliable.

    The new finding has implications for energy policies as well: The majority of people living on implicated land are in developing countries across Asia. In Asia, as globally, populations concentrate in coastal areas, and this is therefore also where most nuclear reactors (and toxic waste sites) are located.2 We could be looking at many disasters as water increasingly creeps—and with more frequency and intensity will surge—above its current confines, driven by climate change.

    PER2 --- ---
    sorry zat apetu

    We’re going to have a ‘severe heat wave’ in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa with temperatures soaring 7-9 degrees Celsius above normal. It’s 41 C this afternoon so it means it will reach 50 C

    Unprecedented heatwave ‘may kill thousands’ in India, Pakistan - Newspaper - DAWN.COM
    PER2 --- ---
    humanity is just failed experiment obviously

    India is planning to reopen more than 100 coal mines previously considered financially unsustainable, as a heatwave-driven power crisis forces the world's third-biggest greenhouse gas emitter to double down on the fuel after months of low consumption.

    'Bad boys' are back: India doubles down on coal as heatwave worsens power crisis | Reuters
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