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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    Mass crop failures expected in England as farmers demand hosepipe bans | Drought | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS: implications remain poorly understood

    the fascists are going to win the elections
    they're going to have us building walls
    they're going to send your children off to slaughter in war
    enter that
    that self-contempt
    that confusion
    that feeling of being lost
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---

    We have, until yesterday morning, warned of the 3-times faster warming of the Arctic, compared to the Planet. Now we have to make a correction. It is 4 times faster (7 times faster on Svalbard). Implications remain poorly understood.

    Arctic warming 4 times faster than rest of planet: Climate study | Climate News | Al Jazeera

    The Arctic has warmed nearly four times faster than the globe since 1979 | Communications Earth & Environment
    TADEAS --- ---


    Regarding the Inflation Reduction Act: “It is consistent with the long-standing ‘wishful thinking’ approach to #climate policy, ask each nation to try to reduce their emissions and hope that the global results will add up to a solution. And then ignore the blatant scientific data showing that this approach is not working and will not work.”

    What @DrJamesEHansen is trying to say, but can't quite find the words for, is that nothing other than Revolution will save us now. Happy to help him out.
    TADEAS --- ---

    WolfeNotes.com » Jim Hansen Calls Out Climate Impacts Of Biden’s “Inflation Reduction Act” Deal

    By now, I’m sure you’ve all read or heard about the significant climate policy victories embedded in the Biden “Inflation Reduction Act” and how it will reduce greenhouse gas emissions – the models estimate – by up to 44%.

    I’m not technically competent to critique the models that generated these estimates of emissions reductions, but I have basic quantitative skills and experience in how laws get implemented. Without going into detail, based on a cursory review, I can say that key assumptions of those models are absurd. To name just 4:

    1) the carbon capture and sequestration technology is not feasible;

    2) the huge rate of increase in renewable power capacity installation is unrealistic; (read the below caveats):

    3) there is no guarantee that renewable power capacity displaces carbon sources of power, especially given technical integration of renewables and gas fired power.

    I’ve call it “magical thinking”.

    There likely will be growth in GHG emissions given projected economic growth, projected huge increases in energy demand (especially from electrification), continued promotion of leasing and development of fossil reserves, and investment and expansion of fossil and other GHG generating infrastructure in the bill (and the prior infrastructure bill).

    It’s even worse than Sanders blasted. He didn’t mention huge subsidies to carbon capture, nuclear power, agriculture, “biofuels”, “sustainable aviation fuel”, logging, mining, pipelines, and electric power lines, among others.

    4) I think “forest management” logging policies deeply undermine, if not wipe out, the assumed forest carbon sequestration assumptions. Logging is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions.

    In addition to inherent limitations of modeling, I’m also highly skeptical of the ability of modelers to understand laws and policy and how they are implemented in the real world.


    When considering priorities suggested by the billions of dollars in the bill, keep in mind that this is a 10 year plan, so divide by 10: e.g. the $370 billion for renewable energy is just $37 billion/year. Compare that to the $800+ billion or so spent on the military, per year
    TADEAS --- ---
    Jakub Zelený: České lesy dlouhodobě chřadnou. Na vině je průmyslové hospodaření - Ekolist.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    kind of related

    TADEAS --- ---
    Sécheresse : en France, le niveau de la Loire inquiète
    TADEAS --- ---

    TADEAS --- ---
    Lesní pastva se rozbíhá ve třech evropsky významných lokalitách - Ekolist.cz
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    jsou tam staveny do opozice proti dunajovicim ktere sou na tom hur
    DZODZO --- ---
    YMLADRIS: jak zakaz zalevat zahrady? nema tam vlastnu studnu? ja som tento rok moc nezalieval, lebo sme toho ani moc nesadili, iba hrasok a par rajcat, najviac polievam figovnik pred barakom
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: to je o tom ze se muzou adaptovat, ne ze jsou, ne?
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    kamosce v sakvicich letos uschlo vsechno, protoze maji zakaz zalevat zahrady. tolik k adaptovane vesnici (sakvice se v clanku zminuji jako priklad dobre praxe)
    DZODZO --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: "Jižní Morava nás zajímá proto, že ačkoliv byla suchá vždy, v důsledku klimatické změny se teď situace ještě zhoršila. V řádu třiceti let tam bude podobné sucho, jaké známe například z Chorvatska." no tak to potes...
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Rýn během pátku přestane být splavný. Ekonomické dopady pocítí celá Evropa - iDNES.cz

    Drought in Europe: Shipping threatened in Germany as Rhine water levels continue to drop | Euronews

    Hladina řeky Rýn v německé oblasti Rheingau podle úřadů v pátek klesne na kritickou úroveň, na klíčovém místě naměří už jen čtyřicet centimetrů hloubky
    Splavnost tohoto toku je ale klíčová pro celou Evropu a potvrzují to i historické zkušenosti. Odborníci míní, že situace může narušit obchod napříč celým kontinentem.

    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    TADEAS: budeme na jihu Moravy taky tancovat v krojích, aby přišel déšť?

    Tým vědců představil optimistický i pesimistický scénář proměn krajiny šesti jihomoravských vesnic do roku 2050. Na který z nich dojde, rozhodnou podle expertky dotační pravidla a priority radnic. Varuje také, že jde o větší práci, než jakou mohou dlouhodobě zvládat neuvolnění starostové malých obcí. Suchu by podle ní měli společně čelit stát, mikroregiony, samosprávy i jednotliví vlastníci pozemků.

    Jižní Morava má naději klimatickou krizi ustát. Výzkum modeluje extrémní scénáře v šesti obcích | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy

    Výzkumný projekt "Příběhy sucha"
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