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    ztracené heslo?
    TUHOKlimaticka zmena / Thank you so much for ruining my day

    "Given the sheer enormity of climate change, it’s okay to be depressed, to grieve. But please, don’t stay there too long. Join me in pure, unadulterated, righteous anger."

    "I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act. Once you start to act, the hope is everywhere."

    "Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual."

    “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”

    A nejde o to, že na to nemáme dostatečné technologie, ty by na řešení použít šly, ale chybí nám vůle a představivost je využít. Zůstáváme při zemi, přemýšlíme až moc rezervovaně. Technologický pokrok to sám o sobě nevyřeší. Problém jsme my, ne technologické nástroje.

    Rostouci hladiny oceanu, zmena atmosferickeho proudeni, zmeny v distribuci srazek a sucha. Zmeny karbonoveho, fosforoveho a dusikoveho cyklu, okyselovani oceanu. Jake jsou bezpecnostni rizika a jake potencialni klady dramatickych zmen fungovani zemskeho systemu?
    Ale take jak funguji masove dezinformacni kampane ropneho prumyslu a boj o verejne mineni na prahu noveho klimatickeho rezimu post-holocenu.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    TADEAS --- ---
    We're nearly halfway through the 2020s, dubbed the most decisive decade for action on climate change. Where exactly do things stand? Climate impact scholar Johan Rockström offers the most up-to-date scientific assessment of the state of the planet and explains what must be done to preserve Earth's resilience to human pressure.

    The Tipping Points of Climate Change — and Where We Stand | Johan Rockström | TED
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Revitalizing international fossil fuel subsidy phase-out commitments through roadmaps, closing loopholes, and support | npj Climate Action
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Tak aspon se podivali do Sofie na pamatky :)

    IPCC: last plenary session fails to set timeline for next climate assessment reports – Euractiv

    At the 61st plenary session held in Sofia, Bulgaria, from 27 July to 2 August, a decision should have been made on the timelines of the three reports that comprise the Seventh Assessment Report, a comprehensive scientific evaluation of climate change, its causes and impacts.

    These assessments guide policy-making worldwide, namely the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

    “We encourage you to successfully conclude the strategic planning of the seventh assessment cycle here in Sofia, because the world needs to ramp up action, and the information you provide will add serious value when decisions are made,” said United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Director Youssef Nassef, addressing the IPCC’s 61st session.

    Nassef added that “We rely on your frequent updates as we steer negotiations impartially among the parties.”

    The 114 plus governments attending, however, failed to agree on a schedule for the assessment, but approved the scope of a special report on climate change and the cities, and a methodology report on short-lived climate forcers.
    TADEAS --- ---

    I've Been Sentenced to 5 Years in Prison - Here's Why

    My 'crime'?

    Giving a talk on civil disobedience as an effective, evidence-based method for stopping the elite from putting enough carbon in the atmosphere to send us to extinction.

    I have given hundreds of similar speeches encouraging nonviolent action and have never been arrested for it. This time I was an advisor to the M25 motorway disruption, recommending the action to go ahead to wake up the British public to societal collapse.

    I was not part of the planning or action itself.
    TADEAS --- ---

    Rupert Read

    A memo re Roger Hallam being sent to prison for five years for plotting to block the M25:
    This is a pretty shocking sentence. But given the new anti-protest laws, laws that have been exceptionally condemned by the UN Special Rapporteur as draconian, I suppose we can’t be too >surprised< by it.
    Roger and I have always had extremely different strategic approaches. The Climate Majority Project, which I now co-lead, exists precisely for anyone and everyone who wants to get serious about taking climate action so that we and our kids have a future, but who doesn’t want to sit in a road. Like most people, I don’t agree with Just Stop Oil’s approach at all.
    But it is still worth asking how history, if we are all lucky and smart enough to create together a future in which it gets to be written at all, will regard Just Stop Oil protesters such as Roger. History may regard them as blundering, even as counter-productive. But it will certainly regard them incomparably better than it regards fossil fuel interests and those politicians who cravenly do exactly what those interests want.
    Roger’s approach is in my informed view a dead end. But at least he is on the right side of history; on the side of the angels, as it were, however cack-handedly sometimes. I think it impossible that any historians fortunate enough to be looking back on this historical moment of decision for humanity will regard him being sent down for five years - at a time when the prisons moreover are bursting at the seams - as anything other than an unjust and bizarre outcome.
    Future historians will wonder why he was sent down for five years, while the likes of Boris Johnson, or the heads of Shell and BP, walk free. Those people, and the professional liars who have done their bidding for so long, surely deserve if anything to be behind bars more than he does.
    Lastly: The sad thing is that Insulate Britain and Just Stop Oil alienated so many people that it is going to be hard to generate big public sympathy / an effective plan for solidarity and early release for Roger and his four fellow inmates. The huge amount of publicity that they generated was in many cases given to them (by right wing / establishment media) >precisely so that they would lose sympathy<, precisely to generate anger and disapproval. ...So there are lessons all round, here.
    TUHO --- ---
    YMLADRIS: no bude to jeste sranda, treba se jednou dozvime, co za tema uturnama stoji...

    Trump: I could have made Elon Musk 'drop to his knees and beg'

    Former President Donald Trump has hit back at Elon Musk for calling him too old to run again — claiming he could have made the world’s richest man “drop to [his] knees and beg” when he was in the White House.
    Trump used his Twitter rival Truth Social to attack Musk, 51, in an ongoing war of words that on Monday saw the Tesla mogul saying it was “time for Trump to hang up his hat & sail into the sunset.”
    “When Elon Musk came to the White House asking me for help on all of his many subsidized projects, whether it’s electric cars that don’t drive long enough, driverless cars that crash, or rocketships to nowhere, without which subsidies he’d be worthless, and telling me how he was a big Trump fan and Republican, I could have said, ‘drop to your knees and beg,’ and he would have done it,” the 45th commander-in-chief claimed.
    “Now Elon should focus on getting himself out of the Twitter mess because he could owe $44 billion for something that’s perhaps worthless,” Trump wrote of Musk, who faces legal action after pulling out of his much-hyped offer to buy the social media giant.

    SHEFIK --- ---
    To je naprostej idiot

    Be Wary What You Wish For: Trump 2.0 Will Retract Climate Laws - CleanTechnica

    Another Trump administration would revise nearly every forward-looking Biden-Harris administration action, including breakthrough legislation to mitigate the effects of the climate crisis. The Sierra Club warns that “everything from rules to curb hazardous air pollutants to programs that help make cleaner and more energy-efficient purchases affordable would be on the chopping block” if Trump 2.0 becomes a reality.


    Trump: The former president said, “In my opinion, you have a thing called weather, and you go up, and you go down. If you look into the 1920s, they were talking about a global freezing, okay? In other words, the globe was going to freeze.’”
    Trump: “The global warming hoax, it just never ends,” he said, also referring to the climate crisis as “nonexistent” and “created by the Chinese.”
    Trump: Trump has called renewable energy “a scam business.” His campaign asserts that, under the Trump administration, “without sacrificing any economic gains, American energy became cleaner than ever before.”
    Trump: “I hate wind,” Trump told the executives over a meal of chopped steak at his Mar-a-Lago Club and resort in Florida. “The windmills (sic) aren’t working, the most expensive form of energy ever.”
    Trump: “And we have other things that are also no good. It’s called the Green New Deal — I call it the Green New Hoax

    DZODZO --- ---
    TADEAS: to spojenie propalestincov s klimou ma trochu pletie, z ineho clanku linknuteho v tomto clanku:

    "In a letter sent to the Board of Directors on 24 April, signatories asked the institution to outline two "time-bound action plans": one detailing plans to "cut all collaborations with Israeli institutions complicit in the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestinians", and another setting out "effective and binding action to implement [the university's] 2030 transition plans"."

    to druhe by sa dalo vyriesit ciastocne zateplenim budovy skoly a solarmi na streche, co chodia decka do skoly, tak po rekonstrukcii im poskocil energeticky stitok z G na B

    tomu prvemu poziadavku ovsem nerozumiem, ake ma univerzita kolaboracie s izraelskou armadou...
    CHOSIE --- ---
    Nevím jestli někdo nesdílel, ale nepostřehl jsem? -
    Earth at risk: An urgent call to end the age of destruction and forge a just and sustainable future
    Human development has ushered in an era of converging crises: climate change, ecological destruction, disease, pollution, and socioeconomic inequality. This review synthesizes the breadth of these interwoven emergencies and underscores the urgent need for comprehensive, integrated action. Propelled by imperialism, extractive capitalism, and a surging population, we are speeding past Earth's material limits, destroying critical ecosystems, and triggering irreversible changes in biophysical systems that underpin the Holocene climatic stability which fostered human civilization. The consequences of these actions are disproportionately borne by vulnerable populations, further entrenching global inequities. Marine and terrestrial biomes face critical tipping points, while escalating challenges to food and water access foreshadow a bleak outlook for global security.
    CHOSIE --- ---
    The carbon dioxide removal gap
    First, although most countries have committed to net zero targets, they still provide little information on what role CDR will play in reaching them. Within the NDCs, ambiguities and a lack of transparency lead to wide ranging assessments of not only the land use §ux and implied removals, but also overall emissions levels. These problems are even more apparent with the long-term strategies, which lack any common reporting structure and where underlying scenarios are illustrative rather than formal commitments.

    Finally, a recurring concern in the literature is that including CDR in mitigation discussions may deter near-term emissions reductions 38. States, corporations or other interest groups seeking an excuse for doing very little may exploit the fact that CDR can compensate for emissions, overplaying the quantity of removals that may be achieved at some (later) point in time. Indeed, a variety of claims and discursive strategies beyond CDR are used to excuse or delay climate action, which may help political actors resolve the tension between powerful incumbent fossil interests and increasing domestic or international calls for
    climate action.

    An over-dependence on land-based removals brings risks for land
    availability, food production and ownership rights.

    Additionally, forest carbon is vulnerable to reversal and expectations that regional sinks can be preserved in the coming decades have been challenged, highlighting the importance of policies that promote sustainable management, prevent illegal removals, and limit the impact of natural disturbances

    Aneb cesta pod 2C by znamenala 19% pokles celkových emisí GHG do roku 2030 v porovnání s rokem 2020, CDR je pouhý techno-hopium sen který napomáhá k greenwash. klimatických/emisních scénářů.

    The carbon dioxide removal gap | Nature Climate Change

    TADEAS --- ---
    Britain’s climate action plan unlawful, high court rules | Green politics | The Guardian

    The UK government’s climate action plan is unlawful, the high court has ruled, as there is not enough evidence that there are sufficient policies in place to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
    INK_FLO --- ---
    Umělá inteligence spotřebovává neúnosné množství energetických a přírodních zdrojů – A2larm

    Když necháte umělou inteligenci vygenerovat jeden obrázek, spotřebuje se při tom energie, která by stačila na nabití jednoho telefonu. Vyrobit tisíc takových obrázků má stejnou uhlíkovou stopu jako ujet šest a půl kilometrů autem se spalovacím motorem. To jsou jen některé příklady energetické náročnosti umělé inteligence, o nichž se dočteme ve zprávě Artificial Intelligence Threats to Climate Change (Hrozby umělé inteligence týkající se klimatické změny). Podle organizace Climate Action Against Disinformation hrozí, že vývoj umělé inteligence ještě víc akceleruje klimatickou změnu. Jako technologie je mimořádně náročná na spotřebu energie i vody a zároveň se může stát zásadním nástrojem při tvoření a šíření klimatických dezinformací.
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    ZAHRADKAR: to bude stale jakasi vyroba substratu. dokud jen zlepsujes, hnojis, kypris nebo hromadis A horizont, o tvorbu pud se nejedna. pro traktoristu se zakladkou to je mozna pod rozlisovaci schopnsti, ale mysljm, ze my mame na vic.

    Taxonomický klasifikační systém půd ČR
    TUHO --- ---
    “The whole climate discourse is elite. It comes out of universities and from scientists, and is centred on the West. What about fishermen in India? They understand climate change. Many of us trust scientists but, as we saw in the pandemic, there is also scepticism about who these people are, telling us how to live our lives. The voices of fishermen carry credibility too.”

    Ghosh cited Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the 2015 Paris Agreement, and George W Bush’s withdrawal from the Kyoto Protocol, as examples of Western nationalism hindering climate action. But he also pointed to the way poorer nations use nationalism as an argument against decarbonisation: why should they curb growth when the West has profited at their expense? For these nations climate action “is not about the future, but about the past”, he said.

    “When you come from a poor country such as India, you learn not to listen to what politicians say, but to look at what they do. Politicians around the world talk a good game, but they are basically preparing for war. Climate change is essentially becoming an all-out war and this is just the beginning.

    Amitav Ghosh: “Climate change is becoming an all-out war” - New Statesman
    TADEAS --- ---
    Europe unprepared for rapidly growing climate risks, report finds | Climate crisis | The Guardian

    The report looks at how severe the climate threats are and how well prepared Europe is to deal with them. It says the most pressing risks – which are growing worse as fossil fuel pollution heats the planet – are heat stress, flash floods and river floods, the health of coastal and marine ecosystems, and the need for solidarity funds to recover from disasters.

    When the researchers reassessed six of the risks for southern Europe, which they described as a “hotspot” region, they found urgent action was also needed to keep crops safe and to protect people, buildings and nature from wildfires.

    There is increasing evidence of adaptation but “it’s certainly not enough”, said Robbert Biesbroek, a report author from Wageningen University, who also co-led the chapter on Europe in the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on adaptation.

    “It’s not going quickly enough and it’s not reaching the ones that need it most,” he said. “It’s quite scary in that sense.”

    The report also warns of “cascading and compounding” risks, which it says current stress tests in the financial sector are likely to underestimate. Hot weather will dry out southern Europe, for instance, killing crops and shrinking water supplies, but will also harden soils, making flash floods more likely, and dry out vegetation, meaning wildfires can spread faster

    Europe is not prepared for rapidly growing climate risks
    TUHO --- ---
    Europe is the fastest warming continent in the world, and climate risks are threatening its energy and food security, ecosystems, infrastructure, water resources, financial stability, and people’s health. According to the European Environment Agency’s (EEA) assessment, published today, many of these risks have already reached critical levels and could become catastrophic without urgent and decisive action.

    Europe is not prepared for rapidly growing climate risks
    TADEAS --- ---
    2024 Saving Ourselves: From Climate Shocks to Climate Action

    'Saving Ourselves' by Dana Fisher: A policy cascade only after millions die from climate shocks!

    The rub in all this is that Dana’s message is not dissimilar from Roger Hallam’s (unofficial part 1). She agrees that millions will likely die before the so-called Anthroshift kicks in and we get the cascade of structural policies we need to respond en masse to the crisis
    SHEFIK --- ---
    Povedomi ekonomu nabira uvedomely trend

    ‘Something is not working’: Economists urge EU Commission to overhaul its models – Euractiv

    More than 200 economists called on the European Commission to overhaul the way it calculates its core economic forecasts and better integrate critical environmental factors into its baseline models in an open letter obtained exclusively by Euractiv on Thursday (15 February).
    At present, the Commission – and therefore the EU at large, the group of high-profile economists argued – still relies on models that are strictly informed by general-equilibrium principles that may fail to capture the impact of growing climate-related variables on countries’ economic performance, including increased headwinds of financial and economic instability.
    “I think there’s a growing realisation in the world of macroeconomics that something is not working,” he said.
    “We are in the middle of a climate crisis and need to act rather fast,” she said.

    Other independent experts contacted by Euractiv — none of whom were formerly aware of the letter — all supported the call for contemporary forecasting to include the lessons and principles of ecological economics.

    Doing this, they added, would improve models’ ability to accurately predict ‘standard’ economic metrics such as inflation and enhance their capacity to measure the environmental impact of government policies.

    “They don’t have the right input data [so they] will not get the right output data,” said Kristian Skånberg, an affiliated researcher at the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI).

    “And as [environmental issues] are becoming increasingly important and there are repercussions from the climate and there are repercussions from shortages, [they] will affect inflation and … GDP,” he added.
    Heather Grabbe, a senior fellow at Bruegel think tank, noted that economic models “have long treated environmental impacts as externalities” and that the way they are constructed tends to create a bias against large-scale green investments.

    “Recent research on the macroeconomic impact of climate change and environmental degradation needs to be included in the models used by policymakers,” she said. “They need to include not only the costs of climate action but also the costs of inaction.”

    Stefan Sipka, head of the Sustainable Prosperity for Europe programme at the European Policy Centre (EPC) agreed that, when designing economic policies, leaders need to take into account the impact of climate change and other sustainability challenges.

    “I would say that our current approach to economics and related modelling is still based on old premises that don’t really take into consideration that we live in a world with limited resources,” he said.
    TADEAS --- ---
    ‘We have a responsibility’: the older women suing Switzerland to demand climate action | Climate crisis | The Guardian
    TUHO --- ---
    YMLADRIS: Ja musim nacist, co se teda skutecne prijalo. Ten vyvoj byl dost zajimavej a dramatickej, osciloval od velkejch nadeji, po frustraci z toho, ze OPEC a Rusko to torpedujou a potopej a nakonec to vypada na dulezitej, ale stale nedostatecnej posun vpred. Podle me bysme se meli sakra zamyslet, co se vsema tema fosilnima lobbistama a petrostatama, ktery se snazej proste cestu k relativne bezpecny budoucnosti torpedovat.

    Johan Rockström
    No, COP28 will not enable us to hold the 1.5°C limit, but yes, the result is a pivotal land-mark. It makes clear to finance, business and societies that we are now finally - 8 years behind Paris schedule - at the beginning of the end of the fossil-fuel driven world economy (1/4).

    Science called for a mitigation COP, and we got a mitigation COP, focused on fossil-fuels. The world must now act accordingly, i.e. rapidly transition away from oil, coal and gas, aiming at >40% reductions by 2030 and reaching net-zero by 2050, as recognized in the text (2/4).

    Yet, the text on transition away from fossil-fuel remains too vague, with no accountability for 2030, 2040 & 2050. No recognition that scaling CO2 removal technology needs to occur in addition to fossil-fuel phase out, to have a chance of limiting global warming to 1.5°C (3/4)

    And there is no convincing plan on how to transition away from fossil-fuels. National voluntary action alone will not do it. Collective, global action, on finance, carbon pricing, and technology exchange are also needed, at a scale vastly exceeding what is now on the table (4/4).
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam