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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TUHO --- ---
    TADEAS: Jojo, neco vanocniho

    The Earth is on a “disastrous trajectory” with “no adequate global governance” to deal with the scale of threats posed by climate tipping points, warns a major new report.
    These tipping points “pose some of the gravest threats faced by humanity”, according to the authors.
    They identify more than 25 tipping points across the Earth system, ranging from ice-sheet collapse to rainforest dieback.
    “Five major tipping points are already at risk of being crossed due to warming right now and three more are threatened in the 2030s as the world exceeds 1.5C global warming,” the report finds.

    Q&A: Climate tipping points have put Earth on ‘disastrous trajectory’, says new report - Carbon Brief
    TADEAS --- ---

    Summer 2023. 2 young filmmakers travelled through Europe visiting seed producers at their workplaces and experiencing first-hand how important it is to preserve this diversity in Europe. The short documentary gives a voice to these small-scale seed producers and seed savers from across Europe, with beautiful footage shot in Ireland, Luxembourg, France, Italy, Austria and the Czech Republic.

    For diversity on our plates and in nature, we also need diversity in seeds. However, when we look at the selection available in supermarkets, including in the vegetable aisle, it quickly becomes clear that everything looks the same, almost all the time and all year round. Why is that? Because large corporations have power over the market. Now, however, EU seed legislation is being reformed - a chance to save seed diversity.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Earth on verge of five catastrophic climate tipping points, scientists warn | Environment | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    Emise, sucho, odpady. Česko lije peníze do ekologie, ale vidět to není - Seznam Zprávy

    Životní prostředí České republiky je hodnoceno jako páté nejhorší v Evropské unii. Ačkoliv se v Česku do jeho ochrany investuje 2,7 procenta HDP (přičemž unijní průměr činí 1,8 procenta), stále se potýkáme se suchem a vysokými emisemi skleníkových plynů. Podprůměrně si Češi vedou i v omezování produkce komunálního odpadu, navíc se nám příliš nedaří odpad recyklovat.

    Při srovnání unijních zemí, které v rámci projektu Index prosperity připravila Česká spořitelna společně s portálem datové žurnalistiky Evropa v datech, vstupovalo do hry celkem 14 indikátorů. Vedle výše i níže jmenovaných to dále byly například spotřeba vody, plocha země pokrytá lesy nebo podíl obnovitelných zdrojů na produkci elektřiny. Česká republika se pak v souhrnu zařadila až na 23. místo z 27 zemí EU.

    Stav životního prostředí | Index prosperity Česka
    TADEAS --- ---

    R Savory

    That red sun is from all the dust in the air, because they haven't used biological carpeting to turn their desert into grassland.

    TADEAS --- ---
    R Hallam - Who we are and who do we want to become
    SEJDA --- ---
    TUHO: tak da se to pochopit, oni uz na pousti ziji.
    TUHO --- ---
    In a paper published in Science, we introduce GraphCast, a state-of-the-art AI model able to make medium-range weather forecasts with unprecedented accuracy. GraphCast predicts weather conditions up to 10 days in advance more accurately and much faster than the industry gold-standard weather simulation system – the High Resolution Forecast (HRES), produced by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF).

    GraphCast: AI model for faster and more accurate global weather forecasting - Google DeepMind
    TUHO --- ---
    Saudi Arabia -- the world's biggest oil exporter -- took a hardline stance, saying it would "absolutely not" agree to phasing down fossil fuels, let alone phasing them out.
    This came despite scientists warning Tuesday that global warming could breach the 1.5C limit within seven years.
    The thorny debate over the future of fossil fuels, the largest contributor to global warming, is the key battleground at the COP28 meeting hosted by the oil-rich United Arab Emirates.

    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Není to "těžba" virtuálních tokenů, bitcoinů, a tak podobně, ale taky to něco sežere ..

    Umělé inteligence mají obří uhlíkovou stopu. Vytvoření jednoho obrázku spotřebuje stejně elektřiny jako dobití mobilu — ČT24 — Česká televize
    [2311.16863] Power Hungry Processing: Watts Driving the Cost of AI Deployment?

    Bitcoin se stává ekologickým problémem. Na jeho těžbu se víc využívají fosilní paliva — ČT24 — Česká televize
    TADEAS --- ---
    What's the environmental damage of the war in Ukraine? | DW News
    TUHO --- ---
    COP28 president Sultan Al Jaber has urged governments to agree on global goals to triple renewables capacity and double the rate of energy efficiency improvements by 2030.

    This call from Al-Jaber is supported by the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), and political momentum is building.

    This month, a US-China joint statement on climate change backed tripling renewables to substitute coal, oil and gas power and bring about “post-peaking meaningful absolute power sector emission reduction”.

    The context for these targets is a world that remains dramatically off course against global climate goals, with recent assessments pointing to warming of 2.4-2.7C above pre-industrial levels by 2100.

    In its recent report on how to get back on track, the IEA said tripling renewables, doubling efficiency and slashing methane emissions 75% by 2030 would provide 80% of the emissions cuts needed for 1.5C.

    Q&A: Why deals at COP28 to ‘triple renewables’ and ‘double efficiency’ are crucial for 1.5C - Carbon Brief
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Based on current climate policies around the world, various groups estimate that we’re now on track for around 2.5°C (4.5°F) global warming by 2100.

    On the one hand, that’s not yet good enough to meet the target set in the Paris agreement. On the other hand, climate policies and clean technologies deployed over just the past eight years have already erased a full degree Celsius of global warming from the future world in 2100. Governments need to do more in the coming years to bring the Paris goals within reach, but the progress made over just the past eight years has been remarkable, especially in comparison to the prior decades of futility.
    TUHO --- ---
    Most people don’t realize how much progress we’ve made on climate change » Yale Climate Connections
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: "protecting rents"

    by me zajimalo, kolik procent investic na tohle neni orientovany
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Jinak je to odsud
    Essential research findings to support decision-making in a critical decade - 10insightsclimate
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO --- ---
    Challenges and opportunities for climate policy integration in oil-producing countries: the case of the UAE and Oman

    In the context of international climate change obligations, Gulf Arab states have introduced policies to integrate climate policies into economic development and planning, seeking to maximize clean development opportunities yet at the same time to minimize the threats to their rentier economies caused by sudden shifts away from fossil fuels. This paper assesses the challenges and opportunities for climate policy integration in the Gulf states of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Oman, examining the interaction between their climate policy and their political–economic regimes. It adopts a novel analytical framework that integrates insights from climate policy integration and the political–economic theory of rentier states. Drawing on semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders and relevant policy documents, it reveals modest progress in integrating climate policy into economic development plans in the UAE but major impediments to climate policy integration in Oman. Both countries face significant shortfalls in climate-related financial and human resource capacities. Climate policy integration efforts have focused on the energy sector with the purpose of protecting rents from oil exports rather than advancing a low-carbon transformation of their economies. This has created structural ambiguity in the climate policy integration advanced in the UAE and Oman.

    TUHO --- ---
    Great-power politics, order transition, and climate governance: insights from international relations theory

    The complex politics of climate change cannot be properly understood without reference to deeper geopolitical trends in the wider international system. Chief among these is the growing resurgence of ‘great-power politics’ between China and the US, along with failures of socialization and enmeshment into global governance structures in relation to these two powers. Traditional theoretical frameworks have failed to adequately account for these developments. Nonetheless, this current great-power contestation is at the core of an order transition that has prevented the large-scale institutional redesign required to remove deadlocks in existing global governance structures, including climate governance. Examples from the 2009 Copenhagen Climate Change Conference provide ample evidence for these claims. The slow progress of the climate change negotiations are due not just to the politics of the issue itself, but to the absence of a new political bargain on material power structures, normative beliefs, and the management of the order amongst the great powers. Without such a grand political bargain, which could be promoted through a forum of major economies whose wide-ranging remit would go beyond single issues, the climate change regime is only ever likely to progress in a piecemeal fashion.

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