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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    INK_FLO --- ---
    DZODZO: knihy na to téma jsou lidové a čitelné :-)

    Libidinal Economy - Wikipedia
    JIMIQ --- ---
    YMLADRIS: podle electricity map zatím vyrábí kolem 50-60MW a občas se vypne úplně, probíhají testy. Myslím že tak od půlky března by měl běžet naplno.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    DZODZO --- ---
    Libidalni infrastruktura, to je dobre, to by sa mohlo chytit :))
    TADEAS --- ---
    KEB: dělám si legraci maximálně z lidí, který se nad tím pohoršujou, protože jsou na tom o level hůř než ty co se lepěj a pak jedou na bali. jinak to beru smrtelně vážně.

    vzít to skutečně vážně by znamenalo obětovat se, obětovat celej životní způsob, transfírmívat tu libidinální strukturu, jak tu někdo psal. chce to někdo? asi tak jeden z bambiliónu
    KEB --- ---
    TADEAS: můžeš si z toho dělat legraci, ale celý LG se tím krásně zdiskreditoval. I ta praštěná greta použila do států plachetnici. Právě proto, aby ukázala, že to jde. Lepit se jeden den k silnici a blokovat lidi co jedou do práce a pak letět letadlem na druhý konec světa a tvářit se, že je to něco úplně jiného, je prostě chucpe
    TADEAS --- ---
    2022 Persistent soil carbon enhanced in Mollisols by well-managed grasslands but not annual grain or dairy forage cropping systems

    Intensive crop production on grassland-derived Mollisols has liberated massive amounts of carbon (C) to the atmosphere. Whether minimizing soil disturbance, diversifying crop rotations, or re-establishing perennial grasslands and integrating livestock can slow or reverse this trend remains highly uncertain. We investigated how these management practices affected soil organic carbon (SOC) accrual and distribution between particulate (POM) and mineral-associated (MAOM) organic matter in a 29-y-old field experiment in the North Central United States and assessed how soil microbial traits were related to these changes. Compared to conventional continuous maize monocropping with annual tillage, systems with reduced tillage, diversified crop rotations with cover crops and legumes, or manure addition did not increase total SOC storage or MAOM-C, whereas perennial pastures managed with rotational grazing accumulated more SOC and MAOM-C (18 to 29% higher) than all annual cropping systems after 29 y of management. These results align with a meta-analysis of data from published studies comparing the efficacy of soil health management practices in annual cropping systems on Mollisols worldwide. Incorporating legumes and manure into annual cropping systems enhanced POM-C, microbial biomass, and microbial C-use efficiency but did not significantly increase microbial necromass accumulation, MAOM-C, or total SOC storage. Diverse, rotationally grazed pasture management has the potential to increase persistent soil C on Mollisols, highlighting the key role of well-managed grasslands in climate-smart agriculture
    PER2 --- ---
    Mount Washington observatory in New Hampshire just recorded its coldest ever windchill of -104 F (-76 C)
    TUHO --- ---
    capsular society

    A ​93km air conditioned covered cycleway has been proposed for Dubai, with the planning firm behind the idea claiming it could make cycling and walking the main mode of transport for 80 per cent of the city’s 3 million residents by 2040.

    93km air conditioned covered cycleway proposed for Dubai | road.cc
    TADEAS --- ---
    US takes action to avert human existential catastrophe: The Global Catastrophic Risk Management Act (2022)


    - Global catastrophic risks (GCRs) include those events or incidents consequential enough to significantly harm or set back human civilization at the global scale (including: severe global pandemics, nuclear war, asteroid and comet impacts, supervolcanoes, sudden and severe changes to the climate, and intentional or accidental threats arising from the use and development of emerging technologies).

    - Recognising the potentially unbearable impact of global catastrophic risks, the US has just passed the Global Catastrophic Risk Management Act.

    - The Act requires the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency to coordinate an assessment of GCRs within one year, and every ten years thereafter.

    - The report must be coordinated with senior officials from 16 other specified national agencies.

    - Each Federal Interagency Operational Plan will then be updated to include an annex containing a strategy to ensure basic needs are met in the aftermath of global catastrophe.

    TADEAS --- ---
    World’s biggest investment fund warns directors to tackle climate crisis or face sack | Sovereign wealth funds | The Guardian
    XCHAOS --- ---
    DZODZO: no mě přijde, že to patří sem... lidi si myslej, že jednoduše udělaj nějakou demonstraci, aby se zhaslo a někdo zhasně. Ale spoustu věcí asi ani zhasnout nejde! :-)
    DZODZO --- ---
    XCHAOS: i can't let you do that dave... to by som mozno postol skor do technoparanoie :)))
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Poslední zhasne? Jestli ovšem bude vědět jak!
    The Lights Have Been On At a Massachusetts School For Over a Year Because No One Can Turn Them Off - Slashdot
    TADEAS --- ---
    Fotky: Příval sněhu v kalifornských horách pomohl zmírnit extrémní sucho - Seznam Zprávy
    INK_FLO --- ---
    TADEAS: beehive yourself!
    SEJDA --- ---
    YMLADRIS: ciny plodi problemy, problemy odstarnis ciny. Je system samotare zijiciho v jeskyny jednoduchy? Od vynalezu klimatologie se si sice muze pripadat jako guru survival skillu, ale stejne o bezesnych nocich premysli, kam migrovat, aby mel co nejemene problemu. A tak emigruje, a .. ma problemy.
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: zakažte migraci.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    meanwhile, shell is like

    Profits hit $39.9bn (£32.2bn) in 2022, double last year's total and the highest in its 115-year history
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    proto mi připadá, že je potřeba požadovat "vymodelujte, co je potřeba aby každej udělal, abychom spravedlivě zůstali pod dva stupně", třeba několik scénářů, nechat to odhlasovat a pak prosadit.

    místo požadavků typu zakažte letadla nebo zakažte růst nebo zakažte miliardáře. připadá mi, že v těchto typech požadavků není žádná záruka, že to vůbec povede k vyřešení problému
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam