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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TADEAS --- ---

    Brighton schoolchildren Greta Thunberg inspired protest | The Argus
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    Airlines sue Dutch government over flight cuts - BBC News
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    Stream Roger Hallam | Listen to podcast episodes online for free on SoundCloud
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    More than 170tn plastic particles afloat in oceans, say scientists | Plastics | The Guardian

    “Cleanup is futile if we continue to produce plastic at the current rate, and we have heard about recycling for too long while the plastic industry simultaneously rejects any commitments to buy recycled material or design for recyclability. It’s time to address the plastic problem at the source
    TADEAS --- ---

    What we learned about the climate system in 2022
    Beyond all the hype and all the anxiety about climate policymaking, the upbeat newsmaking about energy transitions and the growing dread of civilisational collapse, what have we learned about the climate system in the last year? Here are some key obser-vations drawn from research and data published in 2022.

    PAPERS | Breakthrough
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    Professor Kevin Anderson From iniquity to integrity … there’s no hiding from carbon budgets
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    With global warming of just 1.2°C, why has the weather gotten so extreme? » Yale Climate Connections
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    TADEAS --- ---
    Greenland temperatures surge up to 50 degrees above normal, setting records
    TUHO --- ---
    Research on 100% renewable energy systems is a relatively recent phenomenon. It was initiated in the mid-1970s, catalyzed by skyrocketing oil prices. Since the mid-2000s, it has quickly evolved into a prominent research field encompassing an expansive and growing number of research groups and organizations across the world. The main conclusion of most of these studies is that 100% renewables is feasible worldwide at low cost. Advanced concepts and methods now enable the field to chart realistic as well as cost- or resource-optimized and efficient transition pathways to a future without the use of fossil fuels. Such proposed pathways in turn, have helped spur 100% renewable energy policy targets and actions, leading to more research. In most transition pathways, solar energy and wind power increasingly emerge as the central pillars of a sustainable energy system combined with energy efficiency measures.

    On the History and Future of 100% Renewable Energy Systems Research | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore
    TUHO --- ---
    Hundreds of scientific studies have proven that 100% renewable energy systems can be achieved on global, regional, and national levels by or before 2050. The number of published studies has grown by 27% annually since the year 2010 and continues to grow each year.

    “A quickly increasing number of researchers conclude that the entire energy system demand can be met based on renewables, and that doing so will actually be cheaper in the long term, while fulfilling sustainability requirements”, professor Christian Breyer from LUT University concludes.

    Key pillars of this new energy system are solar and wind energy, energy storage, sector coupling, and electrification of all energy and industry sectors implying power-to-X and hydrogen-to-X solutions, complemented by upcoming carbon dioxide removal to help stabilize the climate. The topical review is entitled “On the History and Future of 100% Renewable Energy Systems Research” and published in IEEE Access.

    Researchers agree: The world can reach a 100% renewable energy system by or before 2050
    SEJDA --- ---
    - past, kde co, jak a proc?
    - vedci neziskavaji dotace, ale granty, dotace ziskavaji napriklad zemedelci, verejne prospesne instituce, ev. domacnosti, ani ten nejkomplikovanejsi formular na prokazani prospesnosti opatreni ke snizeni energeticke narocnosti si nezada s zadosti o studentsky grant na par desitek az stovek tisic Kc.
    - za poslednich par let (hlavne diky Covidu) byly konference virtualni, jak ale mnozi vyzvednou, chybi jim to "pokonferencni prostreti", kde si s tobe neznamym clovekem dohloubky popovidas o tematu, ktere je pro tebe okrajove = interdisciplinarni vyzkum
    - na klimatickych konferencich nezni, ze "planeta shori", ale "ze se lidem povede hure"
    - nikdo z vedcu nerika, ze maji vedci stat "nad politkou", ale ze "politici maji implementovat opatreni", nekdy i doporuci opatreni, casto to je ale naprosto v rukach politiku. Momentalne mame premierem vedce, politologa profesora Fialu, ktery byl radne zvolen poslancem. A poslanecka snemovna mu dala duveru.

    Dal uz nasleduji jenom bludy.

    Nihilizmus je v lidech vyvolan ne alarmismem, ale necinnosti. Ze je neco zle vidi kazdy, teprve necinnost z toho udela frustraci.

    Skutecne je to desinformator.
    NYRLEM --- ---
    INK_FLO: chapu to spravne, ze "vedecky koncensus v globalni otepleni" vnimas jako ideologii? Protoze ja take :) A pokud ne, co by te dokazalo presvedcit o opaku? Podle me vubec nic, proto jsem to oznacil za predmet viry. A potom jsou tu ty dusledky toho vseho - jedna vec je, ze z modelu klimatu neco leze a uplne jina si osobovat pravo na zaklade toho vladnout ostatnim.
    INK_FLO --- ---
    NYRLEM: imho je dobrý umět poznat, kdo chce diskutovat (což je člověk, který poslouchá argumenty druhé strany a je schopen či ochoten na jejich základě případně přehodnotit ty svoje) a kdo se chce jen hádat, šetří to čas.

    [INK_FLO @ Klimaticka zmena vs uhelny hobitin]

    Ideology doesn´t arrive and say, "I am ideology". Ideology says: "I am nature, and this is how things are".

    SHEFIK --- ---
    Jeste related utilizace energie

    Cloud místo bojleru. Britská firma instaluje do domácností servery a odpadním teplem jim ohřívá vodu – Živě.cz
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