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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---

    There’s no such thing as a benign beef farm – so beware the ‘eco-friendly’ new film straight out of a storybook | George Monbiot | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    UK facing food shortages and price rises after extreme weather | Farming | The Guardian

    The UK faces food shortages and price rises as extreme weather linked to climate breakdown causes low yields on farms locally and abroad.

    Record rainfall has meant farmers in many parts of the UK have been unable to plant crops such as potatoes, wheat and vegetables during the key spring season. Crops that have been planted are of poor quality, with some rotting in the ground.

    The persistent wet weather has also meant a high mortality rate for lambs on the UK’s hills, while some dairy cows have been unable to be turned out on to grass, meaning they will produce less milk.

    Agricultural groups have said the UK will be more reliant on imports, but similarly wet conditions in European countries such as France and Germany, as well as drought in Morocco, could mean there is less food to import. Economists have warned this could cause food inflation to rise, meaning higher prices at supermarkets.

    Tom Bradshaw, the president of the National Farmers’ Union, said markets had “collapsed” as farmers fail to produce food in the punishing conditions. He said: “We’re going to be importing a lot more product this year.”


    France is experiencing the poorest start to its wheat-growing season since 2020 amid cold wet weather, while production of fruit and vegetables in Morocco is being affected by drought. Morocco’s second-largest reservoir has dried up, meaning irrigating crops will be difficult.

    Amber Sawyer, an analyst at the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit, said last year almost a third of the UK’s tomatoes, and more than two-thirds of its raspberries and brussels sprouts, came from Morocco.

    “As climate change worsens, the threat to our food supply chains – both at home and overseas – will grow,” Sawyer said.
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    DZODZO: po troše googlení vladimír gut hospodaří na kambisolech v radošovicích u vlašimi, což jsou in situ dobře provzdušněné půdy s dostatkem živin, kvůli krystlinickým horninám, na kterých se zpravidla vyvíjí.

    naprosto vážně by mě zajímalo, jak moc je regenerativní zemědělství možný provozovat na půdách, kterým hrozí genetické utužení - klesá jim porozita i bez vlivu člověka, oglejením. dál by mě zajímal názor na tento způsob zemědělství od ekozemědělců, kteří docela rádi ořou mělce z důvodu plevelů, škůdců a pod.


    Redukované zpracování půdy v ekologickém zemědělství | PRO-BIO
    HELLISH --- ---
    DZODZO: ten článek je tak optimistickej, až se mi trochu nechce věřit, nicméně určitě skvělý, že už jsou takoví zemědělci i u nás..
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Legal fight.

    Hana Müllerová: Jak umlčet obhájce práv přírody? V Utahu na to jdou rovnou zákonem - Ekolist.cz
    SEJDA --- ---
    Sice tam nemaji tam v grafech posledni roky. I teplota v rekach nebo veletocich stoji za zminku.

    DZODZO --- ---
    TADEAS: hm takze ten pan hubar na slovensku co siel v breznu na houby s kulovnici mozno predsalen nevymyslal, ja som si hovoril, ze kde sa v lese chodi v breznu na houby a ono zeby predsa?

    toto sa dobre cita
    Moderní Přemysl Oráč? Inovativní zemědělec vůbec neoře - Novinky
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘Grownup’ leaders are pushing us towards catastrophe, says former US climate chief | Climate crisis | The Guardian

    “We are slowed down by those who think of themselves as grownups and believe decarbonisation at the speed the climate community calls for is unrealistic,” said Todd Stern, who served as a special envoy for climate change under Barack Obama, and helped negotiate the 2015 Paris agreement.

    “They say that we need to slow down, that what is being proposed [in cuts to greenhouse gas emissions] is unrealistic,” he told the Observer. “You see it a lot in the business world too. It’s really hard [to push for more urgency] because those ‘grownups’ have a lot of influence.”

    A world re-drawn; a world in crisis | LSE Event
    SHEFIK --- ---
    NREL Unveils Groundbreaking Generative Machine Learning Model To Simulate Future Energy-Climate Impacts - CleanTechnica

    Sup3rCC is an open-source model that uses generative machine learning to produce state-of-the-art downscaled future climate data sets that are available to the public at no cost. Downscaled climate data is necessary to understand the impacts of climate change on local wind and solar resources and energy demand. There are a multitude of existing downscaling methods, but they all have trade-offs in resolution, computational costs, and physical constraints in space and time. Sup3rCC represents a new field of generative machine learning methods that can produce physically realistic high-resolution data 40 times faster than traditional dynamical downscaling methods.

    Sup3rCC will change the way we study and plan future energy systems,” said Dan Bilello, director of the Strategic Energy Analysis Center at NREL. “The tool produces foundational climate data that can be plugged into energy system models and provide much-needed insights for decision makers who are responsible for keeping the lights on.”
    Sup3rCC learns physical characteristics of nature and the atmosphere by studying NREL’s historical high-resolution data sets, including the National Solar Radiation Database and the Wind Integration National Dataset Toolkit. The model then injects physically realistic small-scale information that it has learned from the data sets into the coarse future outputs from global climate models. As a result, Sup3rCC generates highly detailed temperature, humidity, wind speed, and solar irradiance data based on the latest state-of-the-art future climate projections. Sup3rCC outputs can then be used to study future renewable energy power generation, changes in energy demand, and impacts to power system operations. The initial Sup3rCC data set includes data from 2015 to 2059 for the contiguous United States, and additional data sets will be released in the coming years.
    BRETA --- ---
    Česko patří mezi klimatické premianty, chválí ministr Hladík. Naše závazky jsou nedostatečné, oponuje Zamouřil z Klimatické žaloby • mujRozhlas
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    TADEAS: to znamena, ze se jim slily ekologicky niky, coz znena boj o jedno prostredí, to znamena ubytek eko i bio diverzity v budoucnu
    TADEAS --- ---
    houby nekorelujou

    To tady čtvrtstoletí nebylo. V lesích rostou jarní, letní, podzimní i zimní houby najednou - Novinky
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘It’s a sun trap’: climate crisis brings boomtime for British wine | Food & drink industry | The Guardian
    ZAHRADKAR --- ---
    DZODZO: jj, mrazíky a pak je ještě riziko sucha později v létě, protože rozjetá vegetace tu vodu zkonzumuje mnohem rychleji ... no, budem muset najít holt plodiny, co jsou odolný
    DZODZO --- ---
    Vysoké teploty straší pěstitele ovoce i zeleniny - Novinky

    mne to tiez robi vrasky
    MATT --- ---
    WOODMAKER: Sleduje se celej zivotni cyklus, vcetne produkce, transportu a pak zlikvidovani ci recyklace.

    Podle me budou nano a mikroplasty samostatna kapitola celyho toho lidskyho pruseru..
    MARSHUS --- ---
    Canada at risk of another devastating wildfire season, federal government warns | CBC News
    Canada at risk of another devastating wildfire season, federal government warns
    TADEAS --- ---
    Vstupujeme na neprobádané území, varují klimatologové po rekordně teplém březnu — ČT24 — Česká televize
    WOODMAKER --- ---
    MATT: A pestovani palmoveho oleje nici koralove utesy mnohem min, nez rybolov?
    Myslel jsem, ze u plastu je problem spis s mikroplastama, nez s tim, ze by z nich unikaly plyny.
    MATT --- ---
    Replacing plastics with alternatives is worse for greenhouse gas emissions in most cases, study finds

    PAN_SPRCHA: ale letos jde spis o el nino nez korelace.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam