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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    SHEFIK --- ---
    $19 Million For Innovative Solar Panel Installation Over Canals From Investing In America Agenda - CleanTechnica

    WASHINGTON — The Department of the Interior today announced a $19 million investment from President Biden’s Investing in America agenda to install solar panels over irrigation canals in California, Oregon and Utah, simultaneously decreasing evaporation of critical water supplies and advancing clean energy goals.


    Installing solar panels in irrigation canals has the potential to provide a variety of benefits, including:

    Generating renewable energy;

    Reducing evaporation losses of the canal;

    Increasing efficiency of and production from solar panels because of the cooling effect of the water beneath the panels;

    Creating land savings for open space and agricultural use;

    Reducing facility maintenance by mitigating algae and/or aquatic plant growth; and

    Reducing the energy footprint and carbon emissions required to operate and maintain the facility.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    roger is unimpressed

    Roger Hallam
    Yesterday I was sentenced to two years in prison.

    My “crime” was to organise the flying of toy drones below head height several kilometres from Heathrow Airport as a proportionate and peaceful protest against the building of the Third Runway. The largest carbon intensive project planned in Europe. Those who promoted this extreme criminal act of global vandalism have yet to go on trial and be sentenced.

    Later in the Judge’s statement he mentioned these sentences would be suspended. This is one of those unpleasant medieval routines where they say they are going to do you in, let you sweat a bit, and then say they are not.

    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    Greta Thunberg detained at The Hague climate demonstration | Greta Thunberg | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Petr Pokorný: Planeta čelí naléhavější hrozbě, než jsou tající ledovce - iDNES.cz

    Pozitiva a sociální jistoty...
    MATT --- ---
    Geoengineering Test Quietly Launches Salt Crystals into Atmosphere | Scientific American
    SHEFIK --- ---
    UC Berkeley study confirms that yes, EVs do what they promise to do https://electrek.co/2024/04/05/uc-berkeley-study-confirms-that-yes-evs-do-what-they-promise-to-do/

    Researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, found that between 2018 and 2022, CO2 emission from all sources (industries, homes, traffic) across the San Francisco Bay Area dropped around 1.8% per year – a difference the researchers attribute to widespread EV adoption in the area. For vehicle emission rates, those numbers dropped 2.6% annually. EVs made up nearly 40% of new auto registrations in San Jose and 34% in San Francisco last year
    TADEAS --- ---


    Nebývalý jarní poplach! Předpověď na tento víkend uvádí 25 °C - více než 10 °C nad průměrem - a my jsme svědky toho, jak stromy začínají růst mnohem dříve než obvykle. Klimatická změna není jen datum v kalendáři, je to realita, která právě teď mění naše lesy.

    TADEAS --- ---
    'We are losing the Amazon rainforest': Record number of wildfires in parts of Brazil | CBC News

    Fire is sucking the life out of parts of the Amazon rainforest. In Roraima State, in northern Brazil, the number of fires in February were more than five times the average, according to data from Brazil's National Institute for Space Research, and blazes continued to burn through March.

    "We are losing the Amazon rainforest. These changes in the climate right now provoked by El Niño makes this forest fire season even worse than we are used to seeing in the forest," said Marcio Astrini, executive secretary of Brazil's Climate Observatory.

    Wildfires in the normally humid, tropical rainforest have been supercharged by a disastrous combination of elevated temperatures, historic drought and deforestation.

    Even as the year-old government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has brought down the rate of deforestation in Brazil by more than 20 per cent, a hot dry 2023 stressed the trees within the Amazon, which stretches into eight countries.

