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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / If the fracturing of our once stable climate doesn’t terrify you, then you don’t fully understand it
    TADEAS --- ---
    lekce z rewildingu, aneb bez hyperpredátoření to nepůjde

    ‘We make nature here’: pioneering Dutch project repairs image after outcry over starving animals | Rewilding | The Guardian

    “Back-bred” animals resembling their extinct relations that would have lived in Europe during the Pleistocene, or ice age, arrived: Konik horses from Polandin 1983; Heck cattle from Germany in 1984; and red deer from Scotland in 1992. They were hardy and fitted in with the carefully cultivated wild aesthetic. This work drove radical changes, pushing traditional conservation towards “nature development” with large herbivores as the “ecological main structure”, which is now common thinking in rewilding.

    In 2018, after an outcry over the deaths of so many animals, a committee coordinated by the provincial government called for an end to the policy of allowing “natural processes” to govern herbivore populations, and said numbers must be kept below 1,500. Today a vet comes regularly to check on the animals. Those in bad condition are fed over the winter. When numbers increase too much, they are moved to new areas or killed, and deer and horse carcasses can be sold as “wild meat”.
    TADEAS --- ---
    PER2: tak tim je to jednodussi :)

    kazdopadne tuhle barieru kdy omezeni emisi paradoxne zhorsi situaci nekdy asi budeme muset prekonat
    PER2 --- ---
    Science | AAAS

    Shipping’s dirty secret: how ‘scrubbers’ clean the air – while contaminating the sea | Shipping emissions | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    Does the Earth Care? | Manifold @uminnpress

    Does the Earth Care? offers an Earthly alternative to either cold realism or alienated despair in the face of impending ecological disaster. It outlines a “provisional ecology,” drawing on a variety of literary and philosophical sources from Richard Jefferies and Robert Macfarlane to Martin Heidegger and Gaia theory.

    The world is changing. Progress no longer has a future but any earlier sense of Earth as “providential” seems of merely historical interest. The apparent absence of Earthly solicitude is a symptom and consequence of these successive Western modes of engagement with the Earth, now exemplified in global capitalism. Within these constructs, Earth can only appear as constitutively indifferent to the fate of all its inhabitants. The “provisional ecology” outlined in Does the Earth Care?—drawing on a variety of literary and philosophical sources from Richard Jefferies and Robert Macfarlane to Martin Heidegger and Gaia theory—fundamentally challenges that assumption, while offering an Earthly alternative to either cold realism or alienated despair in the face of impending ecological disaster.
    SCHWEPZ --- ---

    David Wallace-Wells: Neobyvatelná Země. Je to mnohem horší, než jsme si mysleli | Plus

    Čtrnáctidílná četba na pokračování představí nejlepší knihu roku podle The New York Times, The Economist i podle časopisu Time.

    Neobyvatelná Země je také knihou, o níž historik Timothy Snyder řekl, že bychom si ji měli přečíst, pokud nechceme, aby nás naše vnoučata proklínala.

    Výjimečná je především tím, že přehledně shrnuje dosavadní poznatky vědců o proměně klimatu Země a na jejich základech navrhuje scénáře možného vývoje. Poslouchat ji můžete po dobu sedmi dní.
    TADEAS --- ---
    PER2: zdroj?
    TADEAS --- ---
    klimazal.cz – Enviromentální krize
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: spinavy paliva z lodi dopravy nikdy nezmizely, jen to ted posustej do vody misto do vzduchu :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    Studies & Projects | Prognos

    What is at stake for Germany's economy if the world breaks up into blocs

    Decentralised heat supply in a climate-neutral Germany
    TADEAS --- ---

    Extreme heat, drought and floods caused by climate change cost Germany at least 6.6 billion euros ($6.69 billion) in damages annually on average in the past two decades, a study showed on Monday, with some severe episodes pushing losses into the tens of billions.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    WOODMAKER: uz sem to zminoval, jde o nastartovani globalnich investic do transition na clean energy, skrze nakou politickou stabilitu / jasny a zavazny deklarace. Problem neni spotreba energii, ale to jak ji vyrabime.

    Zrovna USA bych moc nekritizoval, zlatej Biden. 4 letej plan na $2 biliony investic atd. Tech veci, co udelal je spousta (bohuzel i rozsireni tezby ropy).

    Joe Biden mulls declaring 'Climate Change Emergency' but can he fight off his colleagues? - World News

    23,5% elektriny v US uz je z renewable zdroju

    Slo mi spis o evropsky zeme, cinu, indii... UK treba s australii jsou leadry politicky podpory ven z klimaticky krize, a Boris Johnson v zari konci... tam treba ta vyznamnost klimatu bude videt ve volbach imho nejvic a jako prvni.
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: imho staci znovu zavest spinava paliva do lodni dopravy
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    taky to vidim tak, ze nez by US zmenilo identitu (svoboda byznysu, konzumu a pohodli) spis zacnou strilet tu siru do ovzdusi
    TADEAS --- ---
    Air pollution surges as heatwave sweeps across Europe | Reuters

    Scientists with the EU Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) warned on Tuesday of unhealthy levels of ozone pollution across southern and western Europe which could soon affect northwestern regions.

    The World Health Organization has set an eight-hour surface-level ozone exposure limit of 100 micrograms per cubic meter. Southeast England, northern France, and the Benelux region are all currently seeing daily concentrations greater than 120 micrograms.
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: :D

    “Common causes of grass fires include carelessly discarded cigarettes or matches as well as rubbish left lying around such as glass bottles, which can start flames by magnifying the sun’s rays.

    “Every one of us can help reduce the risk of fire and keep our communities clean, make sure rubbish is safely thrown away and cigarettes are always properly disposed of.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Wennington fire: London major incident declared as heatwave triggers blazes ripping through homes | ITV News London

    WOODMAKER --- ---
    Protoze fungovani USA je zalozeno na tom, ze kazdej rano vytahne svoje auto, odjede par desitek kilometru do prace, na obed, na nakup, kamkoli. Nemaji ani chodniky, ani autobusy, krome skolnich a tak dal. A vsude klimatizace.
    Zmeny, co by musely nastat, aby se snizily emise, jsou pro me nepredstavitelny.
    WOODMAKER --- ---
    SHEFIK: a co by se po tech volbach melo stat? Imo vyhrajou republikani, nebo demokrati a budou pokracovat ve sve prizdisracske politice "hlavne moc nenasrat vlastni obcany" a dal se nic nebude dit.
    Co ocekavas ty?
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam