ČR má mít podle EK vyšší cíl pro čistou energetiku v roce 2030. V návrhu českého klimaticko-energetického plánu nevyužíváme nás potenciál OZE.
https://commission.europa.eu/system/files/2023-12/Factsheet_Commissions_assessment_NECP_Czechia_2023.pdf✘ On renewable energy, Czechia’s draft updated NECP is missing sectoral trajectories and
lacks a comprehensive framework of policies and measures that the country intends to adopt
across relevant sectors.
✘ On research and innovation, the plan contains only general energy R&I objectives, while
clear quantified targets for research in clean energy technologies and the corresponding
implementation timeline are missing for 2030 and 2050.
✘ The draft updated NECP does not provide details on the investment needs and funding
sources for the policies and measures proposed and addresses only partially the
implementation of the measures included in Czechia’s RRP and those in the new REPowerEU
✘ On adaptation to climate change, the plan does not consider relevant climate
vulnerabilities and risks, and this may put the achievement of energy and climate mitigation
objectives at risk. Adaptation policies and measures (to address these risks and
vulnerabilities) are not adequately described.
✘ On achieving a just transition, the plan lacks a comprehensive analysis of social,
employment and skill impacts, including distributional ones, of the climate and energy
transition and does not elaborate on concrete policies and measures to address these beyond
coal regions.