    Analysis by Copernicus, a European atmospheric monitoring service, estimates that fires in Brazil released the highest amount of carbon dioxide for the month of February in over two decades. Half of the 45.1 megatons of CO2 released, it reported, came from the fires in Roraima state.
    TADEAS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: modely jsou spravne, chyba bude v realite
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Oteplování zrychlilo. A my nevíme proč. Jak moc se máme bát?

    tldr modely predpovidaly hodnoty ktere se namerily ve 2023 az na 2030. pricina neznama, mozna ty odsířené lodě. more research needed

    je to takovy obecnejsi clanek o zmene klimatu, modely co predpovidaji pet stupnu, nasledky pro CR, klimaticka senzitivita, atd
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TADEAS: forget about brown

    Seznam Zprávy

    Stav národní katastrofy vyhlásil zimbabwský prezident Emmerson Mnangagwa kvůli velkému suchu způsobenému jevem El Niño. Země podle něj potřebuje finanční pomoc ve výši dvou miliard dolarů, určenou pro miliony hladovějících lidí.
    INK_FLO --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    INK_FLO: nepocbybne bude mit AI pocit viny....
    INK_FLO --- ---
    Právě že ten pocit viny z vlastní ekostopy bude pro AI hnací motor to za nás nějak vyřešit...
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    INK_FLO: mno, bilanci btc pow jsi uz hledal? energo mix - 50% fosilu. no to v dobe funkcnich pos overovani vazne chces
    INK_FLO --- ---
    Umělá inteligence spotřebovává neúnosné množství energetických a přírodních zdrojů – A2larm

    Když necháte umělou inteligenci vygenerovat jeden obrázek, spotřebuje se při tom energie, která by stačila na nabití jednoho telefonu. Vyrobit tisíc takových obrázků má stejnou uhlíkovou stopu jako ujet šest a půl kilometrů autem se spalovacím motorem. To jsou jen některé příklady energetické náročnosti umělé inteligence, o nichž se dočteme ve zprávě Artificial Intelligence Threats to Climate Change (Hrozby umělé inteligence týkající se klimatické změny). Podle organizace Climate Action Against Disinformation hrozí, že vývoj umělé inteligence ještě víc akceleruje klimatickou změnu. Jako technologie je mimořádně náročná na spotřebu energie i vody a zároveň se může stát zásadním nástrojem při tvoření a šíření klimatických dezinformací.
    TADEAS --- ---

    keen jede ,)

    In terms of an analogy - when we're going to hit a brick wall? We're doing about 300 km an hour towards a brick wall about, you know, we're 10 m away at the moment. So we're going to hit a catastrophe and the real question is what do you do after that?

    In my feeling, only when we get a serious catastrophe, and I mean as in hundreds of millions of white people dying, not brown, forget about brown. We don't worry about brown people. If it's in Pakistan or Africa, we won't worry about it. It's got to be in Belgium or in the United States or some white country, lots of people dying there. Holy shit, this is serious. Well, in that situation, you have to ration. You would abolish industries, tourism would be gone, no more international flights, boom, there you take a few percent out of carbon. No more Bitcoin, anything you can eliminate straight away. And then rationing. You try to avoid people starving to death, these are mechanisms like we did for the second world war where as soon as it became obvious that if UK didn't throw everything it had at producing and purchasing weapons to fight the Germans, then they'd be speaking German not long after.

    So in total, it would be total War economy Direction, and that means rationing of everything, so you have to get rationing systems together. You have to eliminate private jets. But funnily enough, I'd use private jets for sulfur dioxide seeding at the stratosphere, because they can reach the stratosphere whereas commercial jets can't, etc., etc., stuff on that scale.

    And that's what we won't do it until after a huge catastrophe hits because nobody, and this is humanity in general, it isn't just economist here, we don't react to a crisis until after it's happened. And then the question is, do we react well enough to be able to reverse it?

    So I go for all the stuff you're talking about, which was unpopular with your contemporaries, but I'd then also say we have to start preparing rationing schemes, developing our own alternative energy systems beforehand because we know the policymakers aren't going to do it fast enough. But the main thing is to get people ready for a wartime economy, restriction of consumption, focus upon alternative methods, and then we might have a chance.
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    PAN_SPRCHA: za me je v techhle prumyslovejch oborech normalni rozdeleni nazoru, tam mas tu paletu jak na dlani. a kupodivu neni moznost, ze s nekym nebudes spolupracovat kvuli nazorum, takze kolektivy jsou navzdory tomu funkcni. kdepak tohle na internetu..
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