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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    ZAHRADKAR --- ---
    XCHAOS: Tak oni tu kukurici pestuji zpusobem, ktery nici pudu. Kazdy rok jim splavi dest kubiky pudy. Ale tak jsou to kolchoznici, takze po nich potopa (doslova). Toto se pochopit neda - obzvlaste, kdyz na to jdou dotace. Pravda je totiz takova, ze my si v EU na ekologii jen hrajeme, je to poza, greenwashing na kontinentalni urovni.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    ZAHRADKAR: tak lokální biomasa se ještě pochopit dá, ale vozit jí přes půl zeměkoule, navíc z amazonskýho pralesa, který nechceme kácet, je úlet. Sice biomasa to hypoteticky je, uhlí to není, ale stejně je to cesta nikam.

    normální by to být nemělo, ale globální volný obchod to samozřejmě umožňuje. Zrovna Dánsko, které je uprostřed nezamrzajícho moře, bych čekal, že se vzmůže na nějaké hi-tech řešení, no, ale to bych asi chtěl moc.
    ZAHRADKAR --- ---
    XCHAOS: Proc? Tohle je v EU normalni. Vypneme jadro, zapneme uhelky. Namichame OZE s plynem, ktery unika, kudy tece, nasobne potentnejsi sklenikovy plyn ... U nas ted vsude kolem roste kukurice, ale jejim osudem je mistni bioplynka. Puvodni idea byla, ze bude zpracovavat jen odpad, ale tak to by prece nebylo efektivni, takze s pomoci Bozi, dotaci, zelene nafty a syntetickych hnojiv si vyprodukujeme v CHKO zelenou elektrinu. V mem okoli se to ted mnozi zpravami o tom, jak lidi, co si z dotaci poridili fotovoltaiku s velkyma ocima (takze samozrejme co nejvetsi a s baterkama), ted nemaji pro tu elektrinu vyuziti, takze bazeny, klimosky, atp. Ale tak hlavne, ze nam roste HDP. Mam pokracovat?:)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    tohle jestli je pravda, tak je to šílený...
    V Kodani se topí dřevem z Amazonie, je to uhlíkově neutrální. Chybu ale dělá celá EU - Ekolist.cz
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Po tech bleskovejch povodnich, trocha sea level catastrophe

    Greenland fossil discovery reveals increased risk of sea-level catastrophe | ScienceDaily

    A new study provides the first direct evidence that the center -- not just the edges -- of Greenland's ice sheet melted away in the recent geological past and the now-ice-covered island was then home to a green, tundra landscape.
    "This new study confirms and extends that a lot of sea-level rise occurred at a time when causes of warming were not especially extreme," said Richard Alley, a leading climate scientist at Penn State who reviewed the new research, "providing a warning of what damages we might cause if we continue to warm the climate."
    Sea level today is rising more than an inch each decade. "And it's getting faster and faster," said Bierman. It is likely to be several feet higher by the end of this century, when today's children are grandparents. And if the release of greenhouse gases -- from burning fossil fuels -- is not radically reduced, he said, the near complete melting of Greenland's ice over the next centuries to a few millennia would lead to some 23 feet of sea level rise.

    "Look at Boston, New York, Miami, Mumbai or pick your coastal city around the world, and add twenty plus feet of sea level," said Bierman. "It goes underwater. Don't buy a beach house."
    ZAHRADKAR --- ---
    TUHO: Divam se ted do toho clanku, ktery cituje: Liu et al ( https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.1601666 ) a myslim, ze je v te prezentace Rahmstorfa jedna podstatna nepresnost. V prezentaci uvadi "annual temp/precipitation _change_", zatimco v tom clanku jsou to rocni prumery a ne zmeny (jestli to tedy spravne ctu).

    Navic v tom experimentu s 2xCO2 se ten AMOC zhrouti v simulaci pomoci jednoho klimamodelu, ale v druhem se obnovi (to popisuje ten Liu et al). A pri tom zhrouceni pak dojde k prumernemu net ochlazeni asi o ty -2.4 v severnim atlantiku, zatimco tedy pri pobrezi severniho more a baltu by to melo zustat priblizne podobne. To uz nezni tak hrozne. Tonouci se stebla chyta:)

    Tim nerikam, ze to neni riziko a ze bychom nemeli prejit na nizkouhlikovou ekonomiku. Meli, to je jasne. Z milionu ruznych duvodu. Navic Rahmstorf dost mozna vi, proc zamlcel ten druhy scenar, kdy se ten AMOC obnovi - je dost mozne, ze od r. 2017 uz vedi vice. Ta zmena vs prumer muze byt jen nezamerna chybka (ale taky nemusi). Zase jsem se presvedcil, ze tomu nerozumim, ze tam je obrovska neurcitost, ze novinove clanky a prezentace muzou byt zavadejici, kdyz tomu clovek nerozumi.

