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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    SEJDA --- ---
    Rozsáhlý požár lesa na Brněnsku, na místě jsou desítky hasičů - Novinky.cz

    sezona uz zacala
    TADEAS --- ---
    The Guardian view on carbon bombs: governments must say no | Editorial | The Guardian
    SEJDA --- ---
    Maj na Liptove. Na horach je jeste snich (vysoke albedo). Skoncila topna sezona i ve vyse polozenych dedinach (normalne trva do pulky Juna). Z IBC nadrzi se voda odparuje rychleji, nez ji majovy destik stiha doplnovat.
    Prijde letos stav ohrozeni horskych smrkovych lesu pro pozary drive? ;)
    PER2 --- ---
    Ottawa’s spring heat wave continues, with a third straight day of record-breaking temperatures

    The temperature hit 29.8 C at 2 p.m., setting a record for the warmest May 13 in Ottawa history. The previous record was 28.2 C, set back in 1985.
    Environment Canada's forecast calls for sunshine and a high of 32 C today. It will feel like 34 degrees with the humidex.
    It's the third straight day Ottawa has set a new temperature record.
    The temperature hit 28.4 C on Wednesday, setting a record for warmest May 11. Thursday's high of 30.5 C set a record for hottest May 12 in Ottawa history.
    SEJDA --- ---
    XCHAOS: na pozdim nastartujes, za rok na podzim mas 100 %, rovnou to vypnes, a za 3 mesice dojede ;)
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘Fun in the sun’ photos are a dangerous distraction from the reality of climate breakdown | Saffron O’Neill | The Guardian

    Our new research, led by the University of Exeter, highlights a distinct problem with how the European media visually represents news of extreme heat. We examined media coverage from the UK, the Netherlands, France and Germany during the summer of 2019. Importantly, we only included news stories that mentioned both the keywords “heatwave” and “climate change”, reasoning that if we were to see responsible and accurate reporting of heatwave risks, it would be in coverage that at least alluded to the increasing risk of heatwaves becoming longer, more frequent and more intense under climate breakdown.

    We found two distinct themes in visual coverage. The first used images of “fun in the sun” that depicted heatwaves as something enjoyable. In all four countries, the majority of these images showed people having a good time in or by water. This was particularly prominent in the UK, perhaps saying something about how British culture narrates the experience of very hot weather in our historically mild climate.

    The second theme we found was “the idea of heat”, depicted through red and orange colours, which are (in western cultures) commonly associated with heat or danger. People were largely absent from this visual discourse in photos such as generic stock photographs of thermometers against a blindingly hot sun. When people were pictured, they were depersonalised by silhouetting them against the sun so their faces were not visible.

    Across all four countries, there was a mismatch between the text of the articles and the accompanying visuals. While the headlines and image captions proclaimed news of unprecedented heat, vulnerable people and even deaths, the photos featured were those “fun in the sun” holiday snaps.

    This is problematic in two ways. First, by displacing concerns of vulnerability, it marginalises the experiences of those vulnerable to heatwaves: older people, young children and babies, people with pre-existing health conditions, and people living in poor-quality housing are all more at risk from extreme heat.

    Second, there is a difference between northern Europeans looking forward to a “normal” period of sunny, settled, summer weather (I know – I wish for this after a long and often drearily rainy Devon winter) and articles which may, to a greater or lesser extent, appear to be welcoming the prospect of a much hotter, climate-changed future. Whether extreme heat events are visualised through photos of people on beaches or are excluding people completely, we are missing an opportunity to imagine a more resilient future.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: že by tohle vlastně mohl být argument, protlč jaderky pouštět jen v topné sezóně, to mi nenapadlo...
    TADEAS --- ---
    Francouzská EDF varuje před možným omezováním výroby svých jaderných elektráren kvůli teplému počasí
    TADEAS --- ---
    L4MA: PER2: "stop coal oil gas, muhaha, ten je dobrej" ... napriklad :)

    per2 osobne neznam, takze mam dost omezenou moznost pozorovat dalsi zivotni souvislosti a ani to nehodnotim, jen se pridavam s tim, ze me to vysira .] humor je docela vyspela strategie, ironie je asi takova min srdecna verze humoru. zlehcovat tuhle situaci urcite nejak potreba je, protoze je strasna, ale asi v tom cejtim nejakou potrebu uprimnosti, ktera mi prijde, ze se v ty ironii vytraci.

    strategii mam spoustu a hledam je. :)
    L4MA --- ---
    TADEAS: v cem je tohle https://www.nyx.cz/discussion/24496/id/54870419 ironizujici copingova strategie? jak bys klasifikoval tvoji copingovou strategii?
    TADEAS --- ---
    DNF: souhlas, osobne me tahle 'lol, tak si zkolabujte' ironizujici copingova strategie zacina vysirat .) ale snazim se to neironizovat, kazdej proziva sve faze vyrovnavani ruzne
    DZODZO --- ---
    PER2: ten katar to je asi taka ta nadej nahrady za rusky plyn ci?
    PER2 --- ---
    DNF: ja si v tom nelibuju, ja si jen nemaluju svetly zitrky jako vetsina lidi(nebo neziju v blazene nevedomosti/ignoranci?/ uvedomuju si, co se na planete deje a jaky to bude mit pravdepodobne nasledky), bylo by pekne, kdyby sme se jako civilizace dokazali probrat a vytahnout si vetsinove hlavu z prdele, ale vsude vidim, jak je lidstvo marny, cim vetsi skupina/tlupa/populace, tim mensi sance se na necem rozumne dohodnout v zajmu vyssiho dobra (to bude stat vic penez/nas komfort - na to vam serem)
    jo, je tu spousta lidi, co se snazi tohle zmenit, ale podle vseho to je malo neb vetsinovy populaci je to vsechno uplne ukradeny(maji jiny starosti/nedostatek informaci/maji radi svuj zivotni styl/whatever), dokud se to nebude tykat primo jich, tak nezajem, ted se mam dobre zejo a pak uz bude pozde

    vedecky fakta mluvi celkem jasne a pristup vetsiny nasi civilizace mluvi taky celkem jasne
    zkolabovaly civlizace pred nama neni duvod si myslet, ze sme lepsi, jen ted si to asi protahneme o trosku dyl, nez se zase dame dokupy nebo spis planeta

    rad bych videl moderni civilizaci prosperovat a nechovat se k planete jak ke skladce toxickyho odpadu a rozhodovat se na zaklade vedeckych fakt pro dobro vseho a vsech, ale vsichni vidime jak, nam to skvele jde, greed is winning

    nazyvej me treba doomsayerem, osobne sem se s tim spis smiril a podle toho k tomu pristupuju :) a porad verim v geoengineering jako last ditch attempt, jakkoliv to dopadne
    DNF --- ---
    PER2: Ty si podle tvych prispevku v tom kurveni klimatu a prostredi tak libujes, ze bys byl dobrej evil doomsayer. Nechces do toho trochu zainvestovat, a pororokovat neodvratnou zkazu? Nakroceno mas pekne, skoda talentu!
    PER2 --- ---
    In January 2021, a group of European oil majors—Shell, Eni, and Total—sold off their drilling rights in the Umuechem oilfield in Nigeria to a local private equity-backed company called Trans-Niger Oil & Gas (TNOG). From the majors’ perspective, the sale was a climate change win: one more polluting asset off the books in the companies’ shared commitment to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by mid-century.

    But the emissions from those oil wells didn’t vanish. Instead, they increased dramatically under the management of TNOG, which has no climate targets and isn’t answerable to shareholders or the public. Immediately following the sale, average flaring of excess gas at the site—a potent source of emissions—spiked nearly nine-fold.

    Oil companies are selling assets in a way that harms the climate — Quartz
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: stop coal oil gas, muhaha, ten je dobrej :)

    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: 1h 5 min, shift to regenerative agriculture hned po stop coal oil and gas
    TADEAS --- ---
    Episode 25 - COVID & Climate Change Correlations with Steve Keen and Special Guest Jørgen Randers
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: ja bych pockal, ono se to vyresi samo :)
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    V Arktidě se děje něco velmi neobvyklého. Na neobvyklé změny upozornil tým biologů. Těmito změnami jsou zárodky rašelinišť, které se začaly objevovat v arktických oblastech, které rychle tají. Díky tomu mohou za polárním kruhem vznikat místa, která budou pohlcovat uhlík z atmosféry.

    (...) Není to ještě rašelina v pravém slova smyslu, ale dalo by se říci, že je to výchozí bod pro její vznik. Pokud tento proces, který vytváří proto-rašeliniště, probíhá ve velké míře, může se na severu objevit neočekávaná zásobárna uhlíku, nebo dokonce rostlinné společenstvo, které zmírňuje klimatické změny,“ uvedla vedoucí výzkumu Minna Välirantová z Helsinské univerzity.

    Tento rezervoár zatím nebyl zahrnut do žádného modelování ekosystémů a atmosféry, protože se tradičně předpokládalo, že žádná nová rašeliniště nevznikají. Jedná se tak možná o takzvaný zpětnovazební jev, kdy planeta reguluje zvyšující se množství uhlíku v atmosféře tvorbou nových rašelinišť.

    Newly initiated carbon stock, organic soil accumulation patterns and main driving factors in the High Arctic Svalbard, Norway | Scientific Reports
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