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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    WOODMAKER --- ---
    YMLADRIS: S klimatem to nic neudela, ale verim, ze pribudou dalsi protisystemovi volici.
    YMLADRIS --- ---

    just stop oil pravdepodobne stopped?

    Just Stop Oil (Roger Hallam et al) dostali 5 let vezeni za planovani blokady dalnice. bude to znamenat konec hnuti tohoto typu (XR, Insulate Britain, ..) zalozenych na primych akcich ktere maji obtezovat verejnost a tim do medialniho prostoru vnaset debatu o klimatu? Zaskrtnete i vic moznosti, co si myslite

    22 hlasy od 17 respondentů

    TADEAS --- ---

    Rupert Read

    A memo re Roger Hallam being sent to prison for five years for plotting to block the M25:
    This is a pretty shocking sentence. But given the new anti-protest laws, laws that have been exceptionally condemned by the UN Special Rapporteur as draconian, I suppose we can’t be too >surprised< by it.
    Roger and I have always had extremely different strategic approaches. The Climate Majority Project, which I now co-lead, exists precisely for anyone and everyone who wants to get serious about taking climate action so that we and our kids have a future, but who doesn’t want to sit in a road. Like most people, I don’t agree with Just Stop Oil’s approach at all.
    But it is still worth asking how history, if we are all lucky and smart enough to create together a future in which it gets to be written at all, will regard Just Stop Oil protesters such as Roger. History may regard them as blundering, even as counter-productive. But it will certainly regard them incomparably better than it regards fossil fuel interests and those politicians who cravenly do exactly what those interests want.
    Roger’s approach is in my informed view a dead end. But at least he is on the right side of history; on the side of the angels, as it were, however cack-handedly sometimes. I think it impossible that any historians fortunate enough to be looking back on this historical moment of decision for humanity will regard him being sent down for five years - at a time when the prisons moreover are bursting at the seams - as anything other than an unjust and bizarre outcome.
    Future historians will wonder why he was sent down for five years, while the likes of Boris Johnson, or the heads of Shell and BP, walk free. Those people, and the professional liars who have done their bidding for so long, surely deserve if anything to be behind bars more than he does.
    Lastly: The sad thing is that Insulate Britain and Just Stop Oil alienated so many people that it is going to be hard to generate big public sympathy / an effective plan for solidarity and early release for Roger and his four fellow inmates. The huge amount of publicity that they generated was in many cases given to them (by right wing / establishment media) >precisely so that they would lose sympathy<, precisely to generate anger and disapproval. ...So there are lessons all round, here.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Major insurers withdraw support for deep sea mining | Insurance Business New Zealand
    PER2 --- ---
    CHOSIE: si mi jeste pripomnel:

    "The reserves uncovered are said to contain around 511 billion barrels worth of oil, equating to around 10 times the North Sea’s output over the last 50 years."

    Russia reportedly finds vast oil and gas reserves in British Antarctic territory | Offshore
    CROME --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Takze uz od sveho guru prebiras i primitivni rasismus brilliant.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: myslíš:

    Trump to the press: I will crush you like the bugs you are.
    Journalists: Haha there goes Trump again.

    Biden: I'm incredibly disappointed in your coverage:
    Journalists: How dare you? Resign immediately, you ungrateful pathetic SOB.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    China will “meet its end-of-2030 target by the end of this month — or 6.5 years early.”
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TUHO: v pulce dvacatyho stoleti by taky bylo nemyslitelny ze prezident ma rok parkinsona, ale protoze jeho vice je cernoska tak nic, budeme se tvarit jako ze to neexistuje a bude se uchazet o dalsi obdobi.

    interpretuju to tak, ze ty figurky / osoby prezidentu uz dost ztraci vyznam, cele to ridi ten korporatni kolos jedne nebo druhe politicke strany. ze by jim slo o stat, to asi ne


    nevim zda muze mit nejaky vyznam ze se techno kapital priklonil k trumpovi (neni to jen musk). jako ze treba jsou vic spojeni s novou energetikou a je nejaka nadeje, ze vylobuji ze subsidies na alt zdroje zustanou aspon nejak zachovany..


    ad proc nemuze fungovat musk a demokrati - zakladni rozpor podle me je, ze koupil ten twitter a zmenil ho z levicoveho media na pravicove. tyto vztahy uz se jen tak nenavazou, leda by dalsi Dem kandidat byl nejaka hvezda, ktere fakt jde o sjednoceni naroda (mineno za dalsi ctyri roky)


    ja jsem na demokraty nastvana, ze obetovali veskere klima a spol vydobytky partajni politice, nedokazali najit atraktivniho kandidata kterymu neni 80 atd. Uz i ta kamala ma ted vyssi sance vyhrat nez biden. skoda no.
    SEJDA --- ---
    TUHO: tak 1 000 mil. $ na 250 mil volicu v USA, jsou asi 4 $ na volice.
    Na Slovensku maji limit v prezidentskych volbach 500 tis. € na 4 mil. volicu, co je 0,125 € na volice. Pricemz neuspesny I. Korcok limit prekrocil testne, P. Pellegrini mohl limit prekrocit asi 2x - 3x.
    To ukazuje dve veci, ze limit 0,5 € - 1 € na volice je strizlivejsi, a ze kazdy limit bude vzdy prekrocen.
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Kazdopadne jeden z dusledku zruseni financniho limitu prispevku na kampan. V pulce 20. stoleti by tohle byl naprostej skandal, kterej by vsichni povazovali jako kupovani volenych zastupcu plutokraty. Dneska normal.

    TUHO --- ---
    YMLADRIS: No psyop, spise proste propaganda, ovlivnovani verejneho mineni. Musk vsadil na Trumpa, vali do nej prachy a predpokladam, ze za to ocekava nejake protiplneni v pripade vyhry. Je smutny, ze jeho uzky zajmy prebijou to, ze Trump bude naprosta katastrofa v asi tak 1000+1 ohledech
    XCHAOS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Elon, který by fušoval akorát do elektromobilů a raket a nikdy nekoupil Twitter, aby pak podpořil Trumpa - to by bylo trochu jako Hitler, kterej by se spokojil s Rakouskem a Sudetama a dost: žádná válka, žádný holocaust...
    XCHAOS --- ---
    now we are talking something!
    U.S. bans on gasoline-powered leaf blowers grow, as does blowback from landscaping industry | AP News
    TADEAS --- ---
    Tři zásadní dokumenty ke Green Dealu na vládě. Ve hře jsou i kompenzace vyšších nákladů pro chudší | Hospodářské noviny (HN.cz)
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TUHO: psyop střídá psyop

    SHEFIK --- ---
    YMLADRIS: shortovanim nikoho nepolozis. Je to neco jako sazka na dostizich, ze hodnota spolecnosti poklesne. Spis to bude rivalita, snazi se nejak dat najevo, ze Muskovy firmy nemaj tu hodnotu na kterou se tvari (at uz v relaci klimatu, ci obecne ekonomicky...)

    Oni ty bohaci maj taky svy zaliby a emocionalni neresti... muze tam bejt zavist atd
    TADEAS --- ---
    TUHO: "towards fundamental planetary rights" .]
    TUHO --- ---
    YMLADRIS: no bude to jeste sranda, treba se jednou dozvime, co za tema uturnama stoji...

    Trump: I could have made Elon Musk 'drop to his knees and beg'

    Former President Donald Trump has hit back at Elon Musk for calling him too old to run again — claiming he could have made the world’s richest man “drop to [his] knees and beg” when he was in the White House.
    Trump used his Twitter rival Truth Social to attack Musk, 51, in an ongoing war of words that on Monday saw the Tesla mogul saying it was “time for Trump to hang up his hat & sail into the sunset.”
    “When Elon Musk came to the White House asking me for help on all of his many subsidized projects, whether it’s electric cars that don’t drive long enough, driverless cars that crash, or rocketships to nowhere, without which subsidies he’d be worthless, and telling me how he was a big Trump fan and Republican, I could have said, ‘drop to your knees and beg,’ and he would have done it,” the 45th commander-in-chief claimed.
    “Now Elon should focus on getting himself out of the Twitter mess because he could owe $44 billion for something that’s perhaps worthless,” Trump wrote of Musk, who faces legal action after pulling out of his much-hyped offer to buy the social media giant.

    TUHO --- ---

    George Monbiot
    To all the people saying "they should have locked the Just Stop Oil protesters up for longer", enjoy your weekend.
    But please remember that you wouldn't have a weekend, or any other fundamental right, were it not for protesters who were reviled by people like you.¨
    If we are to have the right to a habitable planet, which I hope your descendants will take for granted just as you take your rights to vote, to speak freely and to weekends for granted, it will not happen without the protests you hate so much.
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