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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    marketéři drží krok

    Climate havens

    These signals that tourists are eschewing heat for summer demonstrates the growth of the Temperate Travel trend published in VML Intelligence’s The Future 100: 2023. At the time, we’d noted that “climate change is likely to be a key factor in planning travel,” with “the concept of a summer vacation evolving as tourists reimagine travel over the coming years.” As climate change progresses, it looks like that change is already happening.
    TUHO --- ---
    PETER_PAN: vsechno ke relativni a pomeruju to s republikany.
    to uz je odnreality uplne odtrzena strana, ktera si jede naprostej konspiracni freestyle, kterej ocividne pouziva utilitaristicky na destrukci verejnyho sektoru, ale i ochrany verejnyho prostredi, jenom aby rozvazala prostor plutokratum (i jako je elon musk).

    domjaky miry se ta strana poslala do kolektivnich halucinaci. je z myho pohledu naprosto sileny, a vsechny ty pseudohysterie typu woke, transfobie etc distrakce pro publikum, co si neumi srovnat priority a beha jak kotatko za teckou lejzrovyho ukazovatka :))
    TADEAS --- ---

    Wealthy countries lead in new oil and gas expansion, threatening 12bn tonnes of emissions | Oil and gas companies | The Guardian

    The new oil and gas field licences forecast to be awarded across the world this year are on track to generate the highest level of emissions since those issued in 2018, as heatwaves, wildfires, drought and floods cause death and destruction globally, according to analysis of industry data by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD).

    The 11.9bn tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions – which is roughly the same as China’s annual carbon pollution – resulting over their lifetime from all current and upcoming oil and gas fields forecast to be licensed by the end of 2024 would be greater than the past four years combined. The projection includes licences awarded as of June 2024, as well as the oil and gas blocks open for bidding, under evaluation or planned.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Neděle byla celosvětově nejteplejším dnem v historii měření - Seznam Zprávy
    CROME --- ---
    PETER_PAN: Prekvapive, ze, v New Yorku kriminalita klesa a napr v gun violence je nizsi nez jine US metropole, takze good job Sleepy Joe :)

    :”As of 2023, the New York Police Department reported that crime is down compared to the previous year. October 2023, when compared with the same month one year prior, saw an 8.1% decline in shootings, while 45 fewer people were murdered today than at the same time in 2022. The number of people shot in October 2023 was 384 fewer than the year before”
    TADEAS --- ---
    Sunday was world’s hottest ever recorded day, data suggests | Climate crisis | The Guardian
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Jo, DEMS nic moc mimoradne špatného nepodnikaji :D - fentanylova krize, rezignace na zvladani normalni poulicni kriminality, idelogicky teardown na USA univerzitach, vsechny ty totalni nespravedlnosti typu kvoty, nezvladnuti zaclenovani imigrantu atd. Dobry priklad je ted (najednou) probirany New York a tamnejsi uroven kriminality.

    Jako porad lepsi nez republikani s podporou velkyho kapitalu, likvidace verejnych sluzeb, krize bydleni atd. O tom zadna.
    CROME --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Nemam zadne data a veskere emoce automaticky prebiram od Elma. To asi staci pro to s tebou vubec nediskutovat, nema to zadnou cenu.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    PETER_PAN: plus my máme ještě s TUHO ongoing debate ve smyslu že tuna lidi co celý život volila dems přestala dávat úlety které vyplývají z DEI a pod (wokeness), ale peer review study nemám :) tak Vojta soudí že je to blbost a dems nic moc mimoradne špatného nepodnikaji

    Nemám to jak doložit ale demokrati se zkazili. Je to jedno zlo nebo druhé zlo
    TADEAS --- ---

    I've Been Sentenced to 5 Years in Prison - Here's Why

    My 'crime'?

    Giving a talk on civil disobedience as an effective, evidence-based method for stopping the elite from putting enough carbon in the atmosphere to send us to extinction.

    I have given hundreds of similar speeches encouraging nonviolent action and have never been arrested for it. This time I was an advisor to the M25 motorway disruption, recommending the action to go ahead to wake up the British public to societal collapse.

    I was not part of the planning or action itself.
    PETER_PAN --- ---
    TUHO: Podle me nemuze odpustit soucasnemu vedeni zeme regulacni pristup v dobe covidu. Kdy inzenyri tesly delali na ventilacnich pristrojich atd. a pak kdyz byl lock down tak se dovolil essential business a jelo mraky prumyslovych odvetvi dal vc. automotive, ale jemu zavreli tovarnu ktera paralizovala produkci. A treba tradicni automobilky to meli regulacne snazsi.

    A spousta dalsich veci, treba poradane symposium o elektromobilite kam administrativa pozvala vsechny od Forda az po Toyotu , ale Teslu nepozvali, byt ten obor vytvorila. A spousta dalsich naschvalu, protoze kdyz prinasis zmenu tak obecne neci zajmy poskozujes. A ty jeho zajmy poskozujes lobbuje aby regulace byla ci nebyla ci prisla pozde, nebo nejak pokrivene. Myslim ze z historie i soucastnosti znas tech pripadu vic nez ja.
    CHOSIE --- ---
    CHOSIE: Dodám, že publikace trochu cherry-pickuje a zakládá hypotézu na jednom data pointu.
    Nad čím už pár let přemýšlím je kdy se zpomalí (či obrátí) oceánská absorbce, ale zatím se oceány ořívají a absorbují.
    PAN_SPRCHA --- ---
    Tohle je docela zajímavý

    Shifting Climate Zones: Sahel might get 50 % more rain by 2040 — Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

    Začíná se to naplňovat, prší stále víc a víc na sever.

    Třeba příští týden

    To jsou území Sahelu nebo částečně i jih Sahary co teď dostávají hodně přes 100mm deště

    CHOSIE --- ---
    Low latency carbon budget analysis reveals a large
    decline of the land carbon sink in 2023
    Human emissions: 10 gigatons of carbon per year
    Carbon gets absorbed by land (forests etc) and by the ocean
    Ocean absorption (green) continues to be strong, with 2.3 gigatons
    Land absorption (teal) is typically 2 gigatons, but last year it was just 0.4 gigatons
    The overall result is that atmospheric CO2 is now growing 50% faster than last decade


    TADEAS --- ---

    Ireland’s datacentres overtake electricity use of all urban homes combined | Ireland | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    XCHAOS: potřebujeme něco lepšího

    XCHAOS --- ---
    How climate-related extreme weather puts oil and gas assets, production at risk | Globalnews.ca

    Vlna veder ohrožuje těžbu ropných písků.

    Oh no... anyway...
    BESH --- ---
    Almost half of all natural habitats are disappearing. Of the roughly 11,000 animal, plant and fungus species studied in Switzerland (out of a total of some 56,000 known species), 35% are at risk of extinction, according to the Red List drawn up by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

    Amphibians and reptiles are the classes of vertebrate most at risk. For some groups of organisms such as birds, fish and vascular plants, the threat has intensified over the past ten to 20 years, according to the FOEN report on biodiversity in Switzerland published in 2023. The situation of insects is also deemed “worrying”.

    Biodiversity loss in Switzerland in six graphs - SWI swissinfo.ch
    XCHAOS --- ---
    tohle s klimatem nesouvisí, přímo... ale je to docela breaking news:
    Mysterious 'Dark Oxygen' Discovered at Bottom of Ocean Stuns Scientists : ScienceAlert
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: no ona breaking news je, že na oceánském dně kyslík místy vzniká abiogeneticky, docela ve velkém... což je naprostej úlet :-)
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