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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    MATT: meli jsme prave pred casem takovou intimni chvilku s jednim klimatologem. Rikal mi, ze nadeji zabalil uz pred hodne dlouhou dobou. Jenomze pry zeny a jejich lifeforce je silnejsi, takze zena ho presvedcila, ze je potreba pokracovat, maji malou dceru a t d

    tak nevis, co bude. nikdo to nevi.
    MATT --- ---
    YMLADRIS: kdyz jsem v 2005 psal bakalarku o vlivu klima. zmeny na vybrane ekosystemy, tak jsem planoval mit do 2020 statek na samote a nejak se tam pripravovat, akorat prisli deti, vsechno podrazilo a hniju porad v podnajmu v praze... takze vsichni ne.. ;)
    TADEAS --- ---
    Is Blocking The Sun Quietly Being Normalized? - Spirit of Change Magazine

    Officially, there’s an international moratorium on attempts to block the sun, as well as a U.N. Environmental Modification Convention, but rogue “Greenfinger” billionaires like Bill Gates have continued their dangerous experiments.

    Since the Vietnam War’s Project Popeye scandal, the U.S. government has positioned the Pentagon’s weather modification work and DARPA funding as countering the potential “security threat” geoengineering posed.

    Recently there’s been a shift. The U.S. has begun to normalize solar geoengineering as a “climate solution.” In 2021, the National Academies of Sciences issued a report calling for a $200 million 5-year investment in solar geoengineering research, and in 2023 President Biden released a solar radiation modification (SRM) framework, claiming that “SRM offers the possibility of cooling as the planet significantly on a timescale of a few years.”

    Around the same time, the European Union floated “a potential international framework” for solar geoengineering.

    Meanwhile, climate-profiteering corporations are lobbying for solar geoengineering to be included in the offset market being negotiated under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

    Even “environmental” non-profit advocacy groups are in on it!

    The Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)’s official position on geoengineering is that, “Deliberate climate interventions such as albedo modification should not be undertaken for the foreseeable future as they present serious ecological, moral and geopolitical concerns.”

    But, EDF has publicly supported research into geoengineering since 2010, when it co-founded the Solar Radiation Management Governance Initiative with the Royal Society and The World Academy of Sciences.

    In early 2024, Climate Wire reported that EDF organized a private two-day meeting of climate scientists, environmental activists and philanthropists “to prepare for an expected surge of Silicon Valley funding related to last-ditch measures for slowing global warming.”
    TADEAS --- ---
    “Cooling credits” are not a viable climate solution | Climatic Change

    As the world struggles to limit warming to 1.5 or 2 °C below pre-industrial temperatures, research into solar climate interventions that could temporarily offset some amount of greenhouse gas-driven global warming by reflecting more sunlight back out to space has gained prominence. These solar climate intervention techniques would aim to cool the Earth by injecting aerosols (tiny liquid or solid particles suspended in the atmosphere) into the upper atmosphere or into low-altitude marine clouds. In a new development, “cooling credits” are now being marketed that claim to offset a certain amount of greenhouse gas warming with aerosol-based cooling. The science of solar climate intervention is currently too uncertain and the quantification of effects insufficient for any such claims to be credible in the near term. More fundamentally, however, the environmental impacts of greenhouse gases and aerosols are too different for such credits to be an appropriate instrument for reducing climate risk even if scientific uncertainties were narrowed and robust monitoring systems put in place. While some form of commercial mechanism for solar climate intervention implementation, in the event it is used, is likely, “cooling credits” are unlikely to be a viable climate solution, either now or in the future.
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    Two new Mexico teams to explore impacts of SRM on heatwaves and biodiversity loss - The DEGREES Initiative

    By modelling the potential impacts of SRM and climate change, these scientists will contribute to an evidence base that policy makers in Mexico and Central America can use to make informed decisions about reducing climate risks. This is research conducted by Latin Amercian scientists working at a Mexican University, who will communicate their findings openly to key stakeholders through peer-reviewed academic publications.

    Last year, Mexico announced an intention to ban outdoor solar geoengineering activities after an American start-up company attempted a small-scale SRM balloon test on Mexican territory.

    Unlike that controversial small-scale for-profit ‘deployment’, the two new Degrees-funded scientific teams will conduct responsible computer-based modelling research on the potential effects of SRM on climate change, heatwaves, and biodiversity. This supports Degrees’ central mission – while we take no position on whether SRM should ever be used, we want developing countries to have the capacity to do their own research and to have an informed role in any future governance discussions and decisions on its use or non-use.
    TADEAS --- ---
    T Pueyo

    Global warming is accelerating. There's only one thing we can do today to delay it before we burn, enough to solve the pbm: SO2 injection

    Some ppl are squeamish about it but they shouldn't be. SO2 is so obviously the right solution that we should do it now. Here's why

    The Geoengineering Question - by Zeke Hausfather
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    SHEFIK: tak hallam to asi bere tak, že collapse-aware lidem naopak naději dává, tím že buduje představu, že by se mohlo začít šlapat na brzdu třeba 50x silněji, kdyby se zanechalo všech kravin

    Lidi bez naděje se IMHO odstěhovali do hor a už se jen kochaji vyhlidkou
    SHEFIK --- ---
    YMLADRIS: ale my prece vime kam vede chovani jednotlivcu kdyz jim vezmes nadeji
    TADEAS --- ---
    MATT: to je imho mysleno tak, ze tipping pointy metanuz tajiciho permafrostu urychli i amoc collapse, tzn. nejdriv jedno, pak druhy .) waves of pleasure
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    SHEFIK: nemáme data, můžeme mít jen pocity zda doomismus a jaká míra doomismu má konstruktivní / destruktivní efekt, tak nevím. taky si nemyslím že extinction je main scenario

    Nicméně přijde mi zajímavý že o téma vedle - extinction caused by AI - se neustále diskutuje a uvažuje se o tom. Není v tom ten odsudek typu "panikou ničemu nepomůžeš"

    Rozdíl vidím v tom, že klima doomismus požaduje okamžitý degrowth takže lidi s tím prostě nemůžou souhlasit (zničilo by to životní styl), takže se varianta extinction nepřipouští a neuvažuje. Přitom ty vzájemně se násobící domina působí plausibilně, tak vyloučit extinction nemůžeš

    Zatímco "vypnout AI" lidem nesahá na životní styl, takže to má mnohem víc proponentů
    MATT --- ---
    TADEAS: collapse of AMOC a collapse of ice cover in the Arctic/methane release jde trochu proti sobe, ne?
    vychzim z toho, ze AMOC distribuuje teplo z tropu do vyssich zem. sirek
    SHEFIK --- ---
    SHEFIK: kdybych chtel bejt pedant, reknu, ze k mass rape uz dochazi i bez klimaticke zmeny

    Kdybych chtel bejt optimista, reknu, ze nas zmeny klimatu konecne redukujou na sustainable uroven

    Ale human extinction neni ani pesimismus, to je bud jeho panika, nebo hur, manipulace skrze zpusobeni paniky. Panila v tehle situaci nicemu nepomuze, maximalne zpusobi mass rape uz zitra :)
    SHEFIK --- ---
    YMLADRIS: ja nechci lajnovat zadny scenare, pac je jich nekonecne mnoho a budoucnost neni napsana. Mass rape se da mitigovat mnoha zpusoby.

    Ja chapu co chce Hallam rict a je pravdepodobne, ze k mass rape pri soucasne trajektorii nekde dojde, jen rikam, ze ta kauzualita s klimatem je proste nestastna, pac klima neni root cause pro mass rape chovani. Je to jeden z faktoru, ktere mohou takovou situaci prihodit. Mohou z toho duvodu, ze se to da mitigovat x zpusoby a je na lidstvu, jestli nejakou z techto akci provede.

    Proste statetement, ze kazdy kdo ma analyticke mysleni vidi, ze uz je pred nami jen mass rape a human extinction je hodny cloveka zraleho na psychiatrickou peci.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    SHEFIK: to asi myslíš "v fortress Europe předpokládám kapsu kde se dal bude prosazovat právo. On asi mluví o rozpadu lidskeho chování v tom neobyvatelném pásu, což mi nevadí. Už teď stovky milionů lidí mají hlad a zvládame se tím netrapit"

    SHEFIK --- ---
    TADEAS: sry, to je nesmysl. Atribuce chain of events prvnimu triggeru vedouci k tomu nejpesimistictejsimu scenari...

    To prirovnani meteoritu vs deaths je prece immediate impact, kdezto mass rape je nejakej prenesenej efekt proudici bud z paniky (jez muze bejt zpusobena cimkoliv, nejen klimatem), popripade chudobou a z ni proudici frustrace.

    Navic kazdej kdo ma analyticko-projektovy mysleni vi, ze na risks se daji uplatnovat ruzny mitigation actions. Cimz nerikam, ze jist jidlo jen ze skleniku a houby z podzemi je nejaka idealni vize, jen chci poukazat na disconnection s mass rape.

    Prirovnal bych tenhle text k takovy demagogii, jako kdyz bych vinil ze vseho spatneho co se lidstvu prihodilo 6 africkych matek...
    TADEAS --- ---
    R Hallam

    @Guardian is a massive schizophrenia machine - over in the “climate department” we are told on a daily basis that the human race is heading for extinction - or effective extinction if you want to be nerdy about it. While over in the politics department it’s liberal business as usual. This is not smart.

    As @MarinaHyde says.
    “I can see Ms Lunnon thinks that the only context for anything anyone says or does, ever, is that we are about to become extinct, and that trumps absolutely everything.”

    Let's be polite and suggest this sentence is not very well thought through. Obviously if we were about to become extinct then that would trump absolutely everything. In world war two  3% of humanity died and the war definitively did trump everything - so presumably if 100% of humanity is about to die then .. well


    How does this denial happen? I offer the following reasons.

    1. Marina and co think climate is an issue - it is not - by definition it is everything, in the sense that air and water are everything - no water you die - no climate you have no food, you die.
    2. Marina and co think climate is an event - “when we get to 2c” - implies we stop there - no 2C locks in 3C and so on. It does not stop.
    3. Marina and co think the climate is about the physical world - which they are dumb enough to think does not interact with the social world. If you for instance suggest that climate will create mass rape all hell breaks loose. But to deny this is like saying a meteorite landing in New York will not kill people.

    They think then that there is only one domino. There is in fact a series of them and when you knock down one - then you will knock down the rest of the row. This is basic physics. The tipping points in the geophysical system trigger each other which then re-amplify each other - it's ONE SYSTEM.

    This is how you lock in human extinction. And everyone with minimal analytical skills knows that human extinction is now the main scenario.
    TUHO --- ---
    Jsou místa, kde se už blížíme k bodu zlomu. Poslední rok je extrém, varuje meteorolog - Aktuálně.cz
    TUHO --- ---
    Bububu, ty mala...

    Uzavření dvou uhelných elektráren miliardáře Pavla Tykače není jen údajnou hrozbou pro energetickou stabilitu Česka, ale také významnou úsporou emisí oxidu uhličitého. Tyto elektrárny totiž stojí za skoro desetinou emisí CO2 celé země.

    Miliardář Tykač hrozí uzavřením elektráren. Snížilo by to emise Česka skoro o deset procent
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam