mam update k tomu degrowth. jak jsem tu psavala, ze nechapu, jak by to melo fungovat, jak by se to mohlo zavest, jake by to melo parametry atd. tak zrejme to nevi nikdo. nove vysel clanek v nature, zkusim z toho vytipat, co vsechny autori rikaji, ze by se muselo nejak vyresit. jsou to ty namitky, o kterych jsme si tu psali. prijde mi to jako nastolit svetovy mir.
Nature beru jako top journal, kde netisknou jen tak neco
zopakovala bych otazku jak si nekdo muze realne myslet, ze by se to fakt nejak nasadilo. (TUHO?) to neni hate, vadi mi kdyz nechapu veci
Degrowth can work — here’s how science can help (need to address)
Welfare is often funded by tax revenues.
Private pension providers rely on stock-market growth for financial returns.
Firms cite projected growth to attract investors.
For example, the ‘fiduciary duty’ of company directors needs to be changed. Instead of prioritizing the short-term financial interests of shareholders, companies should prioritize social and environmental benefits and take social and ecological costs into account.
Sectors such as social care and pensions need secure funding mechanisms for public providers, and better regulation and dismantling of perverse financial incentives for private providers
For example, if markets are spooked by low growth in one country, some companies might move their capital overseas, which could adversely affect the original country’s currency and increase borrowing costs. Conditions such as these posed severe financial problems for Argentina in 2001 and Greece in 2010.
co se tyce navrhovanych reseni
- zdanit foslni odvetvi
- zdant bohate
- natisknout penize, ale zaroven
- nedopustit inflaci
- a nedostat se do problemu se statnimi dluhy
- zkratit pracovni dobu, ale
- zaridit, aby low income lidi nemeli problemy
- zmenit sektor sluzeb (nepochopila jsem = zni dost utopicky, napr. ze sektor bydleni by nesel na ruku developerum atd, ale zajistil dostupne bydleni pro vsechny aby nemuseli odjizdet ven z mesta)
politika = zadny politik si to nedovoli, nema to podporu
- delat pruzkumy, jestli uz jsou na to lidi zrali
- priklady z transition cities a z Kuby po padu SSSR
- studovat politicka hnuti
- Fourth, a better grasp is needed of the political and economic interests that might oppose or support degrowth. For example, how do groups such as the think tanks, corporations, lobbyists and political parties that work to support elite interests organize, nationally and internationally, to scupper progressive economic and social policy? The role of the media in shaping pro-growth attitudes remains underexplored. Given the links between economic growth and geopolitical power, individual nations might be disinclined to act alone, for fear of facing competitive disadvantage, capital flight or international isolation. This ‘first mover’ problem raises the question of whether, and under what conditions, high-income countries might cooperate towards a degrowth transition.
.. za me, to spis drzim palce te jaderne fuzi. Nevim no.