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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    Robotic herding could open up vast areas of land to restoration efforts using both domestic livestock and/or wild ruminates. The precision we could gain would be extraordinary. At present to gain this level of precision we need to further carve up and subdivide properties with electric fences which just add one more barrier to not targeted wildlife, not to mention expensive human labor in setting up and taking down these fences daily.

    MSU: Autonomous cattle herding possible game changer | Beef Magazine

    "In the next decade or so, we may see livestock producers working alongside engineers and computer scientists," McGee added. "Jobs in the industry's future will likely be very different from the ones we have today with increased adoption of precision livestock management."

    While the end goal of autonomous herding lies on the horizon, these scientists see their work as building the foundation—the rules of the road—for the successful deployment of existing robotics technology in a livestock setting.
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    thanks for all the fish

    As Ocean Oxygen Levels Dip, Fish Face an Uncertain Future - Yale E360

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    The Coming Tsunami of Grief | Kevin Hester

    As runaway abrupt climate change and it’s brutal reality bares down on us with the speed of a tsunami, another little discussed side affect is grief. I shall try to cover it in this blog and provide some avenues for readers to seek solace and solidarity below.
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    Post-growth Europe: 400+ experts call for wellbeing economy - Friends of the Earth Europe
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    CACOR: The Big Picture: Beyond Hope and Fear - Michael Dowd

    CACOR: The Big Picture: Beyond Hope and Fear - Michael Dowd

    52-minute presentation delivered via Zoom on May 3, 2023 to the Canadian Association for the Club of Rome (CACOR) to be my most important and emotionally supportive video to-date.

    DESCRIPTION: No one needs convincing that we are living in an age of chaos and breakdowns. Even those without benefit of an ecological understanding of history feel the stress. How do we cope? How can we escape the seesaw of hope and fear? And, crucially, how can we be of support to others who are confused, angry, depressed, or filled with fear, blame, or guilt?
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    Devastating floods in Italy claim lives and leave thousands homeless | Italy | The Guardian

    Before the latest floods, Emilia-Romagna and other areas of northern Italy were blighted by a drought that dried out land, reducing its capacity to absorb water


    Wars, famines, droughts, floods
    Hurricanes, heat waves, murders, thugs
    Chaos, refugees, stress, disease
    Extinction, disaster, I-P-C-C

    TADEAS --- ---

    There's interannual natural variability so the temperature is sure to come back below 1.5C in a number of subsequent years.

    1.5C in one year is beyond catastrophic. But what's most important is the sustained *average* temperature over multiple years.

    Since 2016 we've been in a 1.2C average temperature regime (climate).

    We might be headed, practically overnight, into a 1.5C climate. This is a paradigm shift from where we are now.

    Even 1.4C, probably the minimum we can reasonably hope for, would be a paradigm shift.

    This El Nino is by far the most significant and destructive event to ever hit our civilisation and that includes WW2. Due to Earth's Energy imbalance, once the average temperature goes up it won't come back down. These step-changes in Earth's climate can never be reversed.

    If you want evidence of the capture of the expert class, look no further than the ridiculous assertion that 20 years will be needed before being able to declare the 1.5C threshold broken. When the time comes people will know whether it's been broken because it will be obvious. An average over several years is enough
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    Chystá se sborník Růst nebo život, pokud chce někdo podpořit vydání...
    Konec bezmocnému přihlížení ekologické krizi | Darujme.cz
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Global warming set to break key 1.5C limit for first time - BBC News

    Our overheating world is likely to break a key temperature limit for the first time over the next few years, scientists predict.
    Researchers say there's now a 66% chance we will pass the 1.5C global warming threshold between now and 2027.

    The chances are rising due to emissions from human activities and a change in weather patterns expected this ummer.
    If the world passes the limit, scientists stress the breach, while worrying, will likely be temporary.

    Hitting the threshold would mean the world is 1.5C warmer than it was during the second half of the 19th Century, before fossil fuel emissions from industrialisation really began to ramp up.

    The 1.5C figure has become a symbol of global climate change negotiations. Countries agreed to "pursue efforts" to limit global temperature rises to 1.5C under the 2015 Paris agreement.
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    24 min. vašeho drahocenného času

    Klimatolog o "bodu zlomu": Pro část Evropy bude fatální. Může přijít už za 10 let - Aktuálně.cz

    "Růst globální teploty nad dva stupně Celsia by pro lidstvo fatální nebyl, ale asi by to bylo fatální pro část Evropy. Ve Švýcarsku, Rakousku, Španělsku a Pyrenejích jsou zvyklí na nějaký chod počasí, například pokud jde o zásobování pitnou vodou," varuje klimatolog Radim Tolasz. Podle něj oteplování dohnalo už i oceány. Co to znamená? A dá se růst teplot vůbec ještě zastavit?
    SEJDA --- ---
    MARASAN: mozna 200 let. Samotne fosilni paliva nejsou problem, protoze to muzes kompenzovat. Co je na teto novince fascinujici, ze se neschopnost netyka jenom rozvinuteho a rozvojoveho sveta ..
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam