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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    PER2 --- ---
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Hdp frci dle predikce nordhause strme nahoru, koupaci sezona v plnym zimnim proudu .)

    A ty ucty za zimni klimatizaci, to posle hdp taky do nebeskych vysin :)

    History of climatology is rewritten with 45.0C at Villamontes in Bolivia.
    This ties the highest temperature ever recorded in meteorological winter in the whole Southern Hemisphere.
    South America is living something extraordinary.

    TADEAS --- ---
    Largest wildfire in EU this year has burned 700 square kilometers | DW News
    NJAL --- ---

    Greece wildfires: 79 people arrested for arson - BBC News
    TADEAS --- ---
    agro dezinfo

    Environmentalists Owe an Enormous Debt to Julian Assange - CounterPunch.org

    Environmentalists throughout the world owe an enormous debt of gratitude to political prisoner Julian Assange, the founder and publisher of Wikileaks — and most of them don’t know it.

    It wasn’t only secret recordings pertaining to war and crimes-against-humanity that Wikileaks published, based on the heroic work of Chelsea Manning who downloaded thousands of secret US military files. A slew of cables Assange published revealed massive U.S. government attempts on behalf of Monsanto to coerce governments to allow foreign corporate land ownership, and with it genetically engineered agricuture throughout the world, and to squelch opposition to GMOs, breaking down existing laws prohibiting the genetic engineering of agriculture.

    The cables revealed U.S. officials applying financial, diplomatic, and frequently military pressure on behalf of Monsanto and other biotech corporations
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: fajn, asi bylo nutny si odpustkama projit
    TADEAS --- ---
    Carbon credit speculators could lose billions as offsets deemed ‘worthless’ | Carbon offsetting | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    Is Earth's Largest Heat Transfer Really Shutting Down?
    TADEAS --- ---
    INK_FLO: "watching ads for your electric toothbrush, while having a break mining your cobalt"
    INK_FLO --- ---
    TADEAS: to je každopádně zajímavej podnět, jestli v těch oblastech na tamních soc. sítích rozjíždí nějaký memy na náš účet (čekal bych, že minimálně v muslimských zemích určitě memy na téma zkažený západ pojedou, ale to není o klima změnách)
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: myslis ze Jih bude kritizovat goibalni stredni tridu za to ze neefektivne vyuziva zdroje?
    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: jo bych si dovolil zkritizovat to papirovy brcko, nema zadnou pridanou hodnotu. Stredni trida by se mela naucit utilizovat zdroje efektivneji
    TADEAS --- ---
    INK_FLO: nejakej hejtík na globalni stredni tridu napr. z Jihu by nebyl?
    INK_FLO --- ---
    SEJDA --- ---
    YMLADRIS: vetsina vedcu pokladala "nature" za spam
    SEJDA --- ---
    PER2: nope, tam se mluvi o rozoadu komunity a o tom, ze je komunita roztristena takze cekaji na to, kdo jim nabidne lepsi agar (zvnou pudu). Tik Tok je kvuli cinske cenzure naprosto mimo hru.
    DZODZO --- ---
    PER2: su to iba take drobne wording nuance, ale tie su podla mna u verejnopravneho mienkotvorneho media dost dolezite, podla toho by si mal pocit ze 9200 vedcov je 100% reprezentativna vzorka, ale v skutocnosti je to 5,4% z oslovenych, mozno je to iba taky nechceny kiks

    inak pozrel som si tie tiktoky a su to podla ocakavania videa, myslel som ze tam ti vedci maju nejake diskusne skupiny, kde diskutuju medzi sebou, ale zrejme su to ucty primarne na popularizaciu vedy, za mna palec hore, tymto oslovia pocetnu skupinu hlavne mladych ludi, pokial im to cinsky algoritmus podsunie
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    PER2: jako ze, absolutni vetsinu vedcu oslovenych nature nejake zmeny na twittru vubec nezajimaji, ani neodpovedeli v ankete. jako protivaha tem titulkum ze vedci masivne opousteji twitr ap
    PER2 --- ---
    DZODZO: nechci delat zagorku, ale to se jako rozporuje? 9200 se ptali, protoze tech zbylych 160800 jim neodpovedelo ...
    ...z nature: "Nature reached out to more than 170,000 scientists who were, or still are, users; nearly 9,200 responded."

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