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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
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    What “longtermism” gets wrong about climate change - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
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    Disappearing lakes, dead crops and trucked-in water: Drought-stricken Spain is running dry

    Catalonia, Spain-

    'The lack of water is having a catastrophic impact on farms across the region.'

    “There is no precedent”

    'Drought affects 60% of Spain’s countryside, and has destroyed crops across 3.5 million hectares'
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    Rupert Read and Indigo Rumbelow discuss disruptive protest on Newsnight
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    home elon

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    April Mediterranean heatwave ‘almost impossible’ without climate crisis | Climate crisis | The Guardian

    The record-shattering temperatures that hit the western Mediterranean last week would have been “almost impossible” without the climate crisis, according to scientists.

    The heatwave across Spain, Portugal, Morocco and Algeria was made at least 100 times more likely by global heating, the researchers calculated. Before the climate crisis, such an extreme event would have been expected only once in a least 40,000 years, making it statistically impossible on human timescales.
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    planeta rekordů a kuriozit

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    TADEAS: hlavne by meli lidi umoznit volnou dopravu a ten vandalismus mladych, no, to je taky hruza
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    10 yrs old

    Envisionation Interview: David Wasdell On the IPCC & Scientific Voice

    2015 Wasdell - Apollo-Gaia
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    TUHO: "dělej jako bys byl vědec z postupimi s vysokým iq a zmapuj sociokulturní taxon plynařů, začni databází nyxu a zaměř se na id nyrlem a makrousek, z analžzy ynech hlášky, které zní jako by byl dotyčný ožralý, uražený nebo defenzivní."
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    #earthsystem #models

    In the Anthropocene, the social dynamics of human societies have become critical to understanding planetary-scale Earth system dynamics. The conceptual foundations of Earth system modelling have externalised social processes in ways that now hinder progress in understanding Earth resilience and informing governance of global environmental change. New approaches to global modelling of the human World are needed to address these challenges. The current modelling landscape is highly diverse and heterogeneous, ranging from purely biophysical Earth system models, to hybrid macro-economic integrated assessments models, to a plethora of models of socio-cultural dynamics. World–Earth models capable of simulating complex and entangled human–Earth system processes of the Anthropocene are currently not available. They will need to draw on and selectively integrate elements from the diverse range of fields and approaches; thus, future World–Earth modellers require a structured approach to identify, classify, select, combine and critique model components from multiple modelling traditions. Here, we develop taxonomies for ordering the multitude of societal and biophysical subsystems and their interactions. We suggest three taxa for modelled subsystems: (i) biophysical, where dynamics is usually represented by “natural laws” of physics, chemistry or ecology (i.e. the usual components of Earth system models); (ii) socio-cultural, dominated by processes of human behaviour, decision-making and collective social dynamics (e.g. politics, institutions, social networks and even science itself); and (iii) socio-metabolic, dealing with the material interactions of social and biophysical subsystems (e.g. human bodies, natural resources and agriculture). We show how higher-order taxonomies can be derived for classifying and describing the interactions between two or more subsystems. This then allows us to highlight the kinds of social–ecological feedback loops where new modelling efforts need to be directed. As an example, we apply the taxonomy to a stylised World–Earth system model that endogenises the socially transmitted choice of discount rates in a greenhouse gas emissions game to illustrate the effects of social–ecological feedback loops that are usually not considered in current modelling efforts. The proposed taxonomy can contribute to guiding the design and operational development of more comprehensive World–Earth models for understanding Earth resilience and charting sustainability transitions within planetary boundaries and other future trajectories in the Anthropocene.

    Paper: Taxonomies for structuring models for World-Earth system analysis of the Anthropocene — Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

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    France's Ecological Transition Minister Christophe Béchu said that Pyrénées-Orientales, which borders Spanish Catalonia, will be officially declared at drought "crisis" level from 10 May.
    Bans on car-washing, garden-watering and pool-filling will also kick in from the same date.
    "We need to get out of our culture of abundance," said Mr Bechu.
    Explaining why authorities had decided to take the step to ban sales of garden pools, he said: "It is to prevent people from being tempted to do what they are in fact not allowed to do anyway - which is to fill them.

    Drought prompts French ban on garden swimming pools - BBC News
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    Thailand issues 'don't go out' warning as heat index hits record 54C | World News | Sky News

    Parts of eastern India and Bangladesh have also been suffering power cuts and shortages due to extreme heat.

    Bangladeshi energy minister Nasrul Hamid said on Facebook on Tuesday there was "untold suffering" due to the heat.

    "The current unprecedented heatwave, which has resulted in maximum temperatures hitting the highest level in over 50 years, has increased the demand for electricity much more than expected," he said.
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