    XCHAOS --- ---
    ‘Fire clouds’ from super-hot wildfires are on the rise as Earth warms
    CROME --- ---
    Hlavne AI je spis jen olejem do ohne nez resenim cehokoliv, exhalace brutalne navysuje.

    AI is making data centers more power hungry. - The Verge
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Treba nekoho zaujme nadrekord

    The hottest days in 120,000 years
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    ZAHRADKAR: ve zkratce, doufám, že ten citovanej článek nenapsala AI...
    ZAHRADKAR --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: Ovsem na rizeni gridu je treba uplne jinych modelu, nez tech generativnich. U generativni AI bych spis doufal, ze bude uzitecna pro vedu/progres jako takovy - ale k tomu je jeste kus. Zatim se LLM neda moc verit, dost bullshiti. Myslim si ale, ze tento problem budeme schopni resit (jde v zasade o to najit zpusob, jak kvantifikovat neurcitost nejakeho tvrzeni generovaneho LLM). Usetrime tim nejake CO2? To dost pochybuju. Spis se najdou zpusoby, jak pripadnou usporu offsetnout nejakym nesmyslem, treba inteligentnejsim tamagochi:-)
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    ale zase buďme fér, není AI jako AI

    “Just like mining for Bitcoin, servers and processors are guzzling up energy with our everyday digital needs, but AI will 100% improve our transition to clean energy. By using algorithms to predict our energy usage patterns and forecast the availability of renewable energy, AI can efficiently manage the charge and discharge of batteries and perform load-shifting to optimise our energy use. The real question is, is the extra energy required for AI processing less than the energy it will save? Absolutely yes.”

    Will AI help or hinder the energy transition? - Power Technology
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    XCHAOS: a člověk si před 3 lety říkal, co může po btc přijít horšího
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Generative AI Is Exhausting the Power Grid | Earth.Org
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘The Adriatic is becoming tropical’: Italian fishers struggle to adapt to warm sea | Italy | The Guardian
    TADEAS --- ---
    Air New Zealand opustily své klimatické cíle. Spočítaly, že jsou nemožné - Seznam Zprávy
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Data centers demand a massive amount of energy. Here’s how some states are tackling the industry’s impact. | Ars Technica
    TADEAS --- ---

    Is private capital the missing piece in $125 trillion energy-transition puzzle?

    The UK is almost a microcosm of a worldwide energy transition quandary—where the amount of investment needed, globally, is closer to $125 trillion. While each market faces its unique set of circumstances and advantages, the same structural trends and questions remain: Where do we get the money?

    That dilemma can be seen in two ways. First, there’s the question of how to fund new sources of renewable energy and build the accompanying storage infrastructure to support those new sources. Second, the world must modernize power grids to handle more demand stemming from things like the proliferation of electric vehicle charging networks and power-hungry data centers fueling digitalization and AI adoption.


    Private capital has already honed in on the world’s growing energy need, with several of the largest managers launching strategies targeting energy infrastructure. For example, KKR is currently in the market with a $7 billion fund targeting energy transition investments. As of April, Blackstone had raised $1 billion for its latest energy transition vehicle.

    While fundraising activity has dipped in the past year, infrastructure investors are sitting on about $334 billion of dry powder. PitchBook data shows that the total capital raised by infrastructure funds reached a peak in 2022 with about $138.5 billion raised across 122 globally. The previous year, 2021, saw a peak in the total number of fund closes, with 146 closing on $132.7 billion.


    Two of the largest fundraising hauls came at the end of the 2023, with Brookfield Asset Management gathering $28 billion for its fifth infrastructure fund in December. Around the same time, the United Arab Emirates announced $30 billion vehicle with the backing of BlackRock, TPG and Brookfield.


    “Society depends on a digital economy and it wants very clearly an economy where energy is abundant and cleaner, and this creates great investment opportunities,” he said. “The private capital sector is extremely well positioned to meet those demands and the government’s role is not to fund it, but to put the right playing field in place.”
    ERGOSUM --- ---
    TADEAS: Ekolobické je nemyslet. Blahoslaveni ekologisty jsou chudí duchem.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Born to modulate: Researchers reveal origins of climate-controlling particles
    XCHAOS --- ---
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