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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    porad cekam na nejaky skutecny dekarbonizacni plan. navrh na co presne spotrebovat zbyvajici uhlikovy rozpocet ve ktere zemi a jak tim prestavet potrebna odvetvi. vubec nic takoveho nikde nevidim. nerozumim tomu, proc to neexistuje. mam tendenci si predstavovat, ze lidi co to zkouseli pripravit zjistili, ze to vubec nejde udelat

    takze zbyvaji jen vykriky "spravedliva transformace"
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    peter kalmus je clovek z NASA, ktery podporuje vedeckou rebelii. kdyz napise neco takoveho, mam pocit ze ani on jakozto vedec nema zadny vypocet, nema podlozene to, co navrhuje. mineno, kolik lidi zmrzne/umre na vedlejsi nasledky zastaveni ekonomiky, pokud do 8 let vypneme fosil? netusim, ale on pusobi, ze o tom on ani neuvazuje.

    TADEAS --- ---
    Biden, Xi meet amid efforts to cool tensions between their nations - POLITICO

    The two nations pledged to restart climate talks and agreed their senior advisers should resume communication after months of silence.
    TADEAS --- ---
    A city in China is planning an offshore wind farm so big that it could power all of Norway

    The city intends to start work on the 43.3-gigawatt (GW) offshore wind farm before 2025, according to the city’s five-year plan, which is published online. The plan does not disclose how much the offshore wind farm is expected to cost.

    The city of Chaozhou will build the wind farm between 47 and 115 miles (75 and 185 km) off the city’s coast, on the Taiwan Strait.

    “The area has unique topographical features that mean wind will be strong enough to run the turbines 3,800 to 4,300 hours a year, or 43% to 49% of the time, an unusually high utilization rate,” Bloomberg wrote.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Climate carnage: whose job is it to save the planet? – documentary
    TADEAS --- ---
    Climate-focused reform of World Bank could be done in a year, says Al Gore | World Bank | The Guardian

    Al Gore said the World Bank was guilty of assisting “fossil fuel colonialism” through Africa’s dash for gas, and called for urgent fundamental reform that would provide trillions of dollars to tackle the climate crisis. “[The World Bank] needs to be replenished with a large increase and special drawing rights [a means of creating new money],” he said. “They need trillions not billions. They need to refocus their mission on renewable energy.”
    TADEAS --- ---
    Jeff Bezos promises to give bulk of $124bn fortune to charity

    Already, Mr Bezos has committed $10 billion over 10 years, or about 8pc of his current net worth, to the Bezos Earth Fund, which Ms Sánchez co-chairs.

    The fund is used to explore ways to reduce the carbon footprint of construction-grade cement and steel, push financial regulators to consider climate-related risks, advance data and mapping technologies to monitor carbon emissions, and build natural, plant-based carbon sinks on a large scale.
    WOODMAKER --- ---
    JIMIQ --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: vrací mi to chybu 404 :) i po odmazání otazníku na konci
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Na COP27 bylo ohlášeno spuštění nového webu, který přináší aktuální emise skleníkových plynů dle jednotlivých zemí.

    Inventarizace je založena na měření ze satelitů a senzorů na zemi, v letadlech a na lodích. To je důležité, protože většina údajů o znečištění oxidem uhličitým a zejména metanem, které průmysl sám poskytuje, je notoricky nespolehlivá.

    TADEAS --- ---
    Ukraine uses Cop27 to highlight environmental cost of Russia’s war | Ukraine | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    The rich world is wrong to think that climate impacts in poor countries don’t matter | The Economist


    TADEAS --- ---

    Aktivismus jako lék na úzkost z klimakrize. Nejdřív zkuste drobné změny - Seznam Zprávy
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Počet lidí překoná 8 miliard, počítá OSN. Milník platí už přes rok, tvrdí Čech - iDNES.cz

    Ja si zase na zaklade analyzy cinskych vakcin deti a mist ve skolkach a skolach myslim ze 8 miliard dosahneme az v prvnim kvartale 2024 a devet miliard nikdy :) tak co vy na to, pane Kucero? :)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Jednorázové daně energetických společností jsou v Česku jen mírným vánkem | 11. 11. 2022 | Albín Sybera | Britské listy
    TADEAS --- ---
    How is Europe tackling the climate crisis? | DW Documentary
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---

    TADEAS --- ---
    Civil society groups report surveillance and intimidation at Cop27 | Cop27 | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    A tady celkem vyzivnej 40 strankovej clanek z historie klimatologie...

    Climate modelling is now a mature discipline approaching its fortieth birthday. The need for valid climate forecasts
    has been underlined by the recognition that human activities are now modifying the climate. The complex nature of
    the climate system has resulted in the development of a surprisingly large array of modelling tools. Some are relatively
    simple, such as the earth systems and energy balance models (EBMs), while others are highly sophisticated models
    which challenge the fastest speeds of the most powerful supercomputers. Indeed, this discipline of the latter half of
    the twentieth century is so critically dependent on the availability of a means of undertaking powerful calculations
    that its evolution has matched that of the digital computer. The multi-faceted nature of the climate system demands
    high quality, and global observations and innovative parameterizations through which processes which cannot be
    described or calculated explicitly are captured to the extent deemed necessary. Interestingly, results from extremely
    simple, as well as highly complex and many intermediate model types are drawn upon today for effective formulation
    and evaluation of climate policies. This paper discusses some of the important developments during the first 40 years
    of climate modelling from the first models of the global atmosphere to today’s models, which typically consist of
    integrated multi-component representations of the full climate system. The pressures of policy-relevant questions
    more clearly underline the tension between the need for evaluation against quality data and the unending pressure to
    improve spatial and temporal resolutions of climate models than at any time since the inception of climate modelling.
    Copyright © 2001 Royal Meteorological Society.

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