Putin bude v daleky budoucnosti prohlasenej za nejvetsiho klimatickyho bojovnika. Jednak vytvoril nejvetsi tlak na energetickou transformaci (jaderky, snizeni teplotniho standardu v budovach) nejen v evrope
EU reveals its plans to stop using Russian gas - BBC Newshttps://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-61497315The REPowerEU strategy was first announced in March with the stated aim of reducing Russian gas imports by two thirds in 2022.
The updated proposals outline not just how the EU plans to negotiate both the immediate gas crisis, but also deliver on promises to completely wean itself off Russian energy by 2030.
The strategy focuses on three key topic areas. Improving energy efficiency, expanding the use of renewable energy and securing non-Russian suppliers of oil and gas.
The bloc has earmarked €113 billion for a "massive scale up in renewables" and new hydrogen infrastructure.
New EU legislation is being proposed to make it easier to build solar and wind farms.
"Whenever we talk about rapid deployment of renewables, there is an elephant in the room- getting a permit," said Frans Timmermans, vice president of the European Commission.
"It might take as long as nine years for wind and up to four years for solar projects, so this is time that we do not have and we have to speed things up," he added.
The Commission has proposed specially designated "go-to" areas where permission can be given in just one year. Certain new buildings could also be required to have solar panels installed on the roof.
The EU target for renewable energy has also been more raised. The goal is for green energy to provide 45% of energy needs by 2030, up from 40%.
A jednak snizuje populaci velmi rychlym tempem (vcetne uplatnovani degrowth v rusku)
Ukrajinci "napíchli" Wagnerovce. Odposlechy potvrdily, že jejich pověst je v troskách - Aktuálně.czhttps://zpravy.aktualne.cz/zahranici/neverim-nicemu-jsem-tu-kvuli-nasili-na-ukrajine-podle-vojaku/r~7a405a941c9b11edba63ac1f6b220ee8/Jde jim o peníze. A pro peníze umírají. Neviděli jsme u nich žádnou pokročilou taktiku. Ruská armáda potřebuje skrývat své ztráty. Nezbývá jim nic jiného než najímat zločince a nenápadně je používat jako potravu pro děla. Nevyžaduje se od nich, aby byli efektivní. Potřebují jen lidskou sílu, aby se mohli prodírat vpřed," vysvětluje Ukrajinec Tura.