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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    TADEAS --- ---

    Former Tesco boss wants to send power from Morocco to Great Britain using subsea cable | Energy industry | The Guardian
    XCHAOS --- ---
    YMLADRIS: dávám plus kvůli poslednímu řádku. Ale je to tendenční, protože žádný řádek se nevyjadřuje k růstu hladiny moří o několik metrů. To je takový drobný detail, který nestojí za řeč, že ano..
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    XCHAOS --- ---
    DZODZO: rozvážel jsem tuhle knížku po pražských knihkupectvích na cargokole, pro družstvo Utopia Libri :-)
    Chao-c': "Naskytla se příležitost k nečekanému kombinovaném…" - f.cz - fskutečnosti Fedivesmír :-) Brána do federace sociálních sítí. 2000 znaků pro vaše příspěvky.
    TADEAS --- ---
    zabit a snist

    ‘If I’m sent to Japan, I’m not coming home’: jailed anti-whaler defiant in face of extradition threat | Sea Shepherd Conservation Society | The Guardian

    It is over four months since Watson – an eco-terrorist to some and a brave environmentalist to others – was brought here to Anstalten, a high-security jail perched on the frozen coast of south-east Greenland after being arrested while refuelling his ship, MV John Paul DeJoria, in nearby Nuuk, the capital of the autonomous Danish territory.

    He had been on his way with a 32-strong crew to practise his decades-long policy of “non-violent aggression” by intercepting a new Japanese whaling “mothership”, the ¥7.5bn ($47.4m) Kangei Maru. But shortly after tying up his vessel in the harbour “a nice police car turned up” and 12 armed officers boarded.


    The arrest on 21 July had been prompted by an Interpol red notice issued by Japan whose government accuses Watson of conspiracy to trespass, interrupt a business and cause damage to the Shonan Maru 2 whaling ship in 2010 in the Antarctic – but also, crucially, to lightly injure a Japanese crew member via the mild acid from a stink bomb.

    He was not at the scene of the alleged crime and denies playing any commanding role in it, but on Monday Watson is expecting to mark his 74th birthday by being told by a judge that his detention in Greenland will be extended by at least another month as the Ministry of Justice in Copenhagen continues to weigh up a Japanese demand for his extradition on charges that could see him jailed for up to 15 years.
    ERGOSUM --- ---
    DZODZO: Hmm. Autor není podle tiráže odborník na klima a přírodní procesy, ale na sociologii a manipulace. Je nucen přiznat, že část respektovavých vědců a vědkyň nesouhlasí s předkládanými závěry, že za všechno mohou lidé. On ovšem stojí na straně vládnoucí ideologie.

    Tolik zbytečně vyprodukovaného CO2 na výrobu a případnou koupi tá knihy.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: tady ale současně navrhnu určitou naději: jestli s teplotou roste odpařování z moří a objevují se nové oblasti,kde by se voda mohla hromadit (např. pršelo na Sahaře, a tak), nemohla by se alespoň část vody z ledovců nějak dostat do vodního cyklu i na souši, místo jen na moři?

    Zásoby skladké vody v koloběhu jsou ve srovnání se zásobami v ledovcích samozřejmě asi zanedbatelné (musel bych se podívat na wiki na nějaká čísla), a samozřejmě ne všude dochází k růstu srážek (viz Amazonie).
    ALMAD --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: Jojo, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodhart%27s_law je past. Kdyz nemas metriku nemuzes merit progres, ale kdyz mas metriku jako cil prestane davat smysl. Dobra cesta jak ven z toho moc neexistuje :)

    A ano, u nas se v tom vyjimame stejne, jako v CO2 na hlavu…
    DNF --- ---
    TADEAS: Ano, my mame praaaavo na nase vydelky a na nase zisky! kdo nam to ted da kdyz nam to vzala voda! Danova optimalizace v pripade ze by nedopatrenim doslo k zisku je samozrejmosti.

    Kapitalizace vydelku, socializace ztrat. Ale co to taram, komunismus!
    TADEAS --- ---
    “Is everyone aware of the sea-level rise we are causing now? 1 meter will be catastrophic for many coastal cities and regions.
    At 2 °C warming we commit the world to a long-term rise by 8-13 meters until the ice sheets come to a new equilibrium.”

    Prof S Rahmstorf, Twitter, 8 Feb 2023, https://x.com/rahmstorf/status/1623395403654742017
    TADEAS --- ---
    postavit hráz, učinit přítrž. žaluji!

    Kofola s vyplavenými městy zažalují stát, pokud nezaplatí škody
    ERGOSUM --- ---
    Tank spálí za den víc fosilních paliv, než kamion za rok.
    Co třeba donutit Putina, aby své tanky napájel přes prodlužovačku větrníky z okolí Moskvy?

