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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TUHO --- ---
    XCHAOS --- ---
    INK_FLO --- ---
    TADEAS: tzn. nelidská činnost
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: můžou za to miliardáři, na tom se snad shodnou všichni...
    PER2 --- ---
    TUHO: prekvapeni, ta lod je ledoborec ....

    Esa mulls Solaris plan to beam solar energy from space - BBC News

    The European Space Agency will this week likely approve a three-year study to see if having huge solar farms in space could work and be cost effective.

    The eventual aim is to have giant satellites in orbit, each able to generate the same amount of electricity as a power station.

    Research ministers will consider the idea at a Paris meeting on Tuesday.
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    No tak to sem teda zvedavej, kdo na co prijde!

    TUHO --- ---
    The site, said to be able to store enough electricity to power 300,000 homes for two hours, went online at Pillswood, Cottingham, on Monday.
    Its launch was brought forward four months as the UK faces possible energy shortages this winter.
    The facility was developed by North Yorkshire renewable power firm Harmony Energy using technology made by Tesla.
    Battery energy storage systems hold electricity generated from renewable sources such as wind turbines and solar farms before releasing it at times of high customer demand.

    Cottingham: Europe's biggest battery storage system switched on - BBC News
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Perfektni, nejvetsi co2 removal zivocichove.

    Plejtváci mají obrovskou smůlu. Mikroplasty z mořské vody filtrují ve velkém - Ekolist.cz

    Kromě 40 milionů kusů drobných korýšů pak začne denně přijímat i zhruba 10 milionů mikroplastových částic, jež končí v jeho žaludku,“ říká Shirel Kahane-Rapportpvá, oceánografka Stanfordské univerzity a hlavní autorka studie, uveřejněné v žurnálu Nature Communications.
    TADEAS --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: neprepsal, timhle se podle me moc nedokrmujou. soja jde mj. do tradicnich ceskejch prasecaku, kde se pak z toho vyrabi veprovy maso ,) ale chapu, ze to neni merit veci, jen trolim tohle (symptomaticky, vypovidajici) vyjadrovani. spasani a vykaly skotem bych upozadil, muze a nemusi byt dobre, to zalezi ,)
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    TADEAS: asi se přepsal, mělo být krmiva pro hovězí, kažopdáně v tom článku je několik zajímavých postřehů a Dr. Kotecký je legenda "české ekologie", sleduju ho 20let, dostal se od sofistikovaného aktiviamu až na Karlovu univerzitu a do vládních komisí.
    (ale chápu co myslíěš, chov hovězího je prospěšný a potřebný, protože spásání + výkaly jsou dobré pro ekosystémy; point taken).
    TADEAS --- ---
    The Seneca Effect: COP27: The Reasons for a Failure

    The COP27, in itself, wouldn't deserve a comment. It is over, and that's it -- been there, done that, and nobody cared. But I think it is a good occasion to reproduce this text by Stuart B. Hill that nicely explains why we make mistakes all the time when trying to manage complex systems. The COP27, indeed, has been a good example of the concept of "pulling the levers in the wrong direction" as Jay Forrester, the creator of System Dynamics, explained to us. So, here it is. h/t Thorsten Daubenfeld.

    10 Common ‘Mistakes’ to Avoid, & ‘Needs’ to Meet, When Seeking to Create a Better World – Prof Stuart B Hill – 2008 (updated Dec 2012)
    TADEAS --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: "plantáží, kde se ve velkém pěstuje palmový olej, krmná sója nebo hovězí maso"

    to psal znalec pestovani hoveziho masa. sklizi se to pak kombajnem
    TUHO --- ---

    Figure 1. History of computational power at the NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory. Computational power is measured in aggregate floating-point operations per second, scaled so that the IBM 701 machine equals 1. Epochs (scalar, vector, parallel, scalable) show the dominant technology of the time. Landmark advances in climate science are shown. The green dashed line shows the logarithmic slope of increase in the early 2000s. Courtesy Youngrak Cho and Whit Anderson, NOAA/GFDL. (Online version in colour.)
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Relevantni take clanek

    The advent of digital computing in the 1950s sparked a revolution in the science of weather and climate. Meteorology, long based on extrapolating patterns in space and time, gave way to computational methods in a decade of advances in numerical weather forecasting. Those same methods also gave rise to computational climate science, studying the behaviour of those same numerical equations over intervals much longer than weather events, and changes in external boundary conditions. Several subsequent decades of exponential growth in computational power have brought us to the present day, where models ever grow in resolution and complexity, capable of mastery of many small-scale phenomena with global repercussions, and ever more intricate feedbacks in the Earth system. The current juncture in computing, seven decades later, heralds an end to what is called Dennard scaling, the physics behind ever smaller computational units and ever faster arithmetic. This is prompting a fundamental change in our approach to the simulation of weather and climate, potentially as revolutionary as that wrought by John von Neumann in the 1950s. One approach could return us to an earlier era of pattern recognition and extrapolation, this time aided by computational power. Another approach could lead us to insights that continue to be expressed in mathematical equations. In either approach, or any synthesis of those, it is clearly no longer the steady march of the last few decades, continuing to add detail to ever more elaborate models. In this prospectus, we attempt to show the outlines of how this may unfold in the coming decades, a new harnessing of physical knowledge, computation and data.

    Climbing down Charney’s ladder: machine learning and the post-Dennard era of computational climate science | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering S...
    TUHO --- ---
    Neco k budoucnosti kliamtickeho modelovani...

    Traditional general circulation models, or GCMs—that is, three-dimensional dynamical models with unresolved terms represented in equations with tunable parameters—have been a mainstay of climate research for several decades, and some of the pioneering studies have recently been recognized by a Nobel prize in Physics. Yet, there is considerable debate around their continuing role in the future. Frequently mentioned as limitations of GCMs are the structural error and uncertainty across models with different representations of unresolved scales and the fact that the models are tuned to reproduce certain aspects of the observed Earth. We consider these shortcomings in the context of a future generation of models that may address these issues through substantially higher resolution and detail, or through the use of machine learning techniques to match them better to observations, theory, and process models. It is our contention that calibration, far from being a weakness of models, is an essential element in the simulation of complex systems, and contributes to our understanding of their inner workings. Models can be calibrated to reveal both fine-scale detail and the global response to external perturbations. New methods enable us to articulate and improve the connections between the different levels of abstract representation of climate processes, and our understanding resides in an entire hierarchy of models where GCMs will continue to play a central role for the foreseeable future.

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