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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    to meet human demand

    More than 800m Amazon trees felled in six years to meet beef demand | Amazon rainforest | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    Stát trvale a na svůj vlastní úkor upřednostňuje finanční zájmy fosilních firem. Především tím, že uhlobarony nezatěžuje adekvátní daní. A také tím, že udržuje podmínky, jež občanům nedovolují se ze závislosti na uhlí vymanit.

    Stát stojí na straně uhlobaronů. Trvale a zas
    TADEAS --- ---
    fight of the century, epique showdowm

    Is livestock grazing essential to mitigating climate change? | Oxford University Museum of Natural History

    In the holistic planned grazing process livestock are used as a tool to reverse the biodiversity loss that leads to desertification — a major contributor to climate change. Yet critics argue that livestock grazing, in almost all circumstances, is a net contributor to climate warming.

    Join us in a key debate on this controversial topic between a founder and leading proponent of Holistic Management (Allan Savory) and a prominent critic (George Monbiot). The event will be chaired by Professor E.J. Milner-Gulland, Tasso Leventis Professor of Biodiversity at the University of Oxford.
    PER2 --- ---
    DZODZO --- ---
    naborove firmy mi radia, ze mam miesto setrenia radsej poptavat vyssi plat, aby som mohol nadalej spotrebovavat prostriedky bez ohladu na stav planety, jednoduche riesenie pre 8 miliard ludi

    Za práci markeťáka v průměru 38 až 52 tisíc, za elektroinženýra 46 až 64 tisíc měsíčně. Kolik nabízejí firmy na dalších pozicích? – Poradna – Jobs.cz

    Pokud patříte k těm, kteří mají do peněženky stále hlouběji, jsou tu dvě možnosti, jak to řešit: šetřit a/nebo navýšit příjmy. Takže od teď obědy výhradně z krabičky z domova, na dovolenou nikoliv k moři, ale pod stan k rybníku a místo nákupu nových šatů leda žabky ve slevě, víc toho na louce u lesa stejně neužijete.

    Jestli máte ovšem krabiček z domova plné zuby a žabky nesnášíte, zkuste se zaměřit spíš na to, jak zvýšit své příjmy. Nestálo by za to vyměnit stávající místo za nějaké lépe placené?

    ale rozumiem, je to personalna agentura, tak sa musia predat :)
    TUHO --- ---
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Neslysel sem, ale knowable magazin dela obsahly a kvalitni reserse temat - usa prezident informovanej o zmenach klimatu 1965

    TADEAS --- ---
    Lepí se k asfaltu, na obrazy lijí polévku. Oč ve skutečnosti jde aktivistům? - Seznam Zprávy
    L4MA --- ---
    TADEAS: awww. :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    A Children's Story About Holistic Management

    Today, Christopher Cooke asked Chat GPT to explain Holistic Management and soil regeneration as if it were a children's story, taking place in the distant future at the beginning of civilization. Below is what he got back -- pretty good stuff. Please read it to your children and grandchildren and see what they say. Perhaps someone could illustrate it and turn it into a children's book.


    Many, many moons into the future, on a brave, new world called Nova Terra, a group of pioneers decided to start a civilization. They called themselves the Terra Novans. They were people of diverse skills, and amongst them, there were farmers like Elder Greenthumb and his grandchild, Seedling.

    The Terra Novans, under Elder Greenthumb's guidance, began to cultivate crops. However, they quickly noticed that the crops on Nova Terra were not growing as they should. "The soil isn't as rich and healthy as it was on our old home," said Elder Greenthumb, with a worried furrow in his brow.

    "But Grandfather, how can we improve it?" asked Seedling, eager to help.

    "We must learn from the mistakes of the past and apply two ancient principles, Seedling: Holistic Management and Regenerative Soil Management," answered Elder Greenthumb.

    Seedling was puzzled. "What do those mean, Grandfather?"

    Elder Greenthumb, with a twinkle in his eye, explained, "Holistic Management is viewing our entire habitat as one big, interconnected system. Just like the human body, everything affects everything else. If we hurt one part, the rest suffer too. We must care for our plants, animals, soil, and water in a balanced way."

    "And Regenerative Soil Management?" inquired Seedling.

    "Ah, that's the magic to reviving our soil, dear Seedling. It's like recharging a battery. Our soil needs nourishment to be productive. We do this by composting, crop rotation, planting cover crops, and using our livestock to 'heal' the soil."

    "But how do animals help the soil, Grandfather?" Seedling asked, intrigued.

    "Well," chuckled Elder Greenthumb, "When animals graze, they eat the plants, encouraging new growth. Their hoofprints create spaces for seeds to nestle in, and their droppings... well, they serve as a natural fertilizer."

    Seedling giggled at the thought but understood the principle.

    The Terra Novans began to practice Holistic Management and Regenerative Soil Management. Over time, the soil became healthier, their crops grew stronger, and their animals thrived. They saw their new home bloom into a thriving, sustainable civilization.

    Elder Greenthumb and Seedling taught the Terra Novans to view their settlement as one big, interconnected family, where everyone, even the smallest creature, played a part in the health of the whole.

