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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Destroying the Future Is the Most Cost-Effective
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    LUDO: ok, díky za doplnění.
    LUDO --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: nie

    List of countries by thorium resources - Wikipedia
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Je tohle skutečně takový game changer, nebo jen bouře ve sklenici vody?

    "China has discovered a massive thorium deposit, estimated at one million tonnes, in Inner Mongolia. This groundbreaking find could provide a limitless energy source, potentially powering the country for 60,000 years. Unlike uranium, thorium is more abundant, safer, and produces less long-lived radioactive waste. China is already developing thorium-based molten salt reactors, which could revolutionize clean energy and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. If successfully harnessed, this discovery could reshape the global energy landscape and contribute to a more sustainable future.

    China’s thorium survey finds ‘endless energy source right under our feet’ | South China Morning Post

    China’s hidden energy treasure? Survey finds massive thorium deposits that could power the country for 60,000 years
    DZODZO --- ---
    najhorsie obdobie v roku, ked clovek nevie co si ma rano obliect :)

    Ráno v zimním kabátu a odpoledne v tričku, denní teplotní amplituda může mít i kolem 25 °C - Novinky
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Evropská komise poskytne 1,8 miliardy eur (45 miliard korun) na vytvoření bezpečného a konkurenceschopného dodavatelského řetězce pro suroviny k výrobě baterií. Zároveň potvrdila dosavadní cíl, aby nová osobní a lehká užitková auta prodávaná v Evropské unii měla od roku 2035 nulové emise CO2.

    „Držíme se cílů pro rok 2035,“ uvedl ve středu na tiskové konferenci eurokomisař pro dopravu Apostolos Tzitzikostas. Evropská komise nicméně v pondělí navrhla úpravu systému pokut pro výrobce aut, kteří nebudou emisní cíle plnit. Automobilky by podle návrhu měly vykazovat plnění cílů za tříleté období, nikoli za každý rok.

    „Budeme se držet dohodnutých emisních cílů, ale s pragmatickým a flexibilním přístupem. Naším společným cílem je mít v Evropě udržitelný, konkurenceschopný a inovativní automobilový průmysl, který bude prospěšný pro naše občany, ekonomiku i životní prostředí,“ uvedla předsedkyně Evropské komise Ursula von der Leyenová.

    Press corner | European Commission
    The Brussels Times
    Evropská komise potvrdila konec spalovacích motorů v roce 2035 - Novinky
    TUHO --- ---
    Earth’s global temperature has drastically changed over the last 500 million years
    Earth’s climate over the last 485 million years fluctuated far more than previously thought, with CO2 playing a dominant role. This study highlights how understanding ancient climates informs modern climate predictions.

    Earth’s global temperature has drastically changed over the last 500 million years - The Brighter Side of News
    CHOSIE --- ---
    The SSP4 Conspiracy: How an Elite-Driven World of Inequality Became the Chosen Pathway
    While much of the academic and policy discussion has revolved around SSP1 (sustainability) and SSP2 (middle of the road), SSP4 has received disproportionately little attention in both research literature and official climate discussions. Despite its relative obscurity, SSP4 outlines one of the most plausible pathways to high climate mitigation — on par with SSP1 — while simultaneously envisioning an era of increasing inequality.

    The accelerating embrace of SSP4 — intentional or otherwise — reflects a world where elites secure their future in fortress enclaves while the majority grapple with worsening inequality, climate disruption, and eroding democratic norms. Behind the veneer of occasional sustainability pledges lies a growing apparatus of private security, AI-driven surveillance, and monopolized access to critical resources, all guarded by oligarchic governance structures. In this scenario, climate action is no longer a collective human endeavor; it is an exclusive contract between the ultra-wealthy and the technologies they command.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Half of world’s CO2 emissions come from 36 fossil fuel firms, study shows | Fossil fuels | The Guardian

    Half of world’s CO2 emissions come from 36 fossil fuel firms, study shows

    Researchers say data strengthens case for holding firms to account for their contribution to climate crisis
    SPOTTER --- ---
    TADEAS: jen do záznamu.. Ukrajina, obilnice Evropy.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Sucho ohrožuje půlku zemědělské půdy ve střední Evropě. Problém hrozí Slovensku
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Doufam, ze oteplovani a nemoci dychaciho ustroji dostanou taky vyjimku

    EU carmakers to be allowed to break CO2 limits for two years - Euractiv

    A leaked document obtained by Euractiv confirms that Ursula von der Leyen is moving to shield polluting carmakers in the EU from fines this year.
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    SHEFIK: tak to není nic překvapivého, když zdvojnásobíš počet satelitů, zdvojnásobíš i počet jejich pádů...
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Neoveroval jsem

    A growing number of Starlink satellites are falling from orbit, creating an unprecedented surge in atmospheric re-entries. In January alone, over 120 satellites burned up, with 4–5 disintegrating daily.

    While they don’t reach the ground, their destruction releases metallic vapours, including aluminium oxides that deplete the ozone layer. Studies show an 8-fold increase in these pollutants since 2016, raising concerns about long-term atmospheric damage.

    Source: Spaceweather.com
    Study: agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/20…

    JIMIQ --- ---
    SHEFIK: během 5 let jim skončí shale boom a energie porostou do nebe :)
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    SHEFIK: průmysl ti nepomůže, když nemáš love... už teď tam jede dobře půlka země na krev, a rozhodně se to nezlepší tím, že všechno dvakrát zdraží a půlka věcí nebude dostupná.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    JIMIQ: kratkodobe asi ano. Dlouhodobe si nedelam iluze, ze by lidi v USA prestali konzumovat, spis nastartuje prumysl v USA. Coz prinese nejaky emise na development a dlouhodobe muze eliminovat emise z dopravy, diky lokalni vyrobe/spotrebe.

    Pokud se mu ale podari udrzet dlouhodobe HDP, nezamestnanost a nizky platy, pak ano, bude z nej degrowth vudce :) drzme palce
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Trump vlastne v praxi zavadi degrowth
    HDP prudce dolu, na vsechno zbozi 25-100% cla, tj lidi si nic nekoupi, fabriky nic nevyrobi…
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Mr.doom. To je jak ze spatnyho snu

    Trump orders swathes of US forests to be cut down for timber | Donald Trump | The Guardian

    President’s move to expand tree cutting across 280m acres evades rules to protect endangered species
    TADEAS --- ---
    E Jacobson

    February is now complete, and recorded an average monthly temperature anomaly of 1.60°C above the 1850-1900 pre-industrial baseline.

    This ranked 3rd hottest February on record, behind 2016 (1.64°C) and 2024 (1.78°C), which were both El Nino years.

    TUHO --- ---
    Diana Urge-VorsatzDiana Urge-Vorsatz
    • 2nd • 2nd Vice Chair of the IPCC, Professor at Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy, Central European University
    2h • 2 hours ago

    After immensely hard work and many sleepless hours, the IPCC can be very proud to have the planned content of all the products of the Seventh Assessment hashtag#AR7 cycle agreed on.

    At the same time, I need to register my concerns about the future of both the IPCC as well as our global climate based on certain trends that the changes in the outlines signal.

    It is concerning that key words that formed the backbone of previous reports, assessments that were consistent and among the most used components of ARs cycle after cycle after cycle were not accepted to be included in the outlines.

    Key scientific concepts, such as hashtag#policies, hashtag#exPostEvaluation, hashtag#scenarios, hashtag#pathways, hashtag#infrastructure, national and subnational [policies], hashtag#lockin, hashtag#maladaptation, hashtag#targets, hashtag#goals, hashtag#NDCs, hashtag#fossilfuels, hashtag#subsidies, cost of inaction, hashtag#UNFCCC, hashtag#ParisAgreement, trade, conflict, market-based [instruments], non-state actors, hashtag#electrification, policy packages, acceleration, hashtag#overshoot, environmental impacts, hashtag#attribution, future emission trends, among others – have been questioned and either cut or replaced in many places, many of these key words do not appear any more in the outline of one WG.

    Some words, like the hashtag#ParisAgreement, acceleration, pathways, that form important parts of one working group’s agreed outline, were considered as too policy prescriptive in another working group and were excluded.

    In the cycle when we may officially exceed 1.5C global warming and thus the goal of the Agreement signed by virtually all governments, the IPCC will significantly compromise its policy relevance if it cannot focus its assessment, among all the other crucial topics well reflected in the outlines, also on knowledge and science related to NDCs, the Paris Agreement, accelerating not only adaptation but also mitigation action, comprehensive (and policy neutral) ex-post evaluation of policies.

    Without a robust assessment of the exponentially growing experience and knowledge on the topics relevant to our global efforts, we are jeopardizing the effectiveness of these crucial multilateral processes – that have so far taken us off of the worst climate pathways since the PA, and that have helped catalyse important achievements such as loss and damage funds and other financial instruments.

    We could also jeopardise the very existence of multilateralism about climate change. As already signalled by recent events and trends – if the perspectives and efforts of some parties are poorly reflected, if the relevance of IPCC reports to a crucial part of the global discourse is compromised – it is increasingly concerning how long some parties can still uphold their strong moral (and financial) commitment to not only IPCC but also the multilateral processes such as the UNFCCC, considering the shifts in preferences of their voters.

    This is a risk to all of us.

    Disclaimer: These are my personal views and not those of the IPCC
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