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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    MATT --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---

    Is A Hungry Summer Coming To Central Asia?
    shrnuti: [FLU @ 3. světová válka aneb kam náš svět směřuje? Status: Winter War 2.0]

    Hlad, exodus, anebo spolupráce? Střední Asie čelí dopadům ruské invaze i krizi s vodou - VOXPOT
    ( [LA_PIOVRA @ 3. světová válka aneb kam náš svět směřuje? Status: Winter War 2.0] )

    Pád ruské ekonomiky způsobený sankcemi i nedostatek pšenice a vody ohrožují postsovětskou Střední Asii. Země, které dosud ekonomicky závisely na historických vazbách s Moskvou, se nyní ocitají v nezáviděníhodné situaci. Cesta z ní však ještě není ztracená.
    TADEAS --- ---
    The Collapse of an Atlantic Ocean Current Would Ripple Across The World, Says Study

    In our study, we used a comprehensive global model to examine what Earth's climate would look like under such a collapse.

    We switched the Atlantic overturning off by applying a massive meltwater anomaly to the North Atlantic, and then compared this to an equivalent run with no meltwater applied.

    Our focus was to look beyond the well-known regional impacts around Europe and North America, and to check how Earth's climate would change in remote locations, as far south as Antarctica.

    The first thing the model simulations revealed was that without the Atlantic overturning, a massive pile up of heat builds up just south of the Equator.

    This excess of tropical Atlantic heat pushes more warm moist air into the upper troposphere (around 10 kilometers into the atmosphere), causing dry air to descend over the east Pacific.

    The descending air then strengthens trade winds, which pushes warm water toward the Indonesian seas. And this helps put the tropical Pacific into a La Niña-like state.

    Australians may think of La Niña summers as cool and wet. But under the long-term warming trend of climate change, their worst impacts will be flooding rain, especially over the east.

    We also show an Atlantic overturning shutdown would be felt as far south as Antarctica. Rising warm air over the West Pacific would trigger wind changes that propagate south to Antarctica. This would deepen the atmospheric low-pressure system over the Amundsen Sea, which sits off west Antarctica.

    This low-pressure system is known to influence ice sheet and ice shelf melt, as well as ocean circulation and sea-ice extent as far west as the Ross Sea.

    Interbasin and interhemispheric impacts of a collapsed Atlantic Overturning Circulation | Nature Climate Change
    TADEAS --- ---
    Rare birds’ arrival an ‘unmissable sign’ climate emergency has reached Britain | Birds | The Guardian
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Heh, forbes proti fosilnim palivum :)

    Fossil Fuels Are ‘Weapons Of Mass Destruction’ Preventing Economic Development, New Report Finds

    Unchecked production and use of oil, coal and gas is undermining economic development and is incompatible with poverty alleviation worldwide, a new report has found, presenting a strong counter-narrative to fossil fuel industry claims that their operations improve lives and livelihoods.

    To address the current and potential harms posed by fossil fuels, the report calls for a new set of international, binding commitments to cut fossil fuel production globally. In short, the authors conclude, the 2015 Paris climate agreement isn’t spurring the action needed to reduce the use of hydrocarbons.

    “I think we something with teeth that can address where greenhouse gas emissions are coming from, not just vague commitments around emissions reductions at some point in the future,” Daley said. “We need policies and a framework to go to the source of the problem, which is fossil fuel production.”

    Daley explained that a well-designed agreement could help to phase out fossil fuels in a way that was fair and equitable, and give “developmental space” to exploited nations to help transition workers to more sustainable roles.

    Most of all, he said, any robust agreement would place the burden of responsibility on rich nations to help fund and support the global transition away from fossil fuels.

    “There needs to be sticks and carrots,” Daley said. “It’s not going to be easy and it won’t be straightforward, but it needs to be the rich nations that need to stand up and move.”
    TADEAS --- ---

    More than 100 towns in Italy’s Po valley asked to ration water | Italy | The Guardian
    MATT --- ---
    Kansas Heat Wave Kills Around 10,000 Fat Cattle as Temperatures Reach over 100 Degrees Fahrenheit | Nature World News

    ‘The Greatest Reduction Ever.’ How Drought Has Affected Rice Farmers In Sacramento Valley

    [MATT @ METEO :: POČASÍ :: WEATHER :: Klimatické jevy a jiné anomálie...]
    PER2 --- ---
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    BBC Radio 4 - Drama, The Limits to Growth

    Drama inspired by the work of Donella Meadows, lead author of the seminal 1972 report on earth's capacity to support human economic expansion. By Sarah Woods, stars Samantha Dakin.
    PER2 --- ---

    “The Europeans are sending us the money! They’re paying for the war. No matter how you look at it, we have blood on our hands.”
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    tak bohužel, v 5 prioritách už klima není

    Ukrajina i energetika. Fiala s Bekem představili priority předsednictví v EU - Seznam Zprávy
    TADEAS --- ---
    paliativni proces

    Ethical Maxims for a Marginally Inhabitable Planet - PubMed

    dl: https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS%3Ab5dff5ac-a535-3717-8c05-f8ce83dc0ba0#pageNum=1

    This essay asks which ethical norms will serve us well in the face of the coming climate catastrophe. It sketches the climate changes likely for the year 2031 and offers six adaptive maxims, drawn from bioethics work in ICUs and hospices, to guide us through the devastation and transition following environmental and social collapse. These six maxims are: work hard to grasp the immensity of the change; cultivate radical hope; have a line in the sand; appreciate the astonishing opportunity of life at this time; train your body and mind; and act for the future generations of all species. Because we are already in an environmental collapse and the beginnings of social collapse, these maxims are relevant today as well as for the future.
    PER2 --- ---
    Methane leak at Russian mine could be largest ever discovered | Russia | The Guardian
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    Pakistanis told to drink less tea to help fight economic crisis | Pakistan | The Guardian
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    Polská vláda schválila prodej uhlí domácnostem za garantovanou cenu — ČT24 — Česká televize
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    Proč drahý plyn zvýší i cenu masa? Poradce premiéra Petra Fialy promluvil o inflační spirále a řekl, o kolik si lidé už musí připlatit | ŽivotvČesku.cz

    Provozy, které při výrobě spotřebují velké množství elektřiny nebo plynu, s jejich rostoucími cenami logicky zdražují i své produkty, typickými příklady jsou třeba pekárny nebo sklárny. Zvýšení cen na vstupu se ale může přes na první pohled zdánlivě nesouvisející komoditu nebo zboží promítnout i do cen koncového produktu ve zcela jiném odvětví.

    Dobře ilustrující příklad uvedl pro ŽivotvČesku.cz ekonom Štěpán Křeček. "Jak se propisují ty ceny trhu s energetickými komoditami, kdy hlavně třeba zdražování plynu a chemických látek se přehouplo do zdražování hnojiv, což vedlo ke zdražování v rostlinné výrobě, která pak zdražuje tu živočišnou výrobu. Je to ukázkový případ, jak se jednotlivé ceny vzájemně ovlivňují a zároveň roztáčí inflační spirálu, která v tuto chvíli stoupá výš a výš," uvedl hlavní ekonom společnosti BH Securities a externí poradce premiéra Petra Fialy s tím, že právě maso bude i nadále zdražovat.
    PER2 --- ---
    renewables bad .....bad i say!

    "Texas is, by rhetoric, anti-renewables. But frankly, renewables are bailing us out," said Michael Webber, an energy expert and professor at the University of Texas at Austin. "They're rocking. That really spares us a lot of heartache and a lot of money."
    TADEAS --- ---

    US announces plan to build silos on Ukraine border to export grain | Ukraine | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    LAMIA: Shit, yes!
    LAMIA --- ---
    Dobré zprávy (alespoň nějaké) z dnešního jednání Klimažaloby

    Vážené členky a členové spolku,

    Městský soud v Praze nám dal (ve věci mitigace) za pravdu! Určil, že v současnosti přijatá mitigační opatření jsou nedostatečná a postup ministerstev vůči změně klimatu je nezákonný. Nařídil ministerstvům přijmout dodatečná opatření, aby bylo dosaženo snížení emisí alespoň o 55% do roku 2030. Co se týče adaptace na změnu klimatu, tak soud shledal, že není právní rámec, který by Česku příkazoval přijímat konkrétní opatření a že současná opatření jsou z právního hlediska dostatečná. Taky nám ministerstva budou muset proplatit náklady řízení :)

    Dnes ještě vydáme tiskovou zprávu s více podrobnostmi.
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