    Také nevidím zrušení patentů, které by mohlo výrazně uspořit energii. To je jen příklad.
    Vidím jak grant deal zhoršuje můj život i životní prostředí. Ti co mají informace a možnosti nedělají dost a chlubí se zisky za házení klacků pod nohy. Takže tomu prostě nevěřím.
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    ALMAD: no tak jak tady postnul id Chosie obrázek, kde je jasně srozumitelnej narativ, že jsme celej svůj boj za planetu smrskli na ekvivalent vypouštěné CO2. to je naprosto zásadní nepochopení toho, co životní prostředí ne/potřebuje. je to mantra, kterou se bude zaklínat nekonečný množství firem a politiků, aby si rozdali nebo inkasovali spoustu peněz.
    ad daně, hospodaření s veřejným rozpočtem není dokonalý, ale co předvádí česko, to je vážně demotivující i nad rámec toho, že vyšší vrstvy si vymůžou všlijaký optimalzace daní, což běžnej mob prostě nemůže. progresivní daň je v česku stejně tabu jako legalizace konopí, nebo zavedení eura.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    The bumblebee population has made an impressive comeback in a developed area by increasing to 116 times what it was two years ago thanks to a nature restoration group.

    Rewilding Denmarkfield, a 90-acre project based just north of Perth, has been working to restore nature to green spaces in an increasingly built up area for the past two years.

    XCHAOS --- ---
    Denmark Will Plant 1 Billion Trees, Convert 10% Farmland Into Forest - Slashdot
    ALMAD --- ---
    XCHAOS: a crypto je kryptografie a ne kryptoměny, tohle je prohranej souboj

    Longtermism - EA Forum
    XCHAOS --- ---
    TADEAS: to je zatím nejvtipnější definice longtermismu, na kteoru jsem narazil, ale bez legrace... no, co jsem koukal na wiki, tak já tu definici chápu špatně, opravdu se tam zohledňují ta etická kritéria, spíš než samotná dlouhodobá udržitelnost... jsem si to spletl spíš s nadací "long now"...

    Longtermism - Wikipedia
    LONG NOW — fostering long term thinking

    Nadace Long Now by rozhodně měla mít zájem zastavit globální oteplování a možná i stála u kořenů toho longtermismu, ale časem se ta debata asi trochu zvrhla...
    TUHO --- ---
    Starsi dokument BBC Climate Wars... Narazil jsem nahodou, prej stoji za to

    Worth watching indeed. I’d recommend anyone and everyone to watch this series. It’s basic enough for someone with little to no knowledge of this issue, yet presented in such a compelling way that the most experienced climate scientist wouldn’t get bored.

    One of the film’s major strong points was simply the way it was organized. Dr Stewart traced the history of both the science and the politics around climate change, splitting it into three parts:

    Part one: Scientists had known for decades that anthropogenic greenhouse gases could cause warming of the Earth, but now, following thirty years of aerosol-induced cooling, global warming was starting to show; almost every year was record-breaking. James Hansen was the first to “stick his neck out” – testifying to Congress that he believed anthropogenic climate change was underway. He later claimed that he had weighed the risks of being wrong and looking stupid, versus doing nothing and not telling the world about such a huge potential threat. Sort of like an early Greg Craven, I suppose. I found this part to be the least interesting of the three. It also began strangely – Stewart mentioned a letter to the US president, signed by top scientists, which warned of an impending ice age. I’d never heard about this before. Does anyone else know more about this letter?

    Part two: The skeptics fought back as strongly as they could, questioning absolutely every scientific claim regarding global warming. I found this to be absolutely fascinating; it solidifed a lot of issues in my mind and helped to unify my knowledge on the topic. Stewart went through the research which showed that the Earth was warming as a result of human activities – and showed how all the yelling from skeptics helped to make the theory even stronger. He also “infiltrated the walls” of the Heartland Institute’s International Conference on Climate Change, which I found to be absolutely hilarious. They had a comedian making bad jokes about how New York could handle some global warming, Monckton and Singer making their usual accusations of fraud (Stewart remarked that “when these become the talking points, then I know that the scientific debate is really over”), and Patrick Michaels publicly admitting “Yes, the second half of the century did show some warming, and it was the result of human activities…..and now you all hate me for saying that…….” Dr Iain Stewart explained that, even though the controversy doesn’t really exist anymore in the scientific literature, the claims of skeptics still live on in the popular media and on the Internet. Instead of fighting a scientific battle, they’re now doing public relations.

    Part three: Scientists knew that humans were causing global warming, but how bad would it be? After the brilliance of the second part, I wasn’t expecting to enjoy the last segment quite as much…….but I was proven very, very wrong. It both terrified and fascinated me. Terrified because it discussed the Younger Dryas, something I hadn’t really heard of before, where it warmed about 5 C in just a few years. So far beyond anything I thought was possible. When this research was released, the idea that the climate was steady and slow-moving could no longer be embraced.

    TADEAS --- ---
    XCHAOS: myslis "utrpení nenarozených miliardářů" :))
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