    And so, from the stars, a new civilization was born, one that respected and cherished its new home. As the Terra Novans looked out onto the fields of their flourishing crops, they knew that they were guardians of Nova Terra, promising to protect it for countless moons to come. And that, dear star-child, is the story of how to cherish and respect every world we inhabit. The end.
    PERMONICK --- ---

    Soud v Mostě zamítl žalobu na osm lidí žalovaných za obsazení rypadla | ČeskéNoviny.cz
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TUHO: maly objemy energie, drahy vrty. Ve velkym se nad tim premejsli vetsinou jen u nejakych zlomu tektonickejch desek, kee se vrtaj mensi hloubky

    Tady je treba hezkej clanek do zacatku - Kenya uz dosahuje temer 50% geothermal (=950mw), s potencialem temer 100% v roce 2030

    DZODZO --- ---
    pamatam si ze nejaky geotermalny prieskumny vrt sa robil este niekedy v 90. rokoch v ziline u brachanca pri sidlisku, ale zrejme tam neboli dobre podmienky, lebo sa tam nic nerealizovalo, z nejakych clankov co som k tomu cital si pamatam, ze to bolo vseobecne drahe a muselo by sa vrtat daleko od obydlenych oblasti, lebo to moze sposobovat zemetrasenie
    TUHO --- ---
    Nevidel jsem, ale obecne by me zajimalo, proc vlastne se geotermal u nas vic neresi.

    INFO.CZ | Česko má nevyčerpatelný zdroj energie, který nevyužívá. V první energetické reality show odhalujeme jeho tajemství – a proč ho lidé nechtějí

    Jinak na vychodnim Slovensku se rysuje nejake vetsi projekty. S podilem EPH, abysme na Kretinskeho nebyli jenom zli .]

    SSE Holding je součástí českého energetického holdingu EPH, jehož majoritním vlastníkem je miliardář Daniel Křetínský.
    EPH a PW Energy nyní oznámily, že EPH nabyl podíl v PW geoenergy, dceřiné společnosti PW Energy, která byla primárně založena za účelem realizace zmiňovaného projektu.
    Zároveň bylo rozhodnuto o rozšíření projektu z původních 13 MWe instalovaného výkonu elektrárny na 20 MWe.
    Geotermální energie se v současné době na Slovensku využívá pouze v malé části východního Slovenska a to k vytápění.
    „Válka na Ukrajině ukazuje, že odklon od fosilních paliv je nejen ekologickým, ale i bezpečnostním a strategickým zájmem Slovenska. Pod zemí je obrovský potenciál geotermální energie, ale stát jej příliš nerozvíjí,“ uvedl Michal Mašek z PW Energy.
    Elektrárna má vzniknout v rámci průzkumného území Lovča.
    Postupně se v rámci regionu počítá s výstavbou tří geotermálních středisek, jejichž celková instalovaná kapacita činí až 20 megawattů (MWe).

    Slovensko bude mít první geotermální elektrárnu o výkonu až 20 megawattů - Ekonomický deník
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Z cyklu #doomed a sebeozdravny mechanismus zeme

    Climate change-caused underwater landslides could spawn gigantic tsunamis from the Antarctic | Live Science
    DZODZO --- ---
    TADEAS: jaky problem, vsak my tu mame vody vo vodovode dost, ze si tym niektori aj napustaju bazeny :)

    no a ti africania co chodili po vodu do studne 3 km, ale vyschla tak budu chodit na tu co je sice 6 km daleko, ale voda tam este je
    TUHO --- ---
    kdyz psala o eichmanovi, pouzila hanah arendtova koncept “banalniho zla”. zajimalo by me, co by psala, kdyby cetla o rozhodovani akcionaru exxonu a chevronu:

    Shareholders in US oil giants Exxon and Chevron “solidly rejected” climate proposals at their annual meetings yesterday, the Financial Times reports. It says the votes “scal[ed] back support from last year and split with results at peers in Europe where resolutions related to global warming have won stronger support”. The paper adds: “Only 11% of Exxon shareholders supported a petition calling for the company to set emissions reduction targets that would be consistent with the goals of the 2015 Paris climate agreement. A similar proposal at Chevron received less than 10% support.” Reuters also has the story. Separately, BusinessGreen reports: “German energy giant RWE has updated its climate goals to align with a 1.5C temperature pathway, as part of a decarbonisation programme it said covered ‘all corporate activities’.”

    Subscribe to read | Financial Times
    TADEAS --- ---
    Studio N: Kdy začneme válčit o vodu

    O vodu se válčí v mnoha oblastech světa. A podle OSN těchto konfliktů může přibývat. Čeká podobný scénář i nás? Hostem Filipa Titlbacha ve Studiu N je politický geograf Michael Romancov.
    PER2 --- ---
    Can melting glaciers be regrown?
    Scientists have found that ice round @GlacierThwaites
    was at least 35m thinner than today's levels for a part of the last 5,000 years (and that's basically last week in geology).
    It's evidence that the glacier has previously recovered from melt.

    "Our study shows that this recovery took more than 3000 years," says BAS geologist @geologicalJo
    , "and, in a climate that was likely not as warm as what we expect for the coming centuries."

    Rocks beneath Antarctic Ice Sheet reveal surprising past - British Antarctic Survey
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: delegovat 'vlastni' problemy na druhy bohuzel nikdy nefungovalo. Resenim je z toho udelat bud zaroven i jejich problem, nebo najit win-win situaci. Ani v jednom pripade se ale vyse uvedene nestane samo od sebe, tzn. pokud se k (castecne) zodpovednosti ostatni hlasit nebudou.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam