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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day
    XCHAOS --- ---
    XCHAOS --- ---
    LACIF: růst teploty oceánů o půl stupně za rok? No 10 let jsem tady ještě bejt chtěl, ale...
    SHEFIK --- ---
    CHOSIE: v evrope bych se nejak velkych vodnich valek neobaval. Ty kombinace solar/desalinizace/H2 maji imho do budoucna obrovsky potencial


    On the same vein, efficiency of a multi generation system utilizing high temperature fuel cell and reversible energy, namely biomass and solar, was performed by Haghghi et al. [12]. The system was capable of simultaneously generating electricity, cooling, fresh water and H2 (via PEME). The overall energy efficiency of this system along with its H2 production rate were 77.58% and 0.7695 mol/s, respectively. An economic study of the system was also presented [13]. According to reports, the cost per unit exergy of H2 and total production was 41.74 GJ/$ and 11.28 GJ/$, respectively. Demir and Dincer [14] introduced and studied a hybrid system comprising of a solar-driven gas turbine, a storage unit, a multi-stage flash distillation, a PEME, and a thermoelectric generator with the aim of generating electricity, desalinated water and H2. The amount of desalinated water and H2 production of this system was calculated to be 1210 ton/day and 129.9 kg/day, respectively. Also, its energy and exergy efficiencies were 42.5% and 40.5%, respectively.
    CHOSIE --- ---
    When the water runs dry: Why France is freaking out over a tiny Swiss dam
    Water-rich Switzerland controls Western Europe’s taps — and wants it to stay that way. Its drought-ridden neighbors are getting nervous.
    It’s a perfect recipe for the mounting tensions Brussels has warned could spark water conflicts across Europe.
    TUHO --- ---
    mohlo by nekoho zajimat...

    The Energy of Russia
    Hydrocarbon Culture and Climate Change

    This timely book analyses the status of hydrocarbon energy in Russia as both a saleable commodity and as a source of societal and political power. Through empirical studies in domestic and foreign policy contexts, Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen explores the development of a hydrocarbon culture in Russia and the impact this has on its politics, identity and approach to climate change and renewable energy.

    Cogent and compelling, this book demonstrates how the Russian state leverages its oil and gas reserves in order to create and maintain power both domestically and internationally. Tynkkynen uses empirical studies of key topics such as the national gas programme Gazprom, the Arctic, climate discourse and anthropogenic climate change denial, and the Russia-Finland energy trade to critically examine the situation. The book concludes with a convincing argument for the potential of renewable energy to build a more resilient and sustainable future for Russia and how this might be achieved.

    This will prove crucial reading for scholars and students of Russian and Eastern European studies and energy and environmental studies, as well as geographers, anthropologists and political scientists. Those working in governments, international organizations and corporations with an interest in Russian energy will also find its insights useful.

    The Energy of Russia
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    MATT: no to je pecka

    New satellite will track elusive methane pollution from oil and gas industry globally | CBC News
    MATT --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: jj, ted bude zajimavy, az se zacnou zpracovavat vysledky z https://www.methanesat.org/ (vypusten v breznu)
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    MATT: on je problém, že ne vždy to jde energeticky využít a někdy to ani nespálíš na fléře kvůli nízký koncentraci. jinak toho metanu této geneze jsou hrozný kvanta

    MATT --- ---
    YMLADRIS: fyi: novy svetovy poradek (nwo) je terminus technicus Bushovy ery, dnes ho uz pouzivaji vicemene jen zastydli kospirativci (ti mladsi uz ho zas neznaji)
    MATT --- ---
    Recent study finds 'garbage lasagnas' forming in open landfills across US release staggering amount of air pollution: 'Decades of trash that’s sitting under the landfill'
    DZODZO --- ---
    TADEAS: to spojenie propalestincov s klimou ma trochu pletie, z ineho clanku linknuteho v tomto clanku:

    "In a letter sent to the Board of Directors on 24 April, signatories asked the institution to outline two "time-bound action plans": one detailing plans to "cut all collaborations with Israeli institutions complicit in the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestinians", and another setting out "effective and binding action to implement [the university's] 2030 transition plans"."

    to druhe by sa dalo vyriesit ciastocne zateplenim budovy skoly a solarmi na streche, co chodia decka do skoly, tak po rekonstrukcii im poskocil energeticky stitok z G na B

    tomu prvemu poziadavku ovsem nerozumiem, ake ma univerzita kolaboracie s izraelskou armadou...
    TADEAS --- ---
    Palestine and Climate Activists Are Joining Forces at UK University Encampments | Novara Media
    MARSHUS --- ---
    hlavní město ropné Kanady evakuováno kvůli lesním požárům. za posledních deset let jednou málem zhořelo (2016), potom záplavy (2020), teď znovu požáry.


    Canada's oil production is set to jump by about 10 per cent over the next year and become one of the largest sources of increased supply around the world. This is fine.
    CHOSIE --- ---
    Nevím jestli někdo nesdílel, ale nepostřehl jsem? -
    Earth at risk: An urgent call to end the age of destruction and forge a just and sustainable future
    Human development has ushered in an era of converging crises: climate change, ecological destruction, disease, pollution, and socioeconomic inequality. This review synthesizes the breadth of these interwoven emergencies and underscores the urgent need for comprehensive, integrated action. Propelled by imperialism, extractive capitalism, and a surging population, we are speeding past Earth's material limits, destroying critical ecosystems, and triggering irreversible changes in biophysical systems that underpin the Holocene climatic stability which fostered human civilization. The consequences of these actions are disproportionately borne by vulnerable populations, further entrenching global inequities. Marine and terrestrial biomes face critical tipping points, while escalating challenges to food and water access foreshadow a bleak outlook for global security.
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    MARSHUS: incidence ve spojenych statech je v podstate zanedbatelna, stejne jako c.auris, ta je dvakrat castejsi s 2,3k nemocnych rocne. jako ja jsem pro kazdou senzaci, ale ten clanek na livescience odporuje ceskym wikiskriptum v mnoha bodech
    CHOSIE --- ---
    Pesticide Use Has Increased by Over 80% since 1990, Causing Pollinator Declines and Water Contamination
    The reliance on pesticides in industrial agriculture has skyrocketed over the past three decades, with a staggering 80% increase since 1990. This heavy dependence on chemicals to control pests and weeds has come at a significant cost to the environment, particularly to pollinators and water resources.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Systemic Risks | Research Institute for Sustainability
    MARSHUS --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: a pořád se priony straší, neboj.

    Chronic wasting disease - Wikipedia
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    YMLADRIS: ai bude rozhodne potrebovat jiny udaje nez obsahuje clanek, patogenita a zivotaschopnost tohoto druhu kvasinky se v clanku dost precenuje
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    SHEFIK: pokud AI nevypocita co s tím, tak další indicie jak asi bude vypadat nový světový pořádek - hermeticky uzavřené citadely, které si dovnitr nepouští žádný bio materiál (natožpak špinavé migranty)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam