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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / If the fracturing of our once stable climate doesn’t terrify you, then you don’t fully understand it

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    MARSHUS --- ---
    unrelated request : je tady někde auditko podobné https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/ ?

    hodně postů se prolíná, ale není to to samé.
    TADEAS --- ---
    collapse as usual

    Farmer confidence at an all-time low, NFU data reveals | The Grocer

    with 82% of 797 respondents saying their farm businesses had suffered fairly negatively (52%) or very negatively (30%), with mixed farms, arable farms and dairy farms taking the biggest hits.

    The survey was taken in November and December 2023 and with the months of rain that have followed it is likely results would be “even worse”, the NFU said.

    It is calling for the government to recognise the extraordinary nature of what has been the wettest 18 months since 1836.

    Farm business profitability had also decreased, with 65% of respondents saying profits are declining or their business may not survive.

    “These figures paint a really stark picture,” said NFU president Tom Bradshaw. “Confidence has collapsed after months of devastating flooding, unsustainably high production costs and low market returns, and against a backdrop of reduced farm support as we transition to a new Domestic Agriculture Policy and associated farm support.”
    CHOSIE --- ---
    Eco-Collapse Hasn’t Happened Yet, But You Can See It Coming
    “Eco-collapse hasn’t happened but you can see it coming…
    “This year, a simulation using an updated version of The Limits to Growth model showed industrial production peaking just about now, while food production, too, could hit a peak soon. Like the 1972 original, this updated analysis foresees distinct declines on the other side of those peaks.”

    Eco-Collapse Hasn't Happened Yet, But You Can See It Coming - TomDispatch.com
    TADEAS --- ---
    Deep Adaptation & The Right to Collapse

    Collapse remains taboo in conventional discourse because it denies the legitimacy of existing power structures. Hungary’s history, and its location at the edges of Western power, gives it a certain freedom of thought. How else can you explain that the conference was hosted by the National University of Public Service? In his opening talk, the rector of the university shared rather matter-of-factly that “the goal of global sustainability will give way to the goal of local resilience,” and that the role of the state and its public servants was to empower local communities in the face of social-political breakdown. I simply cannot imagine that type of discourse coming from the leadership of any American university.
    TADEAS --- ---
    2023 In The Grip Of Necrocapitalism: The Making And Breaking Of A Psychonomy

    In The Grip of Necrocapitalism explores a rapidly evolving situation of capitalism having merged with intelligent technology, and the far-reaching implications of this chimeric monstrosity. Ironically, just as we approach the apex of our technological culmination, things are beginning to take a sharp, karmic turn for the worst: this new and emerging entity, one which has never existed before on this planet, is now doing to us what we did to the planet and its beings a long time ago. It is an increasingly sentient, mutationally adaptable, self-learning form of capitalism which is slowly but steadily becoming our owner by cleverly using consumerism, automation, surveillance and an ever more inventive, not to mention addictive, range of technological narcotics which turn us into nothing but hedonistic consumatrons.

    In The Grip of Necrocapitalism makes the macabre observation that we are not heading for a collapse. We are experiencing the symptoms of a collapse which started long ago, and whose effects have been filtering through our complex system for a while. This process consists of the collapse of the fabric which kept the ecology of this planet together, as well as an almost complete collapse of human spiritual consciousness, something which is doubtful whether we ever possessed in the first place.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    SHEFIK: tak hallam to asi bere tak, že collapse-aware lidem naopak naději dává, tím že buduje představu, že by se mohlo začít šlapat na brzdu třeba 50x silněji, kdyby se zanechalo všech kravin

    Lidi bez naděje se IMHO odstěhovali do hor a už se jen kochaji vyhlidkou
    TADEAS --- ---
    MATT: to je imho mysleno tak, ze tipping pointy metanuz tajiciho permafrostu urychli i amoc collapse, tzn. nejdriv jedno, pak druhy .) waves of pleasure
    MATT --- ---
    TADEAS: collapse of AMOC a collapse of ice cover in the Arctic/methane release jde trochu proti sobe, ne?
    vychzim z toho, ze AMOC distribuuje teplo z tropu do vyssich zem. sirek
    TADEAS --- ---
    climate minsky moment

    důchody v ohrožení .)

    Minsky moment: are pension assets at risk due to flawed climate analysis? | Netzeroinvestor

    Widespread reliance on flawed research generates a disconnect between current investment decision making, which assumes relatively trivial impacts from climate change, and the likely real-world effects of global warming, Keen warned.

    "To ensure that the world moves into a new climate secure energy system, it’s crucial pension schemes send the market the right investment signals,” said Mark Campanale, the founder of Carbon Tracker.

    “The signal has to be that a swift, orderly transition is in everyone’s financial interests, particularly for scheme beneficiaries.”

    However, the relationship between economics, climate science and assessing financial risk is not a “comfortable one,” he continued, adding that “the advice pension schemes are receiving risks trivialising the potentially huge damage climate change will have to asset values."

    Campanale stressed that “these flawed climate risk models” are used throughout the financial system, lulling economic decision makers, from pension funds to central banks, into a false sense of security.

    “The result is cavalier positions such as US Federal Reserve Board Governor Christopher Waller who announced: ‘Climate change is real, but I do not believe it poses a serious risk to the safety and soundness of large banks or the financial stability of the United States’,” he said.

    The report issues a direct warning to asset owners for the serious prospect of an “unpleasant, abrupt and wealth destroying” so-called “Climate Minsky moment” with a sudden collapse in asset values as financial markets wake up to the gap between mainstream economist forecasts and the reality of climate impacts.

    Keen, who is also the former head of the School of Economics, History and Politics at Kingston University, London, contrasts scientists’ empirical research with predictions by climate economists that are “a ‘hunch’ based on rather spurious assumptions for global warming, which have been used to generate equally spurious estimates of damages to future GDP.”

    He underscored that global warming, at less than 1.5°C, is already affecting people and companies across the planet, pointing at record heatwaves, floods, and intensifying storms as they halt commerce, damage crops, create uninsurable areas, and impair infrastructure.

    Keen singled out scientific research which finds that exceeding the 1.5°C Paris target would be “dangerous”, passing 3°C would be “catastrophic”, and reaching 5°C will be “beyond catastrophic, raising existential threats”.

    Yet, despite scientific predictions, a survey of 738 climate economics papers in a number of top academic journals found the median prediction of economists was that 3°C of warming would reduce global GDP by just 5%, and warming of 5°C would see a 10% reduction.


    The researchers singled out investment managers and consultants such as Aon Hewitt, Hymans Robertson and Mercer as they "continue to rely on flawed research" when they advise pension funds on the impacts of global warming on members’ portfolios.

    For example, Mercer, in advice to Australian fund HESTA predicts only a -17% portfolio impact by 2100 in a 4°C scenario. It states that its model primarily reflects coastal flood damage and does not take account of climate tipping points.

    Mercer also advises LGPS Central, which manages £28.5 billion of retirement savings for a million members of Local Government Pension Schemes in the UK.

    One of these schemes, Shropshire County Pension Fund, told members that a trajectory leading to 4°C by 2100 would only reduce annual returns by 0.06% in 2030 and 0.1% by 2050, saying that it relied on LGPS Central for information.

    Moreover, in a 2022 report, Australian superannuation firm Unisuper concluded that even in a “worst case scenario” involving a 4.3°C increase in global temperatures by 2100, “the overall risk to our portfolio is acceptable.”

    “Each layer in the process of assessing the risks of climate change has assumed that the previous layer has done its job adequately, and has relied on the previous layers reputation, rather than scrutiny of the work undertaken," explained Professor Keen.

    “Pension funds rely upon consultants because of their reputation in the field; consultants rely upon academic economists, because their papers had passed academic refereeing,” he added.

    “The final impact is a series of flawed economic assumptions informing pensions’ decision making.”
    ZAHRADKAR --- ---
    SHEFIK: Dík. Přečetl jsem si ten článek https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adk1189 znova (achjo, prokrastinace:)) a závěr mám pořád stejný:

    Hned zpočátku toho článku píšou:
    We start from a statistical equilibrium solution of a preindustrial control simulation (16) and keep greenhouse gas and solar and aerosol forcings constant to preindustrial levels during the simulation.
    Čili jim nejde o predikci toho, kdy AMOC zkolabuje na Zemi, ale o vytvoření indikátoru včasného varování, který by se dal použít. Protože vůbec nesimulují oteplení - jde jim o izolaci efektů přírustku sladké vody z tajících ledovců.

    Dále píšou:
    Because both variance and autocorrelation are increasing in the SST-based AMOC time series in (12), their estimate of the tipping point (2025 to 2095, 95% confidence level) could be accurate. On the other hand, our results (fig. S7) also show that the accuracy is sensitive to the time interval analyzed because of decadal variability in the SST time series and that most 150-year time windows do not provide an accurate estimate of the tipping point.
    Tady i na mnoha jiných místech píšou, jak je to nejisté, že to nelze teď jednoduše předpovědět, protože ty modely mají různé biasy atp. Já to nezlehčuju, já si z toho beru, že vzhledem k tomu, že ta veličina F_{OVS} (chápu to jako množství sladké vody, které proteče někde na jihu Atlantiku), kterou navrhují jako ten indikátor, se zmenšuje, tak je důvod si dělat starosti a přestat s vypouštěním CO2. Ale toto nám neříká, že ten AMOC zkolabuje, že ten bod zvratu nastaně někde v tomto století, ani boužel neříká, jak bychom ho mohli předpovědět (zatím).

    Viz dále v Discussion:
    In addition, with future observations, an estimate of the distance to the AMOC tipping point can in principle be obtained. Deploying machine learning techniques on FovS, in combination with its variance, could also help in estimating the distance to AMOC tipping. We have shown that current reanalysis products provide insufficient information to adequately estimate this distance. Sustained future section measurements (available since 2009) at 34°S from the SAMoc Basin-wide Array (SAMBA) (52–54) are therefore of utmost importance and will become crucial to estimate the distance to an AMOC collapse. Given the different biases in reanalysis products (43) and uncertainties in future climate change, we are currently not able to determine a useful estimate of how many more years would be needed to make a reliable FovS minimum estimate.

    Připomělo mi to: https://xkcd.com/882/
    TADEAS --- ---
    hallama "kind of scary" vytriggerovalo

    R Hallam

    1. The collapse of the Atlantic Ocean circulation (AMOC) will be the most devastating event in the last 10,000 years of human history.
    2. It will happen overnight with sudden effects.
    3. It will be irreversible and continue for 1000s of years.
    4. It will destroy human civilisation because it will be impossible to grow food in northern Europe - temperatures would drop by 3.4°C. Enough to half the amount of land where you can grow wheat.
    5. 100s of millions of Europeans will have to move or starve to death. Those that move will be subject to holocaust events created by warlords and/or fascistic regimes.
    6. Coastal cities will have to be evacuated
    7. Monsoons in the tropics will collapse, resulting in 100s of millions more refugees.

    This is just the beginning - the collapse also will feed into other disastrous climate tipping points like the collapse of the Amazon rainforest. We are looking at billions of deaths and possible effective extinction this century - that now has to be the main concern.

    Last but not least, the above scenario is a conservative prediction because it doesn't take into account the non-linear effects of other systems on the AMOC collapse date (e.g the collapse of ice cover in the Arctic, methane release, and mega forest fires).

    Why is no one talking about this?
    Why aren't there emergency conferences of Europe's farmers?
    Why aren't the media going on strike till the government acts?
    Why aren't there mass sit-downs in cities for weeks on end?

    Because repressed scientists just say that it's "kind of scary" - like saying Auschwitz was "kinda of unpleasant".

    The situation is totally fucked.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Are you ready for the collapse of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation? No, you are not | First Dog on the Moon | The Guardian
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: realclimate se k tomu taky rozepsali:

    RealClimate: New study suggests the Atlantic overturning circulation AMOC “is on tipping course”

    The new study by van Westen et al. is a major advance in AMOC stability science, coming from what I consider the world’s leading research hub for AMOC stability studies, in Utrecht/Holland.
    The paper results from a major computational effort, based on running a state-of-the-art climate model (the CESM model with horizontal resolution 1° for the ocean/sea ice and 2° for the atmosphere/land component) for 4,400 model years. This took 6 months to run on 1,024 cores at the Dutch national supercomputing facility, the largest system in the Netherlands in terms of high-performance computing.
    Now this tipping point has been demonstrated for the first time in a state-of-the-art global coupled climate model, crushing the hope that with more model detail and resolution some feedback might prevent an AMOC collapse.
    “their estimate of the tipping point (2025 to 2095, 95% confidence level) could be accurate.”
    Most models even have the wrong sign of this important diagnostic, which determines whether the feedback on Atlantic salinity is stabilising or destabilising, and this model bias is a key reason why in my view the IPCC has so far underestimated the risk of an AMOC collapse by relying on these biased climate models.
    They show how particularly northern Europe from Britain to Scandinavia would suffer devastating impacts, such as a cooling of winter temperatures by between 10 °C and 30 °C occurring within a century, leading to a completely different climate within a decade or two, in line with paleoclimatic evidence about abrupt ocean circulation changes.
    Given the impacts, the risk of an AMOC collapse is something to be avoided at all cost. As I’ve said before: the issue is not whether we’re sure this is going to happen. The issue is that we need to rule this out at 99.9 % probability. Once we have a definite warning signal it will be too late to do anything about it, given the inertia in the system.
    In the reactions to the paper, I see some misunderstand this as an unrealistic model scenario for the future. It is not. This type of experiment is not a future projection at all, but rather done to trace the equilibrium stability curve (that’s the quasi-equlibrium approach mentioned above). In order to trace the equlibrium response, the freshwater input must be ramped up extremely slowly, which is why this experiment uses so much computer time. After the model’s tipping point was found in this way, it was used to identify precursors that could warn us before reaching the tipping point, so-called “early warning signals”. Then, the scientists turned to reanalysis data (observations-based products, shown in Fig. 6 of the paper) to check for an early warning signal. The headline conclusion that the AMOC is „on tipping course“ is based on these data.

    In other words: it’s observational data from the South Atlantic which suggest the AMOC is on tipping course. Not the model simulation, which is just there to get a better understanding of which early warning signals work, and why.
    TADEAS --- ---
    "kind of scary"

    Atlantic Ocean circulation nearing ‘devastating’ tipping point, study finds | Oceans | The Guardian

    new paper, published in Science Advances, has broken new ground by looking for warning signs in the salinity levels at the southern extent of the Atlantic Ocean between Cape Town and Buenos Aires. Simulating changes over a period of 2,000 years on computer models of the global climate, it found a slow decline can lead to a sudden collapse over less than 100 years, with calamitous consequences.

    The paper said the results provided a “clear answer” about whether such an abrupt shift was possible: “This is bad news for the climate system and humanity as up till now one could think that Amoc tipping was only a theoretical concept and tipping would disappear as soon as the full climate system, with all its additional feedbacks, was considered.”

    It also mapped some of the consequences of Amoc collapse. Sea levels in the Atlantic would rise by a metre in some regions, inundating many coastal cities. The wet and dry seasons in the Amazon would flip, potentially pushing the already weakened rainforest past its own tipping point. Temperatures around the world would fluctuate far more erratically. The southern hemisphere would become warmer. Europe would cool dramatically and have less rainfall. While this might sound appealing compared with the current heating trend, the changes would hit 10 times faster than now, making adaptation almost impossible.


    “What surprised us was the rate at which tipping occurs,” said the paper’s lead author, René van Westen, of Utrecht University. “It will be devastating.”

    He said there was not yet enough data to say whether this would occur in the next year or in the coming century, but when it happens, the changes are irreversible on human timescales.

    In the meantime, the direction of travel is undoubtedly in an alarming direction.

    “We are moving towards it. That is kind of scary,” van Westen said
    TADEAS --- ---

    R Hallam

    ‘"The world is changing too fast for us’: organic farmers on urgency of French protests"

    I was an organic grower for twenty years - I would work 60 hours a week, bring up my kids, and the only highlight was going to town on a Saturday. Every weekend I would have a crippling headache from the stress.

    Why is this? Because people who do the real work, the essential work, get paid shit wages while the rich pay fuck all taxes, and everyone is sick to death with the humiliation. And on top of that the elites are creating climate collapse which will destroy everything. People don't want a lot - enough, and the dignity of not being treated as idiots.

    Unless new progressive social movements arise that make a clear break with the suicidal bollocks of the neoliberals - Starmer, Macron, Scholz - the fascists will be in power within the decade.

    The new offer is this: "Yes, the country will be less "rich," but at least we can have equality, dignity and community - and that is what counts."

    We face mass migration, collapse of world trade - insurance markets, coastal property prices - as #climatebreakdown destroys the global economy. Combine that with fascism and you have the biggest shit show in human history.

    The situation could not be more serious. Wake up and act
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: Jojo, neco vanocniho

    The Earth is on a “disastrous trajectory” with “no adequate global governance” to deal with the scale of threats posed by climate tipping points, warns a major new report.
    These tipping points “pose some of the gravest threats faced by humanity”, according to the authors.
    They identify more than 25 tipping points across the Earth system, ranging from ice-sheet collapse to rainforest dieback.
    “Five major tipping points are already at risk of being crossed due to warming right now and three more are threatened in the 2030s as the world exceeds 1.5C global warming,” the report finds.

    Q&A: Climate tipping points have put Earth on ‘disastrous trajectory’, says new report - Carbon Brief
    TUHO --- ---
    Neco na dobrou noc

    Kemp, L., Xu, C., Depledge, J., Ebi, K. L., Gibbins, G., Kohler, T. A., Rockström, j., Scheffer, M., Schellnhuber, H. J., Steffen, W., & Lenton, T. M. (2022). Climate Endgame: Exploring catastrophic climate change scenarios. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(34), e2108146119.

    Prudent risk management requires consideration of bad-to-worst-case scenarios. Yet, for climate change, such potential futures are poorly understood. Could anthropogenic climate change result in worldwide societal collapse or even eventual human extinction? At present, this is a dangerously underexplored topic. Yet there are ample reasons to suspect that climate change could result in a global catastrophe. Analyzing the mechanisms for these extreme consequences could help galvanize action, improve resilience, and inform policy, including emergency responses. We outline current knowledge about the likelihood of extreme climate change, discuss why understanding bad-to-worst cases is vital, articulate reasons for concern about catastrophic outcomes, define key terms, and put forward a research agenda. The proposed agenda covers four main questions: 1) What is the potential for climate change to drive mass extinction events? 2) What are the mechanisms that could result in human mass mortality and morbidity? 3) What are human societies' vulnerabilities to climate-triggered risk cascades, such as from conflict, political instability, and systemic financial risk? 4) How can these multiple strands of evidence—together with other global dangers—be usefully synthesized into an “integrated catastrophe assessment”? It is time for the scientific community to grapple with the challenge of better understanding catastrophic climate change.

    TADEAS --- ---
    E Jacobson

    The planet was 1.55°C above the 1850-1900 IPCC baseline for the period Jan. 1 - Oct. 31.

    We're going to need either a huge sulfur emitting volcanic eruption, or near total collapse of global industrial civilization, to make it to 2030 without crossing the Paris limit.
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: We find that rapid ocean warming, at approximately triple the historical rate, is likely committed over the twenty-first century, with widespread increases in ice-shelf melting, including in regions crucial for ice-sheet stability. When internal climate variability is considered, there is no significant difference between mid-range emissions scenarios and the most ambitious targets of the Paris Agreement. These results suggest that mitigation of greenhouse gases now has limited power to prevent ocean warming that could lead to the collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.

    Unavoidable future increase in West Antarctic ice-shelf melting over the twenty-first century | Nature Climate Change
    TADEAS --- ---

    Rapid ice melt in west Antarctica now inevitable, research shows | Polar regions | The Guardian

    Accelerated ice melt in west Antarctica is inevitable for the rest of the century no matter how much carbon emissions are cut, research indicates. The implications for sea level rise are “dire”, scientists say, and mean some coastal cities may have to be abandoned.

    The ice sheet of west Antarctica would push up the oceans by 5 metres if lost completely. Previous studies have suggested it is doomed to collapse over the course of centuries, but the new study shows that even drastic emissions cuts in the coming decades will not slow the melting.

    The analysis shows the rate of melting of the floating ice shelves in the Amundsen Sea will be three times faster this century compared with the previous century, even if the world meets the most ambitious Paris agreement target of keeping global heating below 1.5C above pre-industrial levels.

    Unavoidable future increase in West Antarctic ice-shelf melting over the twenty-first century | Nature Climate Change
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