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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    kfc adaptuje

    KFC Australia forced to swap lettuce for cabbage - BBC News

    The firm told customers it is using a mixture of lettuce and cabbage after floods destroyed lettuce crops.
    It comes as shoppers in Australia have been hit with soaring prices for some fresh fruits and vegetables.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Finland sets world's most ambitious climate target in law

    The target was set based on analysis by a group of independent economists from the Finnish climate change panel. They worked out what Finland’s fair share was of the 420 GT of carbon dioxide that the world can emit and still have a two-thirds chance of limiting global warming to 1.5C.

    The panel based this fair share on Finland’s share of the global population, its ability to pay to reduce emissions and its historic responsiblity for causing climate change. It is believed to be the first target to have been set in this way.

    Finland’s environment minister Emma Kari told Climate Home it was “very important” that the target was set with researchers and people from the climate science community. She added: “High income countries have to take a progressive and active role when it comes to tackling climate change


    Whether Finland meets its climate targets will largely depend on its forests, which cover three-quarters of its land area. Last week, Statistics Finland released figures which showed that these forests had, for the first time, released more greenhouse gases than they absorbed.

    Emissions from deforestation have been rising over the last decade, cancelling out emissions reductions from energy as the country moves away from fossil fuels. This was due to trees being cut down faster and planted slower, Statistics Finland found.

    Finnish logging companies turn its trees into pulp and paper and sell them to be burned for energy, which is often controversially advertised as climate-friendly and renewable


    Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has sped up Finland’s energy transition, Kari added, as the government pushed ahead with wind power and making buildings more energy efficient and less reliant on fossil fuel heating.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Portents Of The Unthinkable | Countercurrents

    If the history of the 21st century is ever written it would be reported that, while large parts of the planet were becoming uninhabitable, the extreme rate and scale of global warming, migration of climate zones (>100 km per decade), extent of polar ice melt, sea level rise, ocean warming, acidification and methane release from permafrost threatened to develop into one of the extreme mass extinction events in the geological history of Earth.

    As concentrations of atmospheric greenhouse gases exceeded 500 ppm CO2-equivalents (Figure 1a), rising at a rate an order of magnitude faster than in earlier geological hyper-thermal events, was rising higher than 4oC above pre-industrial temperatures (Figure 1b), threatening to exceed the rise rates of the great mass extinctions.


    But in the core of human conscience is its mythological nature, a mindset springing from the mastery of fire where, for longer than one million years, members of Homo erectus, perched at campfire, watching the flickering flames, developed insights, imagination, a fear of death leading to dreams of omniscience and omnipotence, aspiring for eternal life.

    In the Neolithic the fear of death has driven humans to construct pyramids in order to enshrine immortality, undertake human sacrifice and ultimately fight nature to appease the gods, becoming the most barbarous species ever existed. As expressed by Albert Einstein: “The splitting of the atom has changed everything bar man’s way of thinking and thus we drift into unparalleled catastrophes”
    PER2 --- ---
    kdo to tu fandil modularnim reaktorum?

    "Results reveal that water-, molten salt–, and sodium-cooled SMR designs will increase the volume of nuclear waste in need of management and disposal by factors of 2 to 30."

    TADEAS --- ---
    A Ač: Neuveriteľný rast metánu pokračuje. Rozdiel medzi februárom 2021 a 2022 činil 20,2 ppb. Za posledných 12 mesiacov pribudlo metánu v atmosfére viac, ako kedykoľvek v histórii.

    TADEAS --- ---
    Why The World Is Running Out Of Soil
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Zařízení je umístěné na Havaji a pohání ho solární panely. Za rok by mělo odstranit 36 tun oxidu uhličitého, píše server Carbon Herald. Tuna odstraněných emisí by měla stát 475 dolarů (téměř 11 tisíc korun). Firma ale už pracuje na větší verzi zařízení, které by mělo být účinnější i levnější.


    A druhej co vyhral Muskuv accelerator

    Planetary Wins $1 Million From XPRIZE For Ocean Carbon Removal

    A jeste #organicCCS #energyStorage

    New Battery-Like Carbon Capture Device Could Change The Course Of The Industry

    A groundbreaking innovation has been achieved in carbon capture technology this week. Researchers from the University of Cambridge have designed a battery-like carbon capture device that takes away carbon dioxide from the air while charging.

    The researchers have developed a low-cost device that can selectively capture carbon dioxide gas while it charges. When discharging, the device releases the CO2 in a controlled way which then can be collected for reuse or permanent storage.


    The supercapacitor device is similar to a rechargeable battery and is about the size of a quarter. It is also made in part from sustainable materials like coconut shells and seawater. The low cost of the materials means the supercapacitor could help power carbon capture and storage technologies at a much more affordable way compared to currently available technologies.


    The innovation of using a device that can capture carbon and could be made from sustainable and cheap materials is groundbreaking in the carbon capture sector. If successful, the project could lead the way in CO2 capture and change the course of the industry.
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: wait4it
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: neprijde mi, ze by se jediny z toho s impactem na long boom naplnilo. Porad jsme v boom area, i kdyz nakej kratkodobej utlum pandemie a drobnej narust cen energii byl (zpusobenej ruskym idiotem / lidskym egem)
    TADEAS --- ---
    wired 1997

    Did Wired Mag Publish 'Scary Accurate' Predictions About 21st Century in 1997? | Snopes.com
    TADEAS --- ---
    Hruška: Největší problém je naše rozežranost, elektromobil není spása, planeta už nebude jako dřív | Reflex.cz

    Řešením je uskromnit se. Skutečným problémem lidstva je totiž podle Hrušky jeho rozežranost. „Všichni se ztotožní s dlouhodobými cíli, že je potřeba dekarbonizovat, mít obnovitelnou energii, a když se jim řeknete: ‚Ale tak byste si to příští auto už nemuseli kupovat o číslo větší, než bylo to předchozí, tak se nikomu nechce,“ poukazuje na všeobecnou neochotu dělat ústupky. Touhu po luxusu přitom registrují i výrobci elektromobilů a některé automobilky už lobbují za zvýšení hmotnosti osobních automobilů nad 3,5 tuny. „Fyziku nepřelstíte a s výkonem, který budete potřebovat k tomu, abyste uvedl do chodu takové monstrum, to bude energeticky daleko náročnější, než byla Škoda 120 před 30 lety,“ vyvrací mýtus samospásné elektromobility.

    Nekonečné zvyšování spotřeby je zkrátka neudržitelné a už teď si vybírá svou daň. Pařížská dohoda z roku 2015, která měla přispět ke změně klimatu, je podle Hrušky mrtvá, celosvětová produkce emisí CO2 dokonce začátkem letošního roku vystoupala na své historické maximum. V budoucnu lze pak očekávat extremizaci klimatu, při které se bude střední Evropa střídavě potýkat s epizodami sucha a velkými povodněmi, zatímco Středozemí vyschne na troud. Vůle změnit to je ale zatím slabá.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    AYOS: btw, ono se to o cem mluvis deje real-time, a to i v zemich moznych oznacit 'kapitalisticke' (bohuzel ne retrospektivne)

    [SHEFIK @ Klimaticka zmena // Jak sesekat emise? Novy IPCC report je venku. Kdo posle nejlepsi vytah dostane diplom]
    TADEAS --- ---
    AYOS: do kampane za to, aby ten rozdil nebyl vnimanej urcite taky slo nemalo :)
    MAZA --- ---
    AYOS: A jak budeš určovat míru provinení? Každý spotřebuje víc, než nutně potřebuje k přežití, a generuje tím CO2, které by nemusel. Co psaní tady na nyxu, kolik let/jak vysoká pokuta za to bude?
    DZODZO --- ---
    AYOS: myslim si ze niekto nesie vacsiu vinu ako niekto iny ale zodpovedni sme vsetci, pricom vacsinou ludia s vyssim prijmom maju vinu vacsiu, lebo maju vacsiu spotrebu, riesenim su ale skor rozne zakony, ktore budu smerovat k znizovaniu emisii a znecistenia vseobecne, nez hon na carodejnice

    u konkretnych cinov sa daju vyvodit konkretne dosledky aj ked casto sa neda uplne dobre vycislit skoda, lebo to ze BP obleje mexicky zaliv ropou a pokape tam milion ryb a milion vtakov a dostanu nejaku pokutu, ktoru mozno aj zaplatia, nevrati zazracne ten ekosystem naspat do plne funkcneho stavu

    u abstraktneho pojmu ako "sposobuje zmenu klimy" sa pod tym da predstavit cela plejada ludskych cinnosti, takze jeden odsudeny zacne ukazovat prstom na dalsieho, ze aj tomu dajte pokutu, lebo si cistil zuby jednou kefkou iba 3 mesiace a potom ju vyhodil do rieky, lebo nemaju v meste zavedeny recyklacny system
    RADIQAL --- ---
    Once again, the great ClimateTown is bringing us a skvělou porci informací podaných osvěžující formou. All hail to the Rollie.
    Who Actually Controls Gas Prices? | Climate Town
    DZODZO --- ---
    AYOS: vznikol by nebezpecny precedens, kedy by bol sudeny napriklad kazdy ridic fosilneho auta, to by sudy nestihali vybavovat :)
    TUHO --- ---
    One of the truly thrilling papers I’ve read in recent years carried the plodding title “Empirically Grounded Technology Forecasts and the Energy Transition.” The authors looked at more than 2,900 forecasts for how fast the cost of installing solar power would fall from 2010 to 2020. The average prediction was 2.6 percent annually. No prediction was above 6 percent. But solar power costs actually fell by 15 percent per year. Other technologies have seen similar drops in costs. If these curves hold in the future — and they could well steepen if backed by better policy — then we are, even now, underestimating the possible path of progress.

    Opinion | Your Kids Are Not Doomed - The New York Times
    DZODZO --- ---
    AYOS: ako dokazes ze prave jednanie tohoto konkretneho jedinca (toho profesora bludneho balvana) sposobuje klimaticku zmenu? zato ze vydava knizky plne nesmyslov? nemusis ich citat... pokial su tie knizky vyrabane nejakym extra necistym sposobom akoze vies dokazat ze papier na stranky je ilegalne tazeny z brazilskeho pralesa a vozi sa do ciny lodami so spinavym palivom a tam sa pomocou uholnej elektriny spracovava, tak mozno by si mohol aspon nieco z toho dokazat, ale ze niekto publikuje svoje slovne prujmy predsa klimaticku zmenu nesposobuje :)
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