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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    TADEAS --- ---
    MARSHUS: novonormálie :)
    MARSHUS --- ---
    TADEAS: a obdobné anomálie v Severní americe a Africe..
    TADEAS --- ---
    R Kubala

    Dneska trochu analytičtější článek. Přečetl jsem za vás poslední dvě studie od Ember sledující vývoj na trhu s elektřinou a ukazuje se, že uhlí i plyn jsou v Evropě na značném ústupu. Alespoň teda ve výrobě elektřiny. Naopak slunce a vítr trhají rekordy

    👉 Článek "Evropa využívá čím dál méně elektřiny z fosilních paliv. Stačit to ale nebude" najdete zde:

    Evropa využívá čím dál méně elektřiny z fosilních paliv. Stačit to ale nebude

    Data pro Evropu ukazují, že:
    👉 S koncem uhlí jsme přesně v polovině

    👉 Uhlí ve výrobě elektřiny pokleslo meziročně o 26 %, plyn o 15 %

    👉 Emise ze sektoru energetiky klesly o 19 %, což je víc než za covidu

    👉Vítr poprvé překonal plyn. Z větru jsme v Evropě vyrobili 19 % elektřiny, z plynu 18 %

    👉 Klíčový je výrazný nárůst solární a větrné energie. Druhým faktorem bylo snížení spotřeby energie zapříčiněné energetickou krizí

    👉 Německo snížilo emise o rekordních 21 %

    👉 Dokonce uhelný gigant Polsko se odklání od uhlí. Pomalu, ale jistě

    👉 Nic z toho stačit nebude ke zvládnutí klimatické krizi
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    Regenerating Mongolian Grasslands: A Savory & ADRA Partnership
    TADEAS --- ---
    S Barlow

    When those such as @RogerHallamCS21 have warned that billions could die, he's been widely attacked for misrepresenting the science.

    So what does the science actually say? Well nothing really, there is no realistic science about this. No one is actually studying it.

    How will our system, our civilization, respond to those climate and ecological shocks, and how will it change the human system's ability to support and sustain the current population?

    Absolutely no one knows or is attempting to research that. Not even enough to make a guess.

    Things like the 2008 financial crash, demonstrate just how vulnerable our system is to in-built wobbles, let alone major changes and shocks to our system, from things such as climate change, ecosystems and biodiversity decline, parameters which wholly sustain our economy.

    What we need to understand is that our present system, is a system, totally reliant on lots of underlying processes, and that any change to these underlying processes, parameters, would profoundly change our whole civilization.

    Climate, and ecological shocks, will profoundly change how our system operates, our political systems, our governance, our economy, the financial system, and our societies i.e. our people and their attitudes. Nothing will be unchanged, and all will be radically altered.


    To be clear about this, climate science doesn't study the stability of our civilization, to climate shocks.

    Yes, climate science, looks into sea level rise, extreme weather, future climates, but this tells us nothing about the state of our civilization, in response to this.

    So if a climate scientist assures you it will not be catastrophic, they are not offering any sort of scientific opinion, because they've never studied the impacts on our societies and civilization, and how they'll respond to these shocks. They're just personal opinions.
    TADEAS --- ---
    US climate scientist Michael Mann wins $1m in defamation lawsuit | Climate science scepticism and denial | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    Carbon offsets aren't a good climate change solution, my research shows.

    the promise of using trees to counteract carbon emissions is, unfortunately, undermined by those same emissions. The warmer world we’ve created by burning fossil fuels is one where wildfires are more frequent and intense, drought is more prevalent, and forest disease more virulent. Climate change has supercharged these natural, tree-killing processes, leading to an unfortunate irony: The very forests we often depend on as offsets are under threat and increasingly endangered by climate change itself.

    Nowhere is this more apparent than California’s offset program, a multibillion-dollar market that allows the state’s major polluters to offset some of their emissions instead of reducing the amount of carbon they put into the air in the first place. More than 80 percent of the program’s offsets derive from protecting trees from being cut down—but there’s more than just chain saws threatening those trees.


    Called the buffer pool, it’s a reserve of credits set aside to compensate for losses due to wildfires or other unforeseen events. Each time a forest enrolls in the program, roughly 15 to 20 percent of the credits it generates go into the pool. Anytime there is a fire, it’s the responsibility of this collectively funded insurance pool to step in and cover any carbon losses. Basically: The offsets come with some backup offsets.

