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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---
    Čeká Itálii tropické klima? Farmáři vyměňují olivy za papáju – National Geographic
    SEJDA --- ---
    ERGOSUM: chyby se napravi, zatim probiha debata jestli se s tim zacne uz v roce 2025 nebo az v roce 2026.
    Jedni maji strach, ze kdyz nezacbou hned, tak sr to nestihne, nez jim skonci volebni obdobi.
    Druzi maji strach, ze kdyz se s tim nezacne dostatecne pozde, nebude dost dat na delani kvakifikovanych zaveru.
    ERGOSUM --- ---
    Zelená dohoda trpí paradoxem "černé labutě".
    Je prezentována jako něco nejlepšího co nemá chybu. A pak je objevena "černá labuť" a tvrzení přestává platit.
    A ukazuje se velká neochota chyby napravit, najít lepší řešení a nést zodpovědnost za průšvihy.
    Já myslím, že v budoucnu bude hodnocena jako problematická. Ale ty, co jsou na ní přisáti to trápit nebude.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Greening of Antarctica Is Another Sign of Significant Climate Shift on the Frozen Continent - Inside Climate News
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Velký výzkum Institutu 2050, který exkluzivně zveřejňujeme, ukazuje české přemýšlení o změně klimatu. Je plné paradoxů.
    České klima 2024: Postoje lidí jsou plné paradoxů | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy
    Češi považují změnu klimatu za závažný problém, ale jen menšina přímo pro sebe a své blízké.
    Klima chtějí chránit, a to okamžitě, ale bezbolestně.
    Velmi důvěřují vědcům a požadují, aby se jim konečně naslouchalo, ale odmítají jedno z hlavních jimi navrhovaných řešení klimatické krize.
    Stále negativněji se staví k Zelené dohodě pro Evropu, i když moc nevědí, co obsahuje.
    Velký výzkum Institutu 2050, který exkluzivně zveřejňujeme, ukazuje české přemýšlení o změně klimatu. Je plné paradoxů.
    TADEAS --- ---
    EGUsphere - ESD Ideas: Climate tipping is not instantaneous – the duration of an overshoot matters

    Climate Tipping Points are not instantaneous upon crossing critical thresholds in global warming, as is often assumed. Instead, it is possible to temporarily overshoot a threshold without causing tipping, provided the duration of the overshoot is short. In this Idea, we demonstrate that restricting the time over 1.5 °C would considerably reduce tipping point risks.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Kuba po hurikanech a nekapitalismus.


    A third grid failure late on Saturday marked a major setback in the government's efforts to quickly restore power to exhausted residents already suffering from severe shortages of food, medicine and fuel.

    The clock was ticking as Hurricane Oscar bore down on northeastern Cuba early on Sunday, threatening to further complicate the government's plans to restore power.

    Cuba's meteorological survey warned of "an extremely dangerous situation" in eastern Cuba. The entire region was largely without electricity or communication ahead of the storm, which packed winds as high as 100 miles per hour (161 kph) by midmorning Sunday.
    SEJDA --- ---
    SHEFIK: pocasi anebo klimaticke?
    U mne za domem nefituje zadny model :D
    SHEFIK --- ---
    SEJDA: myslis, ze letos sedi alespon na 95% ?
    SEJDA --- ---
    SHEFIK: modely sedi na .. "95 %", na "99,5 %"? To neznamena, ze vysvetluji vse.
    MARSHUS --- ---
    SHEFIK: pokolikáté už (letos)
    TADEAS --- ---
    SHEFIK: selháni modly? víc se modli
    TADEAS --- ---
    počasí a člověk

    Počasí a podnebí: Jan Klápště a Miroslav Trnka - Počasí a člověk - Fokus Václava Moravce | Česká televize
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Modely zda se nezvladaji realitu zmen..

    A somewhat unexpected situation is unfolding in the Atlantic as Oscar has rapidly intensified into a hurricane, exceeding all expectations. This represents an incredibly rare model failure. Hurricane warnings are now in effect for the Turks and Caicos and SE Bahamas.

    TADEAS --- ---

    “At certain places in the Ardèche region, up to 700 milimetres of water has fallen in 48 hours. That’s more than a year’s rainfall in Paris, so it’s absolutely gigantic,” Agnes Pannier-Runacher, the environment minister, told BFM TV.

    CHOSIE --- ---
    A porovnání tlouštky na které jsem dnes narazil, září 2001 vs 2024

    Blue Ocean Event kdy? :)
    (s momentální tlouštkou by tomu stačila nějaká teplá vlna / bouře)

    CHOSIE --- ---
    CHOSIE --- ---
    Twenty years of microplastics pollution research—what have we learned?
    Twenty years after the first publication using the term microplastics, we review current understanding, refine definitions and consider future prospects. Microplastics arise from multiple sources including tires, textiles, cosmetics, paint and the fragmentation of larger items. They are widely distributed throughout the natural environment with evidence of harm at multiple levels of biological organization. They are pervasive in food and drink and have been detected throughout the human body, with emerging evidence of negative effects. Environmental contamination could double by 2040 and widescale harm has been predicted. Public concern is increasing and diverse measures to address microplastics pollution are being considered in international negotiations. Clear evidence on the efficacy of potential solutions is now needed to address the issue and to minimize the risks of unintended consequences.
    TADEAS --- ---

    ‘I’ve seen the dark, fat grease stuck to the leaves’: oil and gas encroach on Peru’s uncontacted peoples | Global development | The Guardian

    Peru is home to one of the world’s largest populations of “peoples in isolation and initial contact” (Piaci), estimated at 7,500 by the government. Their territories comprise some of the most intact areas of the Amazon. Yet, recent analysis by Earth Insight has found that Peru’s current and proposed oil and gas blocks overlap with 20% – or 1.6m hectares (3.95m acres) – of reserves for these communities.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Global water crisis leaves half of world food production at risk in next 25 years | Water | The Guardian
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