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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    PER2 --- ---
    zatim pohoda

    Firefighters battle hundreds of blazes as Israel sizzles under blistering heatwave.
    "Temperatures of 40 and even 50 degrees will not be rare in Israel soon"
    After the heavy heat wave on Friday, which brought with it fires and power outages, Prof. Daniel Rosenfeld said in an interview with the Ynet studio that this is a result of the climate crisis. He said that there are other consequences, such as rains in the summer during heavy rains. "This trend was predicted to happen only in decades and to my astonishment I see that it is already happening now"

    Incredible heat wave in Siberia, with reports of temperatures exceeding 38°C (100.4°F), breaking monthly and in at least one case, an all-time heat record

    'Relentless' heatwaves scorch southern China, test power grids
    Having sweltered through May, southern and eastern China face more weeks of unrelenting heatwaves, putting power grids under strain as demand for air-conditioning soars in mega-cities like Shanghai.

    Ocean temperatures still soaring above all modern records. A huge concern with an impending El Niño set to release 3 years of stored energy back into the atmosphere.
    That means more intense rainfall, drought due to shifting winds, extreme heat, coral reefs dying etc.

    Canada is currently facing its worst wildfires ever recorded. Thousands of people have been evacuated in the provinces of Nova Scotia, Quebec and New Brunswick. Firefighters are struggling to get the fires under control.

    India - Temperatures in certain areas of the capital, which has a population of more than 20 million, recently crossed 45 degrees Celsius (113 degrees Fahrenheit), making it one of the hottest days of the year.

    Amid record-breaking heat, Vietnam's capital Hanoi is reducing street lighting to save energy. This is being done to keep the national power system running. Weather officials have warned that the heatwave could continue in the month of June.
    TADEAS --- ---
    PER2: no glassification without grassification
    TADEAS --- ---

    Nesnesitelnému vedru budou na konci století čelit dvě miliardy lidí, varuje studie — ČT24 — Česká televize
    TADEAS --- ---
    J Pecho

    Nesnesitelnému vedru budou na konci století čelit dvě miliardy lidí, varuje studie. V některých oblastech světa začíná být takové horko, že tam přestanou být vhodné podmínky pro lidský život. V nové studii zveřejněné na konci května v časopise Nature Sustainability vědci popsali, že do začátku příštího století budou extrémním horkem ohroženy přibližně dvě miliardy lidí.

    How global warming could force billions into dangerously hot climate
    PER2 --- ---
    TADEAS: glassification next
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: misto afforestation grassification
    TUHO --- ---
    Addressing the environmental crisis is a passion for Barham. He noted that Iraq’s population has almost doubled to 40 million since the 2003 invasion, and is expected to double again by 2050. Demographics are increasing the demand for water at a time when desertification is affecting 39% of Iraq, and 54% of agricultural lands are threatened by salination.

    As president he launched the Mesopotamia Revitalisation Project, an environmental strategy that includes afforestation, modernising the administration of the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers, generating clean energy, and encouraging investment through climate finance facilities. It was an ambitious plan. He laments that there has been little progress in implementing it.

    Iraq’s next crisis is over the climate - The New European
    TUHO --- ---
    nadpis je clickbait, ale jinak zajimavy rozhovor.

    Navíc dřív tu nebylo osm miliard lidí.
    Přesně tak. A na dramatické změny tahle civilizace vůbec není zvyklá. Vezměte si, že člověk je tady nějakých dvě stě tisíc let, přitom civilizaci buduje teprve posledních deset tisíc let. Jak to, že na to nepřišel dříve, když už na to dávno měl mozkovou kapacitu? Ukazuje se, že to bylo kolísáním klimatu – už v posledním glaciálu (doba ledová, pozn. red.), který skončil asi před dvanácti tisíci lety, existovaly pokusy začít se zemědělstvím, jenže pak přišel nějaký klimatický výkyv a člověk byl v koncích. Takže civilizace se mohla začít budovat, až když přišlo stabilní klima. A pokud teď končí, co to může pro civilizaci znamenat?

    David Storch: Bojím se ochlazování planety - iDNES.cz
    SHEFIK --- ---
    USA jednají s Turkmenistánem o omezení obrovských úniků metanu z jeho zastaralé infrastruktury – VTM.cz

    Představitelé ministerstva zahraničí s odkazem na odhady Mezinárodní energetické agentury a Světové banky uvedli, že v současné době se v Turkmenistánu ztrácí asi sedm procent plynu. Fosilní palivo někdy uniká náhodně, ale může být také záměrně vypouštěno do ovzduší nebo spalováno, pokud není k dispozici dostatečná infrastruktura pro transport plynu, což je praxe, která je stále běžná i v jiných zemích, včetně USA.

    Metan, který je hlavní složkou zemního plynu, zachycuje během prvních dvou desetiletí v atmosféře více než osmdesátkrát více tepla než oxid uhličitý. Proto se v mnoha zemích dostal na vrchol klimatické agendy jako rychlé a relativně snadné řešení globálních klimatických změn.

    Spalování turkmenského plynu pro energetické účely by sice stále produkovalo emise oxidu uhličitého, ale celkový dopad na globální oteplování by byl mnohem nižší. Pokud by se veškerý plyn, který uniká nebo je vypouštěn turkmenským energetickým sektorem, zachytil a následně spálil, mělo by to podle výpočtů agentury Bloomberg Green zhruba stejný účinek jako odstranění asi 92 milionů tun CO2 ročně. To je zhruba dvojnásobek celkového množství uhlíku, které lze celosvětově zachytit z průmyslových komínů.
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    Top US chemical firms to pay $1.2bn to settle water contamination lawsuits | PFAS | The Guardian
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    to meet human demand

    More than 800m Amazon trees felled in six years to meet beef demand | Amazon rainforest | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    Stát trvale a na svůj vlastní úkor upřednostňuje finanční zájmy fosilních firem. Především tím, že uhlobarony nezatěžuje adekvátní daní. A také tím, že udržuje podmínky, jež občanům nedovolují se ze závislosti na uhlí vymanit.

