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#doomedMassive methane leaks detected in Antarctica, posing potential risks for global warming | Climate | EL PAÍS Englishhttps://english.elpais.com/climate/2025-02-12/massive-methane-leaks-detected-in-antarctica-posing-potential-risks-for-global-warming.htmlScientists have found enormous columns of methane gas leaking into the atmosphere from Antarctica, with the potential for further leaks amounting to the sum total of what humanity emits over two years.
A team of Spanish scientists exploring the Antarctic seabed has detected “massive emissions” of methane, a gas with a capacity to warm the planet around 30 times greater than carbon dioxide (CO₂). The researchers, on board the ship Sarmiento de Gamboa, have observed columns of methane in the ocean up to 700 meters long and 70 meters wide, according to the geologists Ricardo León and Roger Urgeles, leaders of the expedition, in statements to EL PAÍS. These previously unknown emissions could potentially represent an environmental bomb for the planet’s climate.