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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TADEAS --- ---
    Citizens’ Climate Report - Recommendations for German climate policy

    A report developed over 12 sessions by 160 randomly drawn people from across Germany
    Advised by experts from science, politics, and civil society

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    Can a citizens' assembly solve climate change? France decided to find out. | Grist

    Moi, citoyen - L'aventure de la Convention Citoyenne pour le Climat vue de l'intérieur: Fraty, Grégoire: 9782412065471: Amazon.com: Books
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    socially organized denial

    “WE DON’T REALLY WANT TO KNOW”- Environmental Justice and Socially Organized Denial of Global Warming in Norway
    norgaard2006.pdf - Disk Google

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    Climate change is becoming less a battle of nations than rich vs poor

    Personal consumption, depending on how it's measured, is about 70% of emissions. But the important thing is that it's extremely unequal, so it's a relatively small group that has to change the most.

    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    Smart Cities World - Climate action - Cities boost sustainability by mapping consumption emissions

    The consumption-based emissions inventories will enable London and NYC to develop a suite of actions to incentivise more sustainable consumption in collaboration with people and businesses. The project also aims to pioneer new ways for other cities to measure emissions from urban consumption.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: odbory proti klimatické krizi? ale prosímtě! :-)
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    TADEAS --- ---
    The kids are not ok. Today I went to give a climate talk at… | by Julia Steinberger | May, 2022 | Medium

    I have given climate talks at high schools before. In 2019, I was invited by the first Geneva climate strikers to go around the high schools on the morning of their first strike. I went, with a friend, racing on our bikes from school to school to school, as many as we could reach during the morning. Back then, the mood was electric, excited, engaged. The students had taken control of the agenda: they were going to put the concerns and needs of their generation front and centre. They were going to get things moving. There were lots of questions on climate science, projections, impacts, actions. Everyone was excited to take part, to learn.

    Fast forward three years (and a pandemic) later, and the mood could not have been more different. I sensed it as I was speaking, a general muttering in the auditorium full of 16–17-year-olds, that sometimes ebbed a bit, but never really went away. I thought the students might be bored by the specific aspects I was talking about. Sources of emissions, trends, specific impact probabilities, types of mitigation actions … I raced through the topics, hoping to reach one they would be interested in. And at the end, during the Q&A, it finally came out.

    One girl took the mic and held on to it. Her questions came fast and clear, and were widely applauded by her peers. She was clearly channelling the zeitgeist of the room. This is my recollection of some of her questions.

    - “Why are you here talking to us? We can’t do anything. Only politicians, only business leaders, can make the big changes you are talking about. Why aren’t you talking to them?”
    - “Why do you talk to us about optimism [Note: I had not, actually, but perhaps my presentation had been announced as such. Who knows.], about possible actions, when we all know that none of that will happen?”
    - “All these people in power have known about this problem for so long. Yet the IPCC comes out with report after report explaining we have to act within just a few years — and nothing happens, nothing changes. Why do you think this talk of yours to us can do anything?”

    I realised that times had shifted, and that the 16-year-olds of today were in a place far beyond where those of 2019 were. Their mood was one of deep, cold, frustration and betrayal. Pessimism, even despair, perhaps, but also disdain. I had failed them, for sure, but clearly so had the other grown-ups in their lives. I was shaken.


    I learned that the youth who brought the climate crisis to the attention of the world don’t necessarily see that attention as a victory. Back then, when there was silence and denial, inaction could be explained by climate not being enough of a topic for anyone to care or act. In great part due to the climate strikes of 2018–2019, climate skyrocketed to the top of the agenda, on the surface at least.

    And as a result, inaction is now perceived as a deliberate, inevitable choice. The grown-ups (and their grown-ups) know they are hurting and harming the youth and they are still doing it. The hurt and despair are immense. No wonder the high school students were muttering while I was pontificating to them about emissions and degrees of warming and impacts. None of that is seen to matter. It’s like coming to a Victorian school and pointing out to the students that sticks are used to beat them, and that beatings hurt. Like, duh. They know already. What they need to know is how to take the stick away from the adults. They need to know how to become a counter-power who can take away our ability to harm them.

    And this is why I wish I had at least had the opportunity of discussing activism, and the arc of struggle with them. Because they do have at least a sliver of a chance of being able to be that counter-power, of taking the climate stick away from grown-ups (and our grown-ups). Yes, information alone is not enough. But there is so much more to do.
    TADEAS --- ---

    This is how much heat is increasing around the world: Percentage of global land area whose monthly mean was 1, 2, 3, and 4 standard deviations above the 1950-1980 mean. Extreme heat is already 90 times more common than in the same period. Our study:

    Increasing heat and rainfall extremes now far outside the historical climate | npj Climate and Atmospheric Science

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    We're catapulting ourselves out of the Holocene.

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    prirodni plyn

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    SEJDA: "Případ si převzali vyšetřovatelé, kteří mají zjistit příčinu požáru a vyčíslit způsobenou škodu."

    ale kam až to může zajít? snad nebudou vyslýchat i mé svědomí, až se budou ptát po prvních příčinách...
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    SEJDA: oheň, voda, vzduch, žehná velký duch
    RADIQAL --- ---
    UN má UT kanál i v českém dabingu!!! Sledovanost asi jako moje budiž-ji-země-lehká babička a chuť na alarmizmus.

    Přestaňme se vymlouvat (česky, namluvil David Novotný)
    SEJDA --- ---
    Rozsáhlý požár lesa na Brněnsku, na místě jsou desítky hasičů - Novinky.cz

    sezona uz zacala
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    The Guardian view on carbon bombs: governments must say no | Editorial | The Guardian
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