    Stát stojí na straně uhlobaronů. Trvale a zas
    TADEAS --- ---
    fight of the century, epique showdowm

    Is livestock grazing essential to mitigating climate change? | Oxford University Museum of Natural History

    In the holistic planned grazing process livestock are used as a tool to reverse the biodiversity loss that leads to desertification — a major contributor to climate change. Yet critics argue that livestock grazing, in almost all circumstances, is a net contributor to climate warming.

    Join us in a key debate on this controversial topic between a founder and leading proponent of Holistic Management (Allan Savory) and a prominent critic (George Monbiot). The event will be chaired by Professor E.J. Milner-Gulland, Tasso Leventis Professor of Biodiversity at the University of Oxford.
    PER2 --- ---
    DZODZO --- ---
    naborove firmy mi radia, ze mam miesto setrenia radsej poptavat vyssi plat, aby som mohol nadalej spotrebovavat prostriedky bez ohladu na stav planety, jednoduche riesenie pre 8 miliard ludi

    Za práci markeťáka v průměru 38 až 52 tisíc, za elektroinženýra 46 až 64 tisíc měsíčně. Kolik nabízejí firmy na dalších pozicích? – Poradna – Jobs.cz

    Pokud patříte k těm, kteří mají do peněženky stále hlouběji, jsou tu dvě možnosti, jak to řešit: šetřit a/nebo navýšit příjmy. Takže od teď obědy výhradně z krabičky z domova, na dovolenou nikoliv k moři, ale pod stan k rybníku a místo nákupu nových šatů leda žabky ve slevě, víc toho na louce u lesa stejně neužijete.

    Jestli máte ovšem krabiček z domova plné zuby a žabky nesnášíte, zkuste se zaměřit spíš na to, jak zvýšit své příjmy. Nestálo by za to vyměnit stávající místo za nějaké lépe placené?

    ale rozumiem, je to personalna agentura, tak sa musia predat :)
    TUHO --- ---
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Neslysel sem, ale knowable magazin dela obsahly a kvalitni reserse temat - usa prezident informovanej o zmenach klimatu 1965

    TADEAS --- ---
    Lepí se k asfaltu, na obrazy lijí polévku. Oč ve skutečnosti jde aktivistům? - Seznam Zprávy
    L4MA --- ---
    TADEAS: awww. :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    A Children's Story About Holistic Management

    Today, Christopher Cooke asked Chat GPT to explain Holistic Management and soil regeneration as if it were a children's story, taking place in the distant future at the beginning of civilization. Below is what he got back -- pretty good stuff. Please read it to your children and grandchildren and see what they say. Perhaps someone could illustrate it and turn it into a children's book.


    Many, many moons into the future, on a brave, new world called Nova Terra, a group of pioneers decided to start a civilization. They called themselves the Terra Novans. They were people of diverse skills, and amongst them, there were farmers like Elder Greenthumb and his grandchild, Seedling.

    The Terra Novans, under Elder Greenthumb's guidance, began to cultivate crops. However, they quickly noticed that the crops on Nova Terra were not growing as they should. "The soil isn't as rich and healthy as it was on our old home," said Elder Greenthumb, with a worried furrow in his brow.

    "But Grandfather, how can we improve it?" asked Seedling, eager to help.

    "We must learn from the mistakes of the past and apply two ancient principles, Seedling: Holistic Management and Regenerative Soil Management," answered Elder Greenthumb.

    Seedling was puzzled. "What do those mean, Grandfather?"

    Elder Greenthumb, with a twinkle in his eye, explained, "Holistic Management is viewing our entire habitat as one big, interconnected system. Just like the human body, everything affects everything else. If we hurt one part, the rest suffer too. We must care for our plants, animals, soil, and water in a balanced way."

    "And Regenerative Soil Management?" inquired Seedling.

    "Ah, that's the magic to reviving our soil, dear Seedling. It's like recharging a battery. Our soil needs nourishment to be productive. We do this by composting, crop rotation, planting cover crops, and using our livestock to 'heal' the soil."

    "But how do animals help the soil, Grandfather?" Seedling asked, intrigued.

    "Well," chuckled Elder Greenthumb, "When animals graze, they eat the plants, encouraging new growth. Their hoofprints create spaces for seeds to nestle in, and their droppings... well, they serve as a natural fertilizer."

    Seedling giggled at the thought but understood the principle.

    The Terra Novans began to practice Holistic Management and Regenerative Soil Management. Over time, the soil became healthier, their crops grew stronger, and their animals thrived. They saw their new home bloom into a thriving, sustainable civilization.

    Elder Greenthumb and Seedling taught the Terra Novans to view their settlement as one big, interconnected family, where everyone, even the smallest creature, played a part in the health of the whole.

    And so, from the stars, a new civilization was born, one that respected and cherished its new home. As the Terra Novans looked out onto the fields of their flourishing crops, they knew that they were guardians of Nova Terra, promising to protect it for countless moons to come. And that, dear star-child, is the story of how to cherish and respect every world we inhabit. The end.
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