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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    SEJDA --- ---
    TADEAS: no, jeden vylet tryskacem, 2x 30 minut je asi 1000 l kerosinu, 1500-3000 l topneho oleje pro jeden rodiny dum na sezonu?
    Ja jsem si tedy "cestu za morem" predstavil jako par stovek kilometru. Do Monaka nebo tak neco .. ale je mozne, ze jsem se drzel az moc pri zdi a poleti nekam na jih Afriky? Jizni Amerika? Vubec netusim, kde si smetanka touzi oblect plavky ..
    TADEAS --- ---
    SEJDA: to imho neni srovnatelne :)
    SEJDA --- ---
    TADEAS: pokud neomezi vytapeni v zamcich na max 3 pokoje ..
    TADEAS --- ---
    Soukromé tryskáče na blacklistu? Francie chce utnout miliardářské výlety k moři | Hospodářské noviny (HN.cz)
    RADIQAL --- ---
    TADEAS: Kdyžuž…

    Survival of the Richest | Douglas Rushkoff | W. W. Norton & Company
    TADEAS --- ---
    Active citizens: Chráníme klima - program pro aktivní školy, které se zajímají o změnu klimatu
    MARSHUS --- ---
    Daniel Swain
    The coming week is shaping up to be a pretty crazy weather week in California, TBH--even more so than previously thought. Ongoing heatwave expected to be longer & peak even higher, & now we have potential influence of a soon-to develop hurricane to consider. (1/n) #CAwx #CAfire

    DZODZO --- ---
    SEJDA: zrovna u oblecenia to je asi jedno ne? to vidis co si skusas a co kupujes, stacilo by to zabavene napr. iba presit stitkom "FAKE" alebo nieco a supnut to bezdakom na charitu, ti stejne nejake dobre meno nepoznaju

    ine by boli usb disky vyrobene z urezanej usb koncovky, ale do vyroby takychto smejdov asi neslo tolko energii a vody ako do vyroby oblecenia
    SEJDA --- ---
    DZODZO: to rikas ted, protoze si jeste nevidel cinsky produkt, ktery ma ten samy obal jako ten tvuj. Je na nem tvoje telefonni cislo, ale ve vnitr jsou zavrene jenom odpadky.
    Je to nejenom for profit ale i pro zachovani dobreho jmena.
    DZODZO --- ---
    mohli by uz tieto veci zacat vycislovat aj v tom kolko zbytocnych gigawattov energie sa na to vypraskalo a porovnat to s nejakymi hodinami behu nejakej uzitocnej prace (lednicka, pracka, dojezd EV...), este ked si pomyslime kolko zbytocneho textilu konci v pusti v chile, tak je to strasne nelogicke chovanie for profit

    Jihomoravští celníci zabavili padělaný textil za 40 milionů, skončil v drtičce - Brněnský deník
    TUHO --- ---
    Starting Monday, California will see its highest chance of rolling blackouts as the heat wave intensifies, grid officials said Sunday.
    “This multiday event is going to get much more intense,” Elliot Mainzer, CEO of the California Independent System Operator, which manages the state grid, told reporters Sunday. California is facing “the highest likelihood of rotating outages we’ve seen so far” this summer beginning Monday, he said.
    The grid operator has asked Californians to reduce their electricity use from 4 to 9 p.m. Sunday — a request known as a Flex Alert — and from 4 to 10 p.m. Monday. The late afternoon and evening are when air conditioning demand is extremely high, causing strain on the power grid. More Flex Alerts are a virtual certainty as the workweek begins.

    California heat wave: Chance of rolling blackouts rises sharply starting Monday
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: prosimte nešil, staci investovay do lepsi strechy (aka ochrana pred klima zmenou), odsolovacky nebo hlubsich vrtu...
    DZODZO --- ---
    SPIKE411: to by ma zaujimalo ako planuju prezit v dlhodobom horizonte :) klima sa nefixne za 5-10 rokov
    TUHO --- ---
    aneb ze serialu nikdy never ekonomum :)) od steva keena (ekonoma)

    2022 is a year of undeniable climate extremes. In Pakistan, unprecedented floods have destroyed over half a million homes and put one third of the country underwater. In China, a drought with no precedent in human history, according to the global expert on extreme temperatures, is forcing semiconductor plants to close so that energy and water can be reserved for domestic use. Europe is suffering its longest drought in 500 years, with no end in sight, and facing energy prices that have risen up to sixfold in a year, with the Ukraine War only partially to blame. Drought in the USA is exposing never-before-seen dinosaur footprints in dried-up rivers.
    Who could have seen this coming? Certainly not economists, who predicted that far higher temperatures than today would do only moderate damage to the economy. William Nordhaus, who was given the Nobel Prize in Economics for his work on climate change, claimed in 2018 that a 6℃ increase in global temperature would cause GDP to fall by less than 10%. But we're starting to see huge catastrophes across the globe at a temperature rise of just over 1℃. Nordhaus's predictions are starting to look spectacularly wrong, and the New York Times said so just recently in an article titled "Pace of Climate Change Sends Economists Back to Drawing Board".
    TADEAS --- ---

    Survival of the Richest: Escape Fantasies of the Tech Billionaires
    SPIKE411 --- ---
    The super-rich ‘preppers’ planning to save themselves from the apocalypse | The super-rich | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    Rich nations owe reparations to countries facing climate disaster, says Pakistan minister | Pakistan | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
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