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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TUHO --- ---
    hm, tak to sem zvedavej…

    Pangu-Weather je prvním AI predikčním modelem, který prokázal vyšší přesnost než tradiční numerické metody předpovědi počasí. Umožňuje zvýšit rychlost předpovědi 10.000krát a zkrátit tak dobu předpovědi globálního počasí na pouhé sekundy. Článek s názvem „Accurate medium-range global weather forecasting with 3D neural networks" (Přesná globální střednědobá předpověď počasí pomocí 3D neuronových sítí)" předkládá nezávislé ověření těchto jeho vlastností.

    Prestižní vědecký časopis Nature publikoval článek o AI modelu Pangu Weather, který vytvořili odborníci ze společnosti HUAWEI CLOUD | ČeskéNoviny.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    SEJDA --- ---
    Neznal jsem .. a to jsem tento vikend kosil travu na 5 cm ..

    SHEFIK --- ---

    Catastrophic climate 'doom loops' could start in just 15 years, new study warns | Live Science

    According to the researchers, most tipping-point studies build the math in their models to focus on one predominant driver of collapse, for example deforestation in the Amazon rainforest. However, ecosystems aren't contending with just one problem but rather a swarm of destabilizing factors that compound one another. For example, the Amazon also faces rising temperatures, soil degradation, water pollution and water stress.

    To investigate how these elements interact and whether these interactions can, in fact, hasten a system's demise, the scientists behind the new study built computer models of two lake and two forest ecosystems (including one which modeled the collapse of civilization on Easter Island) and ran them more than 70,000 times while adjusting the variables throughout.

    Our main finding from four ecological models was that ecosystems could collapse 30-80% earlier depending on the nature of additional stress," co-author John Dearing, a professor of physical geography at Southampton University in the U.K. told Live Science in an email. "So if previous tipping points were forecast for 2100 (i.e. 77 years from now) we are suggesting these could happen 23 to 62 years earlier depending on the nature of the stresses."
    SHEFIK --- ---
    4000 Scenarios For A Climate Turnaround - CleanTechnica

    Additionally, the IPCC calculations focused solely on the impact of technology choices on the climate, disregarding uncertainties in climate models, the relationship between climate and economic growth, population trends, and policy measures. “The significant contribution of our research is enabling policymakers to make informed decisions on climate action while fully understanding the existing uncertainties,” explains co-author Brian Ó Gallachóir from University College Cork.

    Incorporating 18 Uncertainty Factors & Analyzing 72,000 Variables
    TADEAS --- ---
    Shell boss under fire for saying cutting fossil fuel production is ‘dangerous’ | Shell | The Guardian
    SEJDA --- ---
    TADEAS: to jsem zvedavy kolikrat to sem jeste das :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    Tuesday was world’s hottest day on record – breaking Monday’s record | Climate crisis | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    ‘Double agents’: fossil-fuel lobbyists work for US groups trying to fight climate crisis
    Exclusive: new database shows 1,500 US lobbyists working for fossil-fuel firms while representing universities and green groups

    ‘Double agents’: fossil-fuel lobbyists work for US groups trying to fight climate crisis | Lobbying | The Guardian
    DZODZO --- ---
    TADEAS: pozri sa na mapu windy, ich sa to netyka ved

    V Nizozemsku řádí letní bouře Poly, nejsilnější za sto let. Ruší se lety, včetně spojů s Prahou - Novinky
    TADEAS --- ---
    Revealed: UK plans to drop flagship £11.6bn climate pledge | Climate crisis | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    Monday was hottest day for global average temperature on record, as climate crisis bites | Extreme weather | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    L Simons

    The Earth Energy Imbalance from NASA satellite data broke through 1.8 W/m² (12-month mean)!

    This is faster than I expeced.
    More than many experts thought possible.

    I called this the most important graph in the world.

    A lot more heat is accumulating!

    TUHO --- ---
    k roli so2 v klima ystemu

    Sulphur particles contained in ships’ exhaust fumes have been counteracting some of the warming coming from greenhouse gases. But lowering the sulphur content of marine fuel has weakened the masking effect, effectively giving a boost to warming.

    Some researchers have proposed that the drop in SO2 as a result of the IMO’s clean air regulations could be behind a recent spike in global sea surface temperature.

    Carbon Brief analysis shows that the likely side-effect of the 2020 regulations to cut air pollution from shipping is to increase global temperatures by around 0.05C by 2050. This is equivalent to approximately two additional years of emissions.

    While this will contribute to warming and make it even more difficult to avoid exceeding 1.5C in the coming decades, a number of other factors are likely contributing to the ocean heatwave.

    These include a massive eruption of an underwater volcano in the south Pacific, an unusual absence of Saharan dust and a growing El Niño.

    Analysis: How low-sulphur shipping rules are affecting global warming - Carbon Brief
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Inflation Reduction Act Already Lowering US Greenhouse Gas Emissions! - CleanTechnica
    PER2 --- ---

    White House cautiously opens the door to study blocking sun’s rays to slow global warming - POLITICO
    MARSHUS --- ---
    MARSHUS: edit.. shořelo 8000000 hektarů..
    MARSHUS --- ---
    sorry, občas si to tu pletu s kolapsem. Severní lesy tu hoří v šíleném tempu, letos zatím 8 hektarů a zdá se že jeden z "tipping point" se právě otočí. a tyhle ohně budou pokračovat
    až do konce října.

    The Smoke Could Last Until October - Heatmap News
    TADEAS --- ---
    geologistika / geopsychedelie

    Thousands of tonnes of rock break off summit of Austrian mountain | Austria | The Guardian

    “Hundreds of metres of the summit have simply broken off,” Christian Walter, head of mountain rescue for the Austrian region of Galtür, told local media.

    Geologists told the Austrian news agency APA that the rockfall, which had been predicted for some time, had taken away part of the southern summit, including the crucifix typically found on mountain peaks in the region. They blamed melting glaciers as well as the thawing of permafrost due to the climate crisis for the collapse, which occurred on Sunday and was captured on film by mountain rescuers training in the region.

    Hier bricht ein kompletter Berg-Gipfel ab | News | BILD.de
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Doporucuju celou serii
    Brighter | Episode 9 - Why optimism matters
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