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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TADEAS --- ---
    PETER_PAN: jj, je to na hovno. beeu to tak, ze jeden ten institucionalni cyklus je nejakejch 150 let, 7 generaci a asi to pres informacni revoluci neurychlime. od pulky 20. stoleti vime, nez zareagujeme ve smyslu, ze se inatitucionalne prizpusobime potrebujeme 150 let, cilu 2100 bude ta kultura uz jina...je to na dlouho
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    TADEAS: Dneska kdyz jsem sel z jogy do prace kterou mam kousicek. Tak pres vsechno vyprazdneni mysli me privadela k placi jedna uvaha. V roce 2050 az to bude jasny i tomu nejposlednejsimu klausovi a dopady budou instantni a kazdodenni, v te dobe bude memu synovi 32 (a me 68) a bude se me ptat (jiste jako jiz mnoho let pred tim) - proc jste se na to vysrali?
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Putin bude v daleky budoucnosti prohlasenej za nejvetsiho klimatickyho bojovnika. Jednak vytvoril nejvetsi tlak na energetickou transformaci (jaderky, snizeni teplotniho standardu v budovach) nejen v evrope

    EU reveals its plans to stop using Russian gas - BBC News

    The REPowerEU strategy was first announced in March with the stated aim of reducing Russian gas imports by two thirds in 2022.

    The updated proposals outline not just how the EU plans to negotiate both the immediate gas crisis, but also deliver on promises to completely wean itself off Russian energy by 2030.

    The strategy focuses on three key topic areas. Improving energy efficiency, expanding the use of renewable energy and securing non-Russian suppliers of oil and gas.

    The bloc has earmarked €113 billion for a "massive scale up in renewables" and new hydrogen infrastructure.

    New EU legislation is being proposed to make it easier to build solar and wind farms.

    "Whenever we talk about rapid deployment of renewables, there is an elephant in the room- getting a permit," said Frans Timmermans, vice president of the European Commission.

    "It might take as long as nine years for wind and up to four years for solar projects, so this is time that we do not have and we have to speed things up," he added.

    The Commission has proposed specially designated "go-to" areas where permission can be given in just one year. Certain new buildings could also be required to have solar panels installed on the roof.

    The EU target for renewable energy has also been more raised. The goal is for green energy to provide 45% of energy needs by 2030, up from 40%.


    A jednak snizuje populaci velmi rychlym tempem (vcetne uplatnovani degrowth v rusku)

    Ukrajinci "napíchli" Wagnerovce. Odposlechy potvrdily, že jejich pověst je v troskách - Aktuálně.cz

    Jde jim o peníze. A pro peníze umírají. Neviděli jsme u nich žádnou pokročilou taktiku. Ruská armáda potřebuje skrývat své ztráty. Nezbývá jim nic jiného než najímat zločince a nenápadně je používat jako potravu pro děla. Nevyžaduje se od nich, aby byli efektivní. Potřebují jen lidskou sílu, aby se mohli prodírat vpřed," vysvětluje Ukrajinec Tura.
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Bio paradox: Ceny potravin z velkovýroby se blíží těm farmářským, ukazují data - Aktuálně.cz

    Podle mě je základním důvodem skutečnost, že se v ekologickém zemědělství prakticky nepoužívají průmyslová hnojiva, jejichž cena v průběhu hospodářského roku velmi vzrostla, a obecně tam jsou nižší náklady například na pracovní sílu, protože na menších farmách nebo biofarmách si obvykle vše zajišťují pěstitelé a chovatelé sami," vysvětluje agrární analytik Petr Havel.
    TADEAS --- ---
    HANT: "panikarstvi"

    me to vlastne uklidnuje. je to proste moc velky, tak je lepsi to vyignorovat. od nejaky chvile ale nelze rict, ze to neni volba. je to aktivni sebedestruktivni strategie.

    az to fakt praskne, tak vyhroceni toho mezigeneracniho sporu bude velky
    HYNEK --- ---
    Kolik z vice nez ctyriceti otazek se tyka klimatu?

    Volební kvíz, koho volit v komunálních volbách 2022 v Praze - Aktuálně.cz


    (Cca dve.)
    HANT --- ---
    AYOS: Ani ne, jen v rámci jedné nadace nevědí, kam poslat peníze, chtějí to udělat co nejdřív, než jim je sežere inflace a zároveň jim klima nepřišlo jako priorita, tak jsem se je snažil přesvědčit :). Tam zrovna podpora něčeho radikálnějšího nehrozí. Bohužel i tak jsem se dozvěděl, že jde o zbytečné panikářství, takže z toho spíš nic nebude...

    Bitcoin myslím docela dobře vysvětlen tu, včetně toho, proč ho nenahradíš :). Klimaticky neutrální kryptoměny samozřejmě existují.

    Bitcoin’s Energy Usage Isn’t a Problem. Here’s Why. - Swan Bitcoin
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Trocha nechtene regenerace

    Farmers to slash food production after worker shortage causes ‘unprecedented’ waste | The Independent
    TADEAS --- ---
    Are indoor vertical farms really ‘future-proofing agriculture’? | US news | The Guardian
    SEJDA --- ---
    V Česku je opět tropické horko. Proč je fotka u tohoto článku problém? - Aktuálně.cz

    Tak to vypada ze dzihad Greenpeasaku bude mit dalsi obet: fotky holych zadku, vyholenich trisel i plochych pupku od bazenu v oficialnich mediich. Uz se budou fotit jenom upocene tvare pracujiciho lidu :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    Water Shortage Triggered By Climate Change Threatens Tibetan Plateau: Study

    Writing in the journal Nature Climate Change, the team projected changes in water storage across the plateau under a middle-of-the-road emissions scenario, where levels of carbon pollution stay roughly at current levels before falling gradually after 2050.

    They found two river basins were particularly vulnerable to water loss.

    For the Amu Darya, central Asia's largest river, water loss could be equivalent to 119 percent of the current demand.

    Communities reliant on the Indus basement for water supply could see a loss equivalent to 79 percent of current demand, the study showed.

    The authors recommended that governments begin to explore alternative water supply options, including more groundwater extraction, to make up for the anticipated shortfall.

    Michael Mann, director of the Penn Center for Science, Sustainability and the Media, said "substantial reductions in carbon emissions over the next decade" would limit global warming and the "predicted collapse of the Tibetan Plateau water towers".

    "But even in a best-case scenario, further losses are likely unavoidable, which will require substantial adaptation to decreasing water resources in this vulnerable, highly populated region of the world. Just what that would look like is hard to say -- we're in unchartered waters," Mann, a study co-author, told AFP.
    PER2 --- ---
    Children Living Close to Fracking Sites Have Two to Three Times Higher Risk of Leukemia - DeSmog
    TADEAS --- ---
    200 mln € has been donated by Gazprom to the German "climate" foundation that wanted to "protect the sea from unnecessary LNG traffic pollution".

    Nord Stream 2: Fast 200 Millionen Euro – so üppig stattete Gazprom die Klimastiftung aus - WELT
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    China's worst heatwave in 60 years is forcing factories to close

    China is facing its fiercest heat wave in six decades, with temperatures crossing 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) in dozens of cities. The extreme heat has caused a spike in demand for air conditioning in offices and homes, putting pressure on the power grid. The drought has also depleted river water levels, reducing the amount of electricity produced at hydropower plants.
    Sichuan, one of China's largest provinces with 84 million people, told 19 out of 21 cities in the region to suspend production at all factories from Monday to Saturday, according to an "urgent notice" issued on Sunday by the provincial government and the state grid.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Climate change activism is no longer enough – it’s time for us to become ‘doists’ | The Independent

    Climate breakdown and the devastation of the Earth is the most compelling issue of our time. It is the issue that envelops all others. How we respond to it is going to be the only thing that our kids care about when they think of us when they are older. So, what I sometimes struggle to understand is, why aren’t nearly all our efforts, our time and our money going into battling this deep and deepening crisis?

    Enough of lists. I think you know what to do. It’s too late to wait for governments to act adequately: they don’t intend to. We need to start acting, in the communities where we live, in the places where we work, to make ourselves resilient. To adapt, transformatively, to our deteriorating climate.

    What kind of thing do I have in mind? Well, what’s being done by the emerging, inspiring network of Climate Emergency Centres, for starters. One-stop shops for anyone and everyone who wants to start making needful changes, from the ground up. The idea is that these centres provide a space for uniting communities in finding solutions to environmental problems at a local level. Why not get involved?

    Then there’s what’s happening in an increasing number of professions: from Lawyers for Net Zero, a group of in-house lawyers committed to ensuring businesses work for the environment, not against it, to those creatively disrupting the advertising industry from within. From Fiduciaries for the Future, who are making money green, to the emerging network of academics bolstering climate change research and teaching via Faculty for a Future.

    And then there are the parents like @heymothership who are trying to give their kids a future by promoting practical tips on things you can do for the planet every day. This is the change we need ​​– from everyone. The time has come when we need to become not just activists, but doists.
    TADEAS --- ---
    SEJDA --- ---
    PER2: oni srovnavaji produkci 8 patrove budovy s cca 24 bytovymi jednotkami, vytahem atd vs. 1 rodiny dum.
    Snad te utesi, ze to tedy neni 24x (i kdyz maji jenom jednu sdilenou strechu) ale 50x vice.
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    PER2: přiznám se, že jsem to nějak dlouho neověřoval, každopádně uvádějí KRAJNÍ rozpětí (3 vs 142 kWp), takže tm je myšleno to pomyslné 3 x 50

    Once in operation, the solar facade system will generate 142 kWp (kilowatt peak - or how much electricity it produces under ideal conditions, like a clear sunny day),
    which, to put it into perspective, compares to around 3 - 6 kWp on a standard solar panel setup for a house.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam