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    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    TUHO --- ---
    YMLADRIS: No, tak je to v tom clanku napsany.

    2.3. Conflict and negative emissions technologies
    Only recently has a first framework been constructed to elucidate the potential geopolitical dimensions of negative emissions technologies as a broad suite of large-scale energy production, resource usage, carbon storage, and land-use systems [58]. Direct air capture approaches rely on massive energy costs which could be coupled with either existing fossil-fuel or novel renewable infrastructures - possessing the potential to entrench or reorient the global carbon economy and its geopolitics [59,60]. Meanwhile, land-use approaches (large-scale forestry or agricultural management) by necessity entail heavy spatial and resource usage as well as pose inequities and trade-offs for the populations currently resident on or adjacent to the land [61]. Ocean based and marine carbon removal, and even the protection of coral reefs for ecosystem restoration, could also intersect with fisheries conflicts around the world [62].
    This deliberately geopolitical focus on various aspects of negative emissions and carbon removal is nascent, but raises issues highlighted by antecedent conflicts in global food systems. These studies cite land-grabs and ownership conflicts, the food versus ethanol dilemma (e.g. the 2005 global food crisis), “phantom commodities”, the consequences of shifting prices in one-resource economies, and other issues and challenges confronting rural, smallholder communities – often accompanied by the particular pressures experienced by indigenous populations, or in the global South [[63], [64], [65]]. Others cite extractive industries in energy and other natural resources as relevant antecedents, raising questions of hazardous siting and carbon infrastructure lock-in [66]. As carbon removal technologies and their related approaches are looking beyond the terrestrial and into coastal and oceanic environments, some are increasingly concerned that the same logics of exploitation and conflict more familiar in the former could be repeated [67,68].
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TUHO: kdyby te to nejak vic zajimalo, tak stephenson mel vykresleny scenare, kde rouge miliardar to strili z texasu pak z Indonesie atd. Jsou kolem toho konflikty, protoze udajne konkretni mista odpalu vytvari konkretni zmeny v pocasi (monzumy atd), takze zas tusim Cinani se to snazi zastavit.. (beletrie) (Termination Shock)

    budou kolem toho geopoliticke problemy.

    viz tez niz ze US si stavi system na detekci toho

    [YMLADRIS @ Klimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day]

    naopak ze carbon capture by mohlo mit jakykoliv vliv na bezpecnost, to slysim prvne, pochopil jsi to nejak?
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: The next climate war? Statecraft, security, and weaponization in the geopolitics of a low-carbon future
    TUHO --- ---

    The impacts of global climate change on international security and geopolitics could be of historic proportion, challenging those of previous global threats such as nuclear weapons proliferation, the Great Depression, and terrorism. But while the evidence surrounding the security impacts of climate change is fairly well-understood and improving, less is known about the security risks to climate-technology deployment. In this study, we focus on the geopolitical, security, and military risks facing negative emissions and solar geoengineering options. Although controversial, these options could become the future backbone of a low-carbon or net-zero society, given that they avoid the need for coordinated or global action (and can be deployed by a smaller group of actors, even non-state actors), and that they can “buy time” for mitigation and other options to be scaled up. We utilize a large and diverse expert-interview exercise (N = 125) to critically examine the security risks associated with ten negative emission options (or greenhouse gas removal technologies) and ten solar geoengineering options (or solar radiation management technologies). We ask: What geopolitical considerations does deployment give rise to? What particular military applications exist? What risks do these options entail in terms of weaponization, misuse, and miscalculation? We examine such existing and prospective security risks across a novel conceptual framework envisioning their use as (i) diplomatic or military negotiating tools, (ii) objectives for building capacity, control, or deterrence, (iii) targets in ongoing conflicts, and (iv) causes of new conflicts. This enables us to capture a far broader spectrum of security concerns than those which exist in the extant literature and to go well beyond insights derived from climate modelling or game theory by drawing on a novel, rich, and original dataset of expert perceptions.
    FRK_R23 --- ---
    PAN_SPRCHA: Ach tak. No kdyby se holka držela submissive porn, asi by udělala líp :))
    PAN_SPRCHA --- ---
    FRK_R23: spíš si paní představuje že jsou v atmosféře seřazeny plyn od země směrem vzhůru podle hmotnosti. Tedy u země žádný vzduch není ale dycháme tu jiné těžší plyny
    FRK_R23 --- ---
    L4MA: Já nevim, školy nemám, ale jak přesně souvisí "hmotnost" plynu a jeho schopnost zadržovat teplo?
    No nic, to byla řečnická otázka :)
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    L4MA: to by mě zajímalo, jak si paní lisková představuje spektrum plynů v atmosféře :) kyslík tvoří těch 21% troposféry u země a zbytek sloupce je dusík? :)
    L4MA --- ---

    ZAHRADKAR --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: Ja taky. S jednim panem z osady jsem se o tom bavil. Ma k tomu svy duvody - rika, ze smrk je provereny, ze kdo vi, co klimatem bude, ze taky stejne jine drevo neproda, ze roste rychle, ze sazenice jsou dostupnejsi. Tezko presvedcis takoveho cloveka, on to proste vidi jinak. Ma dlouhou zkusenost svoji, sveho taty a dedy, atp a ta mu rika, ze smrk je pro nej nejlepsi. Taky si zazil, ze mu tvrdili, ze nejlepsi je vstoupit do drustva, zapomenout na Boha, prejit na Marxismus, vykopat meliorace, zasit repku misto psenice, ... Treba bude mit pravdu (kdyz se neco stane s AMOCem a bude zima, napriklad), treba nebude, lehne mu to znova, ale mezitim uz mnoho lidi bude mit zasazeno jine druhy a jeho syn/vnuk uz to udelaji jinak ... Krom toho hodne lidi (napr ja), to zas tak aktivne neresi a nechavaji to zaburovat prirodne. I kdyz se to nesmi a je to v rozporu s Planem ministerstva. Pred par lety jsme tam, kde to zral brouk, nastrkali do pudy zaludy. Po 3 letech, zrovna, kdyz jsme to tam smitili, zacaly vylejzat:) Proste tohle chce cas. Ja smrk nevnimam jako neco spatneho - semenacky taky nechavam, vsak at si rostou, kdyz bude tu a tam smrk mezi jedlemi, javory nebo duby, tak co?
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    ZAHRADKAR: vim o dedkovi, co vykacel sezrany smrky a pak tam zasadil novy smrky
    YMLADRIS: to je otec mateje hollana, dpč vzdyt je to fyzik, ja fakt davam prednost odbornikum, co ten obor studovali a delali celej zivot, ne ze bude pricmrndavat kazdej na spektru...
    ZAHRADKAR --- ---
    ROGER_WILCO: Na Vysocine se to uz stalo. Kolem Polne, Trebice, nebo Pribyslavi napriklad vidis jen tu a tam prezivsi modrin nebo borovici, smrky (aspon ty odrostlejsi) to vzdaly. Ale uz ted jde videt, ze priroda si s tim nejak poradi. Zaburuje to brizkami, hodne se vysemenuji duby, ktere tu drive vubec nebyly, protoze tu na ne byla zima, samozrejme i javorky nebo ty modrinky a borovicky. Jo a taky jedlicky ... proste neni vse ztraceno:)

    Ale lidi, co maji zivobyti kolem zpracovani dreva, z toho nadseni nejsou, ze.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Máme v Brně takovýho renesančního poly-vedce Jeníka Hollana, asperger rules. Když jsem z něj se snažila dostat info jak teda dopadnou lesy u nás, působil dojmem že na zapojeny les to nevypadá a že je nějaký Dub španělský, zvládající sucho a mráz. Ale že by třeba Czechglobe měl konkrétní laikům srozumitelné infografiky nebo něco, to neměl. Co se dalo kde posbírat jsme dali do článku https://www.extinctionrebellion.cz/fakta/cesko-v-roce-2050/

    Dnes si ale myslím, že geoinzenyring je neodvratný, takže situace je nepřehledná
    ROGER_WILCO --- ---
    myslel jsem, ze ho mam odsad a jdu sem na nej zareagovat, ale nejni tu.
    rekl bych, ze velmi validni povidani. dost me to zasahlo. kdyz od nej nahlas slysim, to co ve skrtytu duse tusim a obavam se.. treba predpoklada, ze tretina stromu v evorpe zkolabuje.

    VIZE ČESKA 2024 Přednáška č. 8 - RNDr. Václav Cílek, CSc. (geolog, klimatolog)

    In French forests, mortality up 80% in ten years amid massive dieback

    At least one-third of European trees not adapted to global warming

    Climate change-induced background tree mortality is exacerbated towards the warm limits of the species ranges | Annals of Forest Science | Full Text
    XCHAOS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: když nad tou "roadmap" přemýšlím víc, tak mi přijde příznačné, že tam není ani jeden cyklista nebo automobilista.

    Dewgrowth pro mě není o tom, že si nesmím zajet na nákup. Je to o tom, že místo abych naložil kolo na střechu auta a jel sportovat do lesa a potom jel autem na nákup do supermarketu autem, tak si zajedu do supermarketu na cargokole. Není to absolutně o poklesu kvality života: je to jen eliminaci nepříjemných věcí v životě (např. popojíždění autem ve smradu dopravní zácpy)
    TADEAS --- ---

    Former Tesco boss wants to send power from Morocco to Great Britain using subsea cable | Energy industry | The Guardian
    XCHAOS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: dávám plus kvůli poslednímu řádku. Ale je to tendenční, protože žádný řádek se nevyjadřuje k růstu hladiny moří o několik metrů. To je takový drobný detail, který nestojí za řeč, že ano..
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    XCHAOS --- ---
    DZODZO: rozvážel jsem tuhle knížku po pražských knihkupectvích na cargokole, pro družstvo Utopia Libri :-)
    Chao-c': "Naskytla se příležitost k nečekanému kombinovaném…" - f.cz - fskutečnosti Fedivesmír :-) Brána do federace sociálních sítí. 2000 znaků pro vaše příspěvky.
    TADEAS --- ---
    zabit a snist

    ‘If I’m sent to Japan, I’m not coming home’: jailed anti-whaler defiant in face of extradition threat | Sea Shepherd Conservation Society | The Guardian

    It is over four months since Watson – an eco-terrorist to some and a brave environmentalist to others – was brought here to Anstalten, a high-security jail perched on the frozen coast of south-east Greenland after being arrested while refuelling his ship, MV John Paul DeJoria, in nearby Nuuk, the capital of the autonomous Danish territory.

    He had been on his way with a 32-strong crew to practise his decades-long policy of “non-violent aggression” by intercepting a new Japanese whaling “mothership”, the ¥7.5bn ($47.4m) Kangei Maru. But shortly after tying up his vessel in the harbour “a nice police car turned up” and 12 armed officers boarded.


    The arrest on 21 July had been prompted by an Interpol red notice issued by Japan whose government accuses Watson of conspiracy to trespass, interrupt a business and cause damage to the Shonan Maru 2 whaling ship in 2010 in the Antarctic – but also, crucially, to lightly injure a Japanese crew member via the mild acid from a stink bomb.

    He was not at the scene of the alleged crime and denies playing any commanding role in it, but on Monday Watson is expecting to mark his 74th birthday by being told by a judge that his detention in Greenland will be extended by at least another month as the Ministry of Justice in Copenhagen continues to weigh up a Japanese demand for his extradition on charges that could see him jailed for up to 15 years.
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