    Although this may seem to be a straightforward and savvy idea on paper, I work for a nonprofit called CarbonPlan, which has spent nearly four years studying how the buffer pool actually plays out in the real world. Our research has shown the pool to be far too shallow. Large fires have burned through at least six forests participating in California’s offset program, including the massive Bootleg Fire in 2021, which blazed through a large offset project in southern Oregon and triggered air quality alerts as far away as New York City. In three of those cases, the damage from wildfire has been so severe that the offset project was canceled altogether.
    TADEAS --- ---

    on course

    2024 Physics-based early warning signal shows that AMOC is on tipping course
    TADEAS --- ---
    "kind of scary"

    Atlantic Ocean circulation nearing ‘devastating’ tipping point, study finds | Oceans | The Guardian

    new paper, published in Science Advances, has broken new ground by looking for warning signs in the salinity levels at the southern extent of the Atlantic Ocean between Cape Town and Buenos Aires. Simulating changes over a period of 2,000 years on computer models of the global climate, it found a slow decline can lead to a sudden collapse over less than 100 years, with calamitous consequences.

    The paper said the results provided a “clear answer” about whether such an abrupt shift was possible: “This is bad news for the climate system and humanity as up till now one could think that Amoc tipping was only a theoretical concept and tipping would disappear as soon as the full climate system, with all its additional feedbacks, was considered.”

    It also mapped some of the consequences of Amoc collapse. Sea levels in the Atlantic would rise by a metre in some regions, inundating many coastal cities. The wet and dry seasons in the Amazon would flip, potentially pushing the already weakened rainforest past its own tipping point. Temperatures around the world would fluctuate far more erratically. The southern hemisphere would become warmer. Europe would cool dramatically and have less rainfall. While this might sound appealing compared with the current heating trend, the changes would hit 10 times faster than now, making adaptation almost impossible.


    “What surprised us was the rate at which tipping occurs,” said the paper’s lead author, René van Westen, of Utrecht University. “It will be devastating.”

    He said there was not yet enough data to say whether this would occur in the next year or in the coming century, but when it happens, the changes are irreversible on human timescales.

    In the meantime, the direction of travel is undoubtedly in an alarming direction.

    “We are moving towards it. That is kind of scary,” van Westen said
    TADEAS --- ---
    Together for Regenerative Agrifood Ecosystems

    European Alliance for Regenerative Agriculture • EARA

    Savory Network amongst 50 Founding Farmers of the new European Alliance of Regenerative Agriculture (EARA) ⋆ Savory Institute
    TUHO --- ---
    Česká republika je průmyslovým státem s bohatou tradicí sahající až do časů Rakouska-Uherska. Zdejší průmysl se mohl rozvíjet především díky dostatku energie původem z místních uhelných nalezišť. Za posledních 150 let tak u nás byly vytěženy miliardy tun tohoto paliva, které velkou měrou přispělo k naší prosperitě.

    Odvrácenou stranou této mince je skutečnost, že spalováním uhlí měníme složení atmosféry, což způsobuje změnu klimatu, která v důsledku ohrožuje přežití mnoha rostlinných i živočišných druhů, včetně člověka. Do budoucna je tedy nezbytné obejít se bez tohoto důležitého zdroje. Co to bude znamenat pro naši ekonomiku, jejíž energetická náročnost je jedna z nejvyšších v rámci EU?

    Naše budoucí konkurenceschopnost závisí na energetických úsporách | Obnovitelně
    L4MA --- ---
    L4MA: fake, pardon. neni to pravda, ale mohla by byt. :)
    VELADA --- ---
    Evropa využívá čím dál méně elektřiny z fosilních paliv. Stačit to ale nebude
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---

    R Hallam

    ‘"The world is changing too fast for us’: organic farmers on urgency of French protests"

    I was an organic grower for twenty years - I would work 60 hours a week, bring up my kids, and the only highlight was going to town on a Saturday. Every weekend I would have a crippling headache from the stress.

    Why is this? Because people who do the real work, the essential work, get paid shit wages while the rich pay fuck all taxes, and everyone is sick to death with the humiliation. And on top of that the elites are creating climate collapse which will destroy everything. People don't want a lot - enough, and the dignity of not being treated as idiots.

    Unless new progressive social movements arise that make a clear break with the suicidal bollocks of the neoliberals - Starmer, Macron, Scholz - the fascists will be in power within the decade.

    The new offer is this: "Yes, the country will be less "rich," but at least we can have equality, dignity and community - and that is what counts."

    We face mass migration, collapse of world trade - insurance markets, coastal property prices - as #climatebreakdown destroys the global economy. Combine that with fascism and you have the biggest shit show in human history.

    The situation could not be more serious. Wake up and act
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘The world is changing too fast for us’: organic farmers on urgency of French protests | France | The Guardian
    SHEFIK --- ---
    YMLADRIS: related

    Copernicus: Posledních 12 měsíců bylo oteplování nad hranicí 1,5 stupně - Ekolist.cz
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Blíž jsem to nezkoumala (zdroj BBC?)

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