SEJDA: tak na prefabrikovanejch vyrobkach mozna ano, ale kdyz to pretres v ramci zachrany klimatu a zadnou folii nelepis, tak se muzes s bilou dostat na 98% odrazivosti.
Imho to nebude rozsahla investice. A pokud barva strechy domu neni vyslovne zakonem dana, tak je to jedna z levnych akci s hmatatelnym dopadem, co pro (lokalni) klima muze clovek udelat.
'Whitest ever' paint reflects 98% of sunlight - BBC News available white paints reflect between 80% and 90% of sunlight, according to lead researcher Prof Xiulin Ruan from Purdue, in West Lafayette, Indiana. "It's a big deal, because every 1% of reflectance you get translates to 10 watts per metre squared less heat from the Sun," he explained.