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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    SHEFIK --- ---

    Boj o trh s ropou. Země OPEC snižují produkci, naopak roste těžba v USA, Brazílii a Guyaně - Ekonomický deník

    Saúdské Arábie naopak těžbu navyšovat odmítá. Tamní ministerstvo energetiky na konci ledna zakázalo státem vlastněnému ropnému monopolu Saudi Aramco investici do zvýšení maximální produkční kapacity na 13 milionů barelů denně. Neuvedlo tehdy žádný důvod. Podle spekulací analytiků se jedná o reakci na plánovaný odklon od spalování fosilních paliv ve světě. Investice do navyšování těžby by se tak nemusela nikdy vrátit.
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    OPEC zeme nemaji (aspon ty arabsky) krome nafty vubec nic. Musel byt to byt nejaky projekt intelektualni kolonizace jako ze cinani tam poslou lidi postavit fabriky na čipy a zaměstnávat přitom araby. Jinak si nedovedu představit, že by to (těžbu) vláda vypnula výměnou za hezký bunkr ve švajcu pro sebe a svoje rodiny

    TUHO nebo jsou fakt reálné nějaké analýzy, co by tam mohli nebo měli podniknout?
    TUHO --- ---
    L4MA: Hele ja tu negativitu chapu a sdilim ji, ale ta konference neni podle me absurdni. Ve stkuecnosti je to jedina sance jak se hnout kupredu, protoze ta akce neni mozna bez globalni koordinace. Problem je, ze je proste rada hracu, ktera vi, ze pro ne je to hrozba a snazi se ji torpedovat. Fosilni prumysl v USA se postavil na zadni hned zkraje 90. let a nalil stovky milionu do toho, aby kydal spinu na IPCC, COP, UN... Proc? Ty lidi nevyhazujou penize z okna jen tak pro nic za nic, chapou moc dobre, jaky pro ne mezinarodni dohody znamenaj riziko.

    Dalsi vec je, ze v ty zaplave negativnich zprav, ze se nam stale nedostalo dostat na trajektorii klimaticky stabilizace trochu se opomina, ze dost vyraznej progres se podaril. Ale ano, neni dostatecnej, je pozde, etc. Ale jestli je nejaka cesta dopredu, tak skrze mezinarodni vyjednavani.

    Kdyz si trochu zahalucinuju, tak mi zaroven prijde, ze proste chybi vetsi incentivy pro staty typu OPEC, ktery se v soucasny situaci cejtej jako hlavni loosers. Potrebovali bysme imho novou globalni financni infrastrukturu nejaky Brettonwoods pro 21. stoleti, ktera je to scohpna financovat a krome nakladu taky generovat nejaky jasny pobidky.

    Most people don’t realize how much progress we’ve made on climate change » Yale Climate Connections
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    TUHO: bolsonarovi můžeš ten prales teoreticky vykoupit a zachránit

    Ale opec je neřešitelnej. Vybombardovat to asi nejde
    TUHO --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Ja musim nacist, co se teda skutecne prijalo. Ten vyvoj byl dost zajimavej a dramatickej, osciloval od velkejch nadeji, po frustraci z toho, ze OPEC a Rusko to torpedujou a potopej a nakonec to vypada na dulezitej, ale stale nedostatecnej posun vpred. Podle me bysme se meli sakra zamyslet, co se vsema tema fosilnima lobbistama a petrostatama, ktery se snazej proste cestu k relativne bezpecny budoucnosti torpedovat.

    Johan Rockström
    No, COP28 will not enable us to hold the 1.5°C limit, but yes, the result is a pivotal land-mark. It makes clear to finance, business and societies that we are now finally - 8 years behind Paris schedule - at the beginning of the end of the fossil-fuel driven world economy (1/4).

    Science called for a mitigation COP, and we got a mitigation COP, focused on fossil-fuels. The world must now act accordingly, i.e. rapidly transition away from oil, coal and gas, aiming at >40% reductions by 2030 and reaching net-zero by 2050, as recognized in the text (2/4).

    Yet, the text on transition away from fossil-fuel remains too vague, with no accountability for 2030, 2040 & 2050. No recognition that scaling CO2 removal technology needs to occur in addition to fossil-fuel phase out, to have a chance of limiting global warming to 1.5°C (3/4)

    And there is no convincing plan on how to transition away from fossil-fuels. National voluntary action alone will not do it. Collective, global action, on finance, carbon pricing, and technology exchange are also needed, at a scale vastly exceeding what is now on the table (4/4).
    TUHO --- ---
    TUHO: Al Gore
    COP28 is now on the verge of complete failure. The world desperately needs to phase out fossil fuels as quickly as possible, but this obsequious draft reads as if OPEC dictated it word for word. It is even worse than many had feared. It is “Of the Petrostates, By the Petrostates and For the Petrostates.” It is deeply offensive to all who have taken this process seriously. There are 24 hours left to show whose side the world is on: the side that wants to protect humanity’s future by kickstarting the orderly phase out of fossil fuels or the side of the petrostates and the leaders of the oil and gas companies that are fueling the historic climate catastrophe. In order to prevent COP28 from being the most embarrassing and dismal failure in 28 years of international climate negotiations, the final text must include clear language on phasing out fossil fuels. Anything else is a massive step backwards from where the world needs to be to truly address the climate crisis and make sure the 1.5°C goal doesn’t die in Dubai
    TUHO --- ---
    The draft “really doesn’t meet the expectations of this COP in terms of the urgently needed transition to clean sources of energy and the phaseout of fossil fuels,” U.S. climate envoy John Kerry said during a fractious, closed-door meeting late Monday night and early Tuesday, which POLITICO listened to via an unsanctioned feed.
    But representatives of other countries, including a bloc that includes China and India, said they would not accept any language proposing either a “phaseout” or “phase-down” of specific energy sources.

    Negotiations at the Expo City campus on Dubai’s outskirts were expected to continue through the wee hours on Tuesday — the scheduled final day of the summit.

    Earlier that evening, summit president Sultan al-Jaber urged the nearly 200 governments assembled to be flexible and make a deal. The “world is watching” after almost two weeks of discussion, said al-Jaber, who is also the CEO of the United Arab Emirates’ state-owned oil company.

    Protesters stood outside chanting: “This text is bullshit.”

    Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore unloaded on the proposal, saying in a statement that “COP28 is now on the verge of complete failure.”
    “The world desperately needs to phase out fossil fuels as quickly as possible, but this obsequious draft reads as if OPEC dictated it word for word,” Gore said. “It is even worse than many had feared.”

    Greens erupt as oil, gas and coal ‘phaseout’ is dropped from proposed COP28 climate deal - POLITICO
    TUHO --- ---
    summary zaveru copu - silnej push od usa, eu a dalsich statu na fossil fuel phase put. staty opec a rusko do toho brutal hazi vidle a snazi se vykoupit moznosti cca

    Reducing emissions theoretically provides for several pathways, of which phase out of fossil fuels is just one. And in this case, “emissions” and “unabated” targets are essentially two forms of a “get out of jail card” to keep their fossil fuel production and use going.
    The difference between an “emissions reduction” pathway and a “fossil fuel phase out” pathway is that major fossil fuel producers believe they can keep pumping oil and gas and digging coal while working on emissions reduction technologies like carbon capture, direct air capture and investing in offsets.
    As we know, despite the time the technology has existed, carbon capture is still not deployable at even a fraction of what would be required. Saudi Arabia, for example, has just one functioning plant.
    It’s catastrophically expensive, potentially costing $1 trillion a year according to researchers at the Oxford Smith School and doesn’t work very well, according to Climate Analytics. And CCS doesn’t even apply to oil use at all and it only has potential application to gas and coal in quite specific circumstances.

    The key COP28 battle: emissions v fossil fuel phase out
    TUHO --- ---
    COP28 climate change summit heads into final stretch
    New draft deal suggests 'reducing' use of fossil fuels
    Scraps previous call to 'phase out' coal, oil, gas
    EU, US, islands urge phase out; OPEC opposes

    TUHO --- ---
    DUBAI, Dec 8 (Reuters) - OPEC Secretary General Haitham Al Ghais has urged OPEC+ members to reject proposals for any text under negotiation at the COP28 climate summit that targeted fossil fuels rather than emissions, a letter dated Wednesday and seen by Reuters on Friday showed.

    The language used to describe the future of fossil fuels in a final agreement is the most contentious issue at the U.N. summit hosted this year by the United Arab Emirates.

    Three sources confirmed the letter's authenticity to Reuters. OPEC said in a statement to Reuters it did not comment on official communication with member countries but that it continues to advise them and its partners.

    The letter referred to a draft of the COP28 text under negotiation that was published by the U.N. climate body on Tuesday. A different draft was published on Friday.

    YMLADRIS --- ---
    ja tomu zas klasicky nerozumim. co se vyresi tim, pokud se zastropuje majetek jednotlivcu. ok, nebude miliardar, misto nej bude tisic milionaru, ti spolecne budou mit nejaky organizace na to jak postupovat jednotne, neco jako kdyz OPEC jednotne stanovuje ceny ropy za barel, aby nebyla moc levna. co se tim vyresi?

    jak se v tom klimatu prejde od prirodnich ved (grafy cehosi) k spolecenskym vedam (obcanska shromazdeni, zrusit miliardare, zrusit kapitalismus, spravedliva transformace, ..) tak tomu vubec nerozumim, jak by to mohlo fungovat a proc by to melo stabilizovat klima.

    prijde mi to zase jen krok stranou. pripada mi, ze jedinej zpusob jak snizit sklenikove plyny v atmosfere, je uzakonit, ze kdo do atmosfery pridava sklenikovy plyn, musi ho zase odstranit. nic takoveho se ani vzdalene nikde nenavrhuje.
    SHEFIK --- ---
    YMLADRIS: ano, presne tak. Volny trh se prestal chovat racionalne (rusko). Zpusobil nejakou divergenci, jez bude trhu chvili trvat, nez se vyresi substituty a zacne konvergovat k rovnovaznemu bodu zpet. to chce cas.

    Neni to v rozporu s ekonomii. Ekonomie netvrdi, ze se vsichni vzdy a vsude chovaji racionalne. Navic by tohle chovani imho dokazaly vysvetlit modely oligopolu (opec+rusko) atd. Jenze pro rovnice by se nemohl pocitat jen financni.prinos, ale mezni uzitek z dlouhodobeho.pohledu pro rusko, resp. Putina.

    Ten ale tezko do rovnic modelovat, pac vlastne nikdo poradne nevi proc to putin dela (vycisleni zajmu Ega) a proc mezni uzitek obsazeni ukrajiny je pro nej vyssi nez mezni uzitek financi plynoucich do statniho rozpoctu. Ale i on to soucasne vyhazovani penez (na burzach aby vysponoval evropskej plyn + paleni vlastniho vytezenyho plynu) imho bude mit dobre spocitany...
    TADEAS --- ---
    Peter Kalmus: ‘As a species, we’re on autopilot, not making the right decisions’ | Climate crisis | The Guardian

    President Biden is begging Opec to expand production. He’s opening new lands for drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and public lands of the US. Right now, what I’m seeing from world leaders, including Biden, is that they’re using the bully pulpit of their position to urge the expansion of fossil fuels. They’ve completely stopped talking about taking climate action.

    The leaders of the world are squandering a historic opportunity to make that transition to renewables. Instead, they’re using it as an opportunity to expand the fossil fuel industry, and the fossil fuel CEOs are rubbing their hands in glee at what’s happening right now. They can’t believe their good fortune that Putin invaded Ukraine.


    People need to understand that all degrowth really is, is a switch in the goal of the economic system. We need to change the goal of the system from the accumulation of capital to the flourishing of all people, not just people in the global north, also people in the global south, and the flourishing of all life on this planet, because our economic system is embedded in the biosphere. If we take down the biosphere, we lose everything, and we don’t have an economic system any more. That’s why we desperately need to change the goal of the system to the flourishing of everyone and all life on the planet.


    I’m constantly fending off this sort of ocean of climate anxiety that’s in my brain. When that ocean rises to a high enough level, I can’t really function any more. I get stressed. I am not very fun to be around. My ability to write degrades hugely. The strongest practice I have to keep that ocean of anxiety at bay is a meditation practice, called Vipassana. ...
    I’m doing it, then I have zero climate anxiety. I’m fully aware of the emergency, but it unlocks my ability to be able to do everything I can, to work as hard as I can to sound the alarm, basically.

    I used to take vacations in the High Sierra, to kind of recharge through nature, but it doesn’t work any more. Because last summer we took a five-day backpacking trip up there with my younger son and my partner, the three of us. It was too depressing to me, because in the two years that I’d walked on that trail, the John Muir trail, the tree mortality was just outrageous. There were so many dead trees all along the path. Streams and ponds that had once been flowing at that time of year, two years earlier, were bone dry, because of the drought. I can’t go. It’s just too painful for me now. When I’m in the mountains, I’m constantly feeling climate grief. That’s not a way for me to deal with my climate anxiety any more, unfortunately.,


    If I were in their place, I would also choose not to have children. It’s a hard thing to say. It’s so heartbreaking to have this sense that the future is getting worse, and that it’s going to be worse for your kids. Now it feels like it’s getting worse at a very fast rate. One thing I desperately want before I die is to have a feeling that the future is going to be better.

    That we’ve switched this corner and we’ve started to change the system towards flourishing for all, and we’ve come out of this madness of billionaires, and fossil fuel, and money in politics. That’s what I want to feel. I’ll feel grief from maybe the loss of the Amazon rainforest, and the loss of most of the world’s coral reefs, but mixed with that grief, I long for a feeling of solidarity. I long to feel a faith in humanity once again, because right now I’m not so sure. There’s some tremendous people out there, but it feels like, as a species, we’re just on autopilot and we’re not making the right decisions. I long to feel that we’re doing things better.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Partial Hegemony - Paperback - Jeff D. Colgan - Oxford University Press

    The greatest peaceful transfer of wealth across borders in all of human history began in 1973 with the #OPEC oil crisis. Had huge consequences for int'l order. It is one of several key events I investigate that can teach us much about world politics writ large.

    Scholars often think about hegemonic decline by looking to Thucydides or the British Empire. But we can learn a lot (more?) from how the US lost some but not all of its dominance in the 1970s over oil. That partial decline shows what the US can expect in other areas in 21st C

    The book asks, how do we make sense of the noisy, turbulent world of oil politics? Using a century’s worth of history, I uncover an underlying logic of change. Lessons for three areas: 1-today’s oil politics; 2-theories of international order and hegemony; 3-climate change.


    I argue #decolonization was a crucial, maybe *the* crucial turning point for the global oil industry. Big interdisciplinary debate about if/how decolonization “mattered”. In the oil industry, it did.


    E.g., my analysis shows how #OPEC has consistently failed since the 1980s to function as a cartel, because it (mostly) lacks ability to punish its members, let alone other oil producers, for noncompliance. Lesson for climate pol: ability to punish and enforce is crucial.

    On climate change, Paris won’t get the job done. Among other things, we need a climate club, enforced by trade measures for non-participating states (eg CBAM). Kudos to @paulkrugman @NatKeohane @toddntucker & others for pushing that idea forward. My book adds to that.

    TADEAS --- ---
    Javier Vlas

    ICYMI: Behind closed doors, the world’s top oil consuming nations are waging an intense diplomatic campaign to persuade OPEC+ to speed up its output increases (beyond the 400,000 b/d). Note that OPEC+ meets virtually Nov 4 to decide its policy | #OOTT

    Since we published that story on Friday afternoon, the White House has revealed not only that it’s using the G20 summit to push OPEC+ to do “the needful when it comes to supply”, BUT ALSO that it’s talking to others about “what could come next” if OPEC+ doesn’t respond favourably

    OPEC+ Prices 2021: As Oil Races Toward $100, U.S., India and Japan Say `Enough' - Bloomberg
    PER2 --- ---
    COP26: Document leak reveals nations lobbying to change key climate report - BBC News

    The leak reveals Saudi Arabia, Japan and Australia are among countries asking the UN to play down the need to move rapidly away from fossil fuels.

    An adviser to the Saudi oil ministry demands "phrases like 'the need for urgent and accelerated mitigation actions at all scales…' should be eliminated from the report".

    One senior Australian government official rejects the conclusion that closing coal-fired power plants is necessary, even though ending the use of coal is one of the stated objectives the COP26 conference.

    A senior scientist from India's Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research, which has strong links to the Indian government, warns coal is likely to remain the mainstay of energy production for decades because of what they describe as the "tremendous challenges" of providing affordable electricity.

    Saudi Arabia, the world's biggest oil exporter, requests the UN scientists delete their conclusion that "the focus of decarbonisation efforts in the energy systems sector needs to be on rapidly shifting to zero-carbon sources and actively phasing out fossil fuels".

    Argentina, Norway and Opec also take issue with the statement. Norway argues the UN scientists should allow the possibility of CCS as a potential tool for reducing emissions from fossil fuels.

    Australia asks IPCC scientists to delete a reference to analysis of the role played by fossil fuel lobbyists in watering down action on climate in Australia and the US.

    Brazil and Argentina, two of the biggest producers of beef products and animal feed crops in the world, argue strongly against evidence in the draft report that reducing meat consumption is necessary to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

    A significant number of Switzerland's comments are directed at amending parts of the report that argue developing countries will need support, particularly financial support, from rich countries in order to meet emission reduction targets.

    Australia makes a similar case to Switzerland. It says developing countries' climate pledges do not all depend on receiving outside financial support.
    TADEAS --- ---
    In a World Fighting Climate Change, Fossil Fuels Take Revenge

    fossil fuel demand is already flirting with pre-pandemic levels, which means emissions are on the rise too. On current trends, the combined consumption of coal, natural gas and oil is likely to hit an all-time high by mid-2022.

    “This is the revenge of the fossil fuels,” said Thierry Bros, an energy expert and professor at Sciences Po in Paris.

    The situation points to a daunting new phase for the energy transition, with growing tensions among the disparate policy objectives of simultaneously reducing emissions, keeping prices low, and guaranteeing security of supply. The pace of the effort could even be at risk if soaring prices dent public support for climate policies.


    The demand surge has challenged many assumptions about how quickly the world would decabornize. Faced with an energy crisis, many consuming nations zoned in on older fuels. The White House urged the OPEC cartel to increase oil production fast, and the International Energy Agency asked Russia to pump more gas. China ordered banks to prioritize loans to coal miners to boost supplies.


    And yet, the world’s dirtiest fossil fuel won’t go away. Global consumption peaked in 2014, but rather than fall rapidly, as many expected, it stabilized in a gentle plateau. And now, just as the fight against climate change intensifies, it’s growing again, with the resurgence largely driven by China.

    PER2 --- ---
    muhaha, to bude jeste legrace

    Vlny veder a podprůměrná produkce větrných elektráren spolu s vysokými cenami uhlí a plynu způsobily prudký nárůst cen elektřiny v celé Evropě, uvádí analytici ICIS. Spotové ceny v ČR, Německu, Nizozemsku nebo Spojeném království dosahují až 145 EUR/MWh, v Řecku dokonce přesahují hranici 200 EUR/MWh.

    Administrativa amerického prezidenta Joea Bidena vyzvala Organizaci zemí vyvážejících ropu (OPEC) a její spojence ke zvýšení těžby. Současná úroveň produkce podle Bílého domu není dostatečná, což by mohlo ohrozit nynější zotavování světové ekonomiky. Informovala o tom dnes agentura Reuters, podle které se tak Bílý dům snaží bojovat proti rostoucím cenám benzinu. Ceny ropy na výzvu reagovaly poklesem, Brent se tak vrátil pod 70 dolarů za barel.

    Saúdskoarabská společnost Saudi Aramco, která je největší ropnou společností na světě, přičemž většinovým vlastníkem je Saúdská Arábie, plánuje do roku 2025 navýšit svou produkční udržitelnou kapacitu o 550 tis. barelů ropy za den. Navýšení ropné produkce je součástí dlouhodobého plánu společnosti, jehož cílem je zvýšení maximální udržitelné kapacity na 13 mil. barelů ropy za den (bpd).
    TUHO --- ---
    Marketa Kutilova
    Ropné společnosti si v Ekvádoru pronajaly od vlády 70% amazonského pralesa a postavily zde ropovod, kterým se odvádí ropa těžená přímo z nitra pralesů. V dubnu zde byly velké havárie - kvůli sesuvům půdy se ropovod na několika místech rozlomil a ropa znečistila dvě velké řeky, půdu a prales. Indiáni a místní komunity tak přišly o zdroje jídla a vody a nyní žalují vládu a žádají zastavení těžby. Indiáni v Ekvádoru a ochránci amazonského pralesa dlouho bojovali proti stavbě ropovodu, neúspěšně.
    Velká část ropy z Ekvádoru se importuje do USA /vloni 76 milionů barelů, což je skoro tolik co USA importují např z Iráku /Ekvádor je na 7. místě zemí odkud USA importují ropu/. Ochránci pralesa a organizace Amazon watch teď vydali zprávu, kde jmenují i evropské banky, které projekt od počátku financují:
    – ING Belgium (Branch in Geneva)
    – Credit Suisse (Branch in Geneva)
    – Natixis (Branch in Paris)
    – BNP Paribas Suisse (Branches in Geneva and Paris)
    – UBS (Branch in Geneva)
    – Rabobank (Branch in Utrecht, Netherlands)
    Amazon Watch upozorňuje na pokrytectví evropských společností, které sice na jednu stranu podporují životní prostředí, ale jejich finanční instituce často financují ty projekty, které mají dopady na přírodu a místní komunity přímo katastrofální.
    Často se v různých debatách setkávám s názorem, že USA přeci mají vlastní ropy dost a žádnou neimportují - což je holý nesmysl - např za rok 2019 importovaly 3 336 565 000 barelů ropy.
    Jistě, že část se pak zase exportuje - poté, co projdou rafinériemi v USA, ale ropný průmysl je na importu závislý.
    Import hlavně z Kanady, Perského zálivu a zemí OPEC, pak až země Jižní Ameriky.

    TUHO --- ---
    Today, oil giant Shell, a titan of the industry, revealed a net loss of USD 18.3 billion for the second quarter of this year, down from a net profit of USD 3 billion over the same period last year. This means Shell business is down USD 20 billion from last year.
    Meanwhile, another titan, French oil company Total, has announced a USD 8 billion write-down on the value of its assets, including USD 7 bilion from dirty Canadian tar sands Canadian operations.
    The company stated, “total now considers oil reserves with high production costs that are to be produced more than 20 years in the future to be ‘stranded.’”
    What the industry denied for years, that its assets have become liabilities, has become a reality.
    It is not just the international oil companies that are in trouble. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is the cartel that has dominated the oil and gas landscape for decades.

    We have entered the "end game" for oil — with “permanent demand destruction” - Oil Change International

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