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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    KEB --- ---
    WOODMAKER: můžu vědět proč jsou Češi plytvaci?
    TUHO --- ---
    PER2: Btw je divny, ze tam neni zadny otepleni v soucasnosti. Co je to za zdroj vubec? Sipka tam sice ukazuje, ale v paleoklimatologii je dost zasadni, co ukazje bod 0. Casto to byva rok 1950, ale prvni data point muze byt klidne roku 1850 (celkem logicky, pokud je to analyza ledovcovejch jader):

    viz treba
    Confusing Greenland warming vs global warming
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Jinak k tyhle rekonstrukci se jeste slusi dodat, ze posledni vyzkum ukazuje, ze doba ledova byla zrejme vyrazne studenejsi (o 3-5 stupnu) nez donedavna rekonstrukce ukazovaly. Celkem dost radikalni zmena, jsem prekvapenej, ze se to vic nedebatuje. Nema k tomu nekdo nejaky detaily?

    Global Temperature Reconstruction Over Last 24,000 Years Show Today’s Warming “Unprecedented”

    Glacial cooling and climate sensitivity revisited | Nature
    TUHO --- ---
    PER2: Problem trochu je, ze tohle je lokalni rekonstrukce teplot v Gronsku. Lokalni rekonstrukce jsou samo vzdycky dost variabilnejsi. Globalni rekonstrukce teploty tak dramaticky nejsou (coz mj znamena, ze lokalne muzeme ocekavat vyrazne dramatictejsi zmeny v ruznych castech sveta).

    WOODMAKER --- ---
    SHEFIK: Podle me jsou problem emise co2. A ne to, jak se kdo snazi. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/visualizing-global-per-capita-co2-emissions/ (nevim, jak je tenhle zdroj overenej)
    23,5% elektriny z US ... kolik elektriny spotrebuje american oproti treba cechovi? (Cesi jsou podle me plytvaci)

    A jako nejaka snaha je hezka, jenom mi prijde, ze politici (bez silne podpory obyvatelstva) s tim nejak radikalne nepohnou. Ale asi chapu, ze myslis, ze by jako stat mohl ty eko cesty par firmam povolovat diky dynamicke legistlative a taky investovat do novych technologii.
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: uh, oh, s timhle typem prohlaseni bych byl opatrnejsi
    We have never experienced anything remotely like it in the 300,000 years we’ve existed

    MARSHUS --- ---
    Here's who lives in your city's worst heat islands | Radio-Canada.ca

    v Kanadě udělali srovnání jaká je místní teplota podle příjmu, množství vegetace, množství imigrantů. Výsledky nepřekvapí ale skvělá prezentace.
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: keen v fridman

    Steve Keen: Marxism, Capitalism, and Economics | Lex Fridman Podcast #303
    TADEAS --- ---
    wen BOE? soon

    We really have to take into account a Blue Ocean Event this year. This means we've only left less than 1M square kilometer of sea ice in August or September.

    The water near the sea-ice border is up to 6°C warmer than during a normal July!!

    The ice is losing 10 to 15 centimeters of thickness now each day!!


    TADEAS --- ---
    Prof Steve Keen is creating realistic economics for the post-crash world | Patreon
    TADEAS --- ---
    Global cities convene in London to tackle triple threat of congestion, air pollution and the climate emergency - C40 Cities
    TADEAS --- ---

    We’re Not Going to Make it to 2050 | by umair haque | Jul, 2022 | Eudaimonia and Co

    Extinction — the Event we’re now entering — is going to be the single greatest occurrence in human history. We have never experienced anything remotely like it in the 300,000 years we’ve existed, because the last time it happened was 65 million years ago. Extinction will cleave time, shape politics, and define culture forevermore, after us. Our progeny will regard us the way we regard Stone Age people, or maybe medieval sorts — why didn’t they do anything, they’ll wonder? Why did they sit there glued to dumb Marvel Movies and debating pronouns and letting demagogues scapegoat and hate…while their planet died?

    What we are doing is inadequate. You don’t have to think too hard about it. Our civilization’s attempts to combat Extinction so far have resulted in…this. This dystopia we currently live in, where Europe’s on fire, inflation’s spiking, Covid never goes away, and all the rest of it. Our efforts are self-evidently inadequate. Things are this bad right now. Go ahead, and think about 2025. And shudder. Most of us can’t even imagine the world in 2030, or 2040. Will there even be one? What will be left of this thing we once called civilization?

    Vague goals to hit “net zero” by 2050 are like standing in the basement of a burning house, and agreeing to call the fire department in the morning.
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: trumping rcp 8.5
    TADEAS --- ---

    Dnes nás čeká tropický den. Na tyto dny bychom si však dle výhledu modelů měli zvykat a budou čím dál častější. Pozorovaný počet dokonce v posledních letech odpovídá spíše tomu, co modely předpokládaly až kolem roku 2050.

    KEB --- ---
    DZODZO: ty jsi nezabednil přes den dům? To bylo hloupé...
    DZODZO --- ---
    hm ze by mali uz vtedy v new yorku 35 stupnov? nam teraz v spalni ukazuje teplomer 28, klimu nemame, iba ventilatory

    Slameny vdovec
    PER2 --- ---
    Biden considers calling climate emergency as soon as this week, Washington Post reports
    PER2 --- ---
    aspon ze v australii je vsechno v poradku

    The survey of Australia's ecological systems - conducted every five years - found widespread abrupt changes.
    Nineteen ecosystems are on the brink of collapse
    There are now more non-native plant species in Australia than native ones
    Australia has lost more species to extinction than any other continent
    All bar one category of environment examined has deteriorated since 2016, and more than half are now in a "poor" state.

    Australia's environment in 'shocking' decline, report finds - BBC News
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