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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TUHO: ad axial tilt, otec me tuhle presvedcoval, ze vedro je kvuli tomu ze lidi posilali do vesmiru obri rakety Saturn 5 a to posunulo zemskou osu.
    TUHO --- ---
    For climate control Earths, scale is the ultimate problem. In human terms, climate means patterns; stable, more or less predictable cycles; baseline states you can count on. If you live in a temperate zone, you might get some cool days next summer, but you’ll be really surprised if it snows. You may travel in search of a particular climate — beach weather, dry and mosquito-free desert camping, hot days and cool evenings in the south of France — or to escape one you don’t like, just as Canadian snowbirds flock to Florida each winter. In human terms, these patterns are places. They’re where you live, or where you spend certain kinds of time. On the scales of ordinary human life, there’s no such thing as a global climate. Rather, there are multiple climates: local and regional patterns and differences.

    Yet from a God’s-eye perspective (or that of a scientist) all those patterns are connected in one gigantic system, driven by colossal forces: gravity, the sun, orbital variations, axial tilt. They are shaped by atmospheric chemistry that’s evolved over eons and has been altered dramatically by living things. As James Lovelock once put it, the atmosphere is the circulatory system of the biosphere. 2 Every year, deciduous plants suck up immense quantities of carbon in the spring when they grow leaves, and spew it out again in the fall as their fallen leaves decay, oozing carbon back into the atmosphere. Now we’re adding more carbon — a lot more.

    Control Earth
    PER2 --- ---
    Francie, Španělsko, Portugalsko, Itálie či Řecko. Tisíce evakuovaných lidí, statisíce sežehnutých akrů lesů, nadměrná úmrtí i turisté v nesnázích. Evropu sužují bezprecedentní vedra.

    Greenland peripheral glacier mass loss increased from 27.2 Gt/yr (February 2003–October 2009) to 42.3 Gt/yr (October 2018–December 2021
    Mass loss increased by a factor of four for peripheral glaciers in North Greenland during February 2003–December 2021
    Enhanced precipitation in northeast Greenland during October 2018–December 2021 resulted in ice thickening at higher elevations

    XCHAOS --- ---
    Portugalsko v těchto dnech, pokud se Kalifornie v minulých letech zdála někomu bezpečně daleko...
    (to bych čekal, že se Portugalsko schladí od blízkého Atlantiku, ale to je stejný problém jako ta Kalifornie.. asi to nestačí)
    DZODZO --- ---
    XCHAOS: uz popostrkuje, vsak kdesi pisali ze kvoli tomu bude zasadat nejaky special task force s nazvom Cobra :)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    My máme letos zatím štěstí na velmi mírné léto, ale zítra bude v Británii přes 40°C a tam na to fakt nejsou zvyklí. Takže bude zajímavé sledovat, jak to popostrčí mediální prezentaci klimatické změny...
    TUHO --- ---

    The fossil fuel industry engineered this outcome — through decades of deception and disinformation to obscure climate science from the public, through direct lobbying of lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, and through donations to politicians like Manchin who will do their bidding. Manchin, who makes millions from his family coal business, receives more donations from the fossil fuel industry than any other Senator. Last year, Exxon’s former top lobbyist called him the “kingmaker” — one of the industry’s most important allies, whose office Exxon talked to every week.
    TUHO --- ---
    more bad fucking news…

    After months of dragging Democrats through the mud, U.S. Senator Joe Manchin now says he won’t support any of the climate and clean energy provisions Democrats were hoping to pass through a reconciliation bill before the August recess. The move is a devastating blow not just to environmentalists and climate activists, not just to the Biden administration’s agenda, but to every living being on planet Earth.

    The fossil fuel lobby has killed our best chance at climate legislation
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: asi jak kdy, taky kdyz ti jedou po obloze maky na stridacku s primym sluncem to asi nebude uplne idealni na stabilizaci site, pokud nemas dost baterek

    TADEAS --- ---
    PER2: zrovna AC + solary je primitivni aplikace, ktera by ten grid stabilizovala (asi)
    DZODZO --- ---
    SEJDA: uz tak je to dost depresivne :)
    PER2 --- ---
    As searing Texas heat drives power demand to record highs, the state’s grid operator is ordering plants to run at a historic pace, often forcing them to put off maintenance to keep cranking out electricity. That’s helped keep the lights on, for now, but the short-term focus is putting even more stress on a system that’s already stretched near the limit.
    SEJDA --- ---
    TUHO: taktne zamlceli metan, neboli zemni plyn .. tedy alespon v uvodu. To se bude dat sdilet. :)
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: no to je jediny co me napadlo jako issue, pak ale neni problem s odcerpavanim vody, ale s tim, ze ji lijou do kanalu/reky/more, pricemz by se dala vyuzit dal na vytapeni a po chlazeni na zavlazovani. Problem by pak byl v nejakym cirkularnim nastaveni, nez vyuziti/odcerpani vody jako takove

    Odpar vody pri chlazeni serveru, kdy cpu kolabuje kolem 70*C a zivotnost disku degraduje pri nizsich teplotach mi neprijde uplne validni. Navic chlazeni elektrickejch zarizeni musi probihat v uzavrenym obvodu, tzn. odpar by mel byt nulovy, pokud to nepoustim gejzirem na povrch

    Pisou tam zaroven o vyuziti na non-renewable energy, pod cim si nedokazu v serverovne nic predstavit
    DZODZO --- ---
    TUHO: 673 zhliadnutí - to je na tom najsmutnejsie, ludi to moc nezaujima
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: podle me je to podobnej peoblem jako u intenzivniho zemedelstvi - odnekud musis dostat tekouci vodu, bud z povrchu nebo z vrtu - tj. bud ji odcerpavas odnekud z prostredi protoze ji potrebujes hodne na jednom miste, nebo ji cerpas z vrtu a pak vycerpavas nejaky podzemni rezervoart, coz muze byt problem, zalezi na mnozstvi. predstavuju si, ze pri chlazeni se ta voda do nejaky miry odpari, pripadne oteplena odtece - pak jde o to kam odtece, zda zpet tam kde ji vzali, tj. zpet do svych watershedu, nebo znovu zavodni nejaky rezervoar.
    TUHO --- ---
    Experts gathered in Oxford this month to discuss how “nature-based solutions” can be used to tackle the twin threats of climate change and biodiversity loss.
    Over three days at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, the Nature-based Solutions Conference considered techniques such as forest creation or mangrove restoration, which are increasingly appearing in climate strategies.
    In theory, such projects could also help to reverse the loss of wildlife, provide economic boosts to local communities and strengthen resilience against climate impacts.
    But the topic can be highly contentious and the conference provided a space for critics to outline their objections to nature-based solutions. Speakers took aim at companies and governments “greenwashing” and treating the natural world as a commodity.

    Nature-based solutions: How can they work for climate, biodiversity and people? - Carbon Brief
    TUHO --- ---
    Docela peknej dokument o klimaticky krizi ze Slovenska

    Po nás potopa | dokumentárny film o zmene klímy na Slovensku
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    SHEFIK: rozumim, ze se ptas, v cem je problem, kdyz zase odtece do prirody. predpokladam ze je to stejna trida problemu jako "francouzi odstavuji jaderky protoze je neni cim chladit" ale technicky